Nov. 13, 2024

Federation Congratulates FarmPAC Candidates

Alabama Farmers Federation congratulated Alabama FarmPAC-endorsed candidates for victories in the Nov. 5 general election. The organization’s grassroots political action committee notched wins in 22 of 23 races. 

“It was a big night for our country and our state,” said Federation President Jimmy Parnell. “Across America, families, farmers and business owners are concerned about the economy, secure borders, national defense and government overreach. On Nov. 5, voters from all walks of life took a stand for liberty, opportunity and security.”

Read more.

Leadership Conference Inspires Youth

Impact that inspires change. That’s the idea Alabama Farmers Federation Ag Leadership Programs Director Hunter McBrayer wanted attendees to embrace at the 2024 Alfa Youth Leadership Conference Nov. 4-5.

Over 80 Alabama high school freshmen and sophomores developed essential skills to carry back to their homes, schools and communities. They also participated in a character-building service project assembling toys to be given as Christmas presents to Children’s of Alabama patients.

Sponsors include county Farmers Federations, Alabama Ag Credit and Alabama Farm Credit.

Learn more.
Hear more on the Alabama AgCast.


The January 2025 feeder cattle futures contract dropped roughly $25 per CWT from July to August. Since early September, futures contract prices have rebounded about $15 per CWT. The futures chart illustrates seasonality within the futures market. Auction prices for 750-pound feeder cattle are typically lowest in spring when calves are yearlings. Click here to read more.

Submitted by Chris Prevatt


The Alabama Fruit & Vegetable Growers Association is hosting a cut-flower production workshop Dec. 3 in Chilton County. Topics include Alabama Cooperative Extension System's cut-flower research program, irrigation, fertigation, pest management and more. RSVP to Deborah Long at (334) 613-4268 or by Nov. 26. Click here for details.

Submitted by Blake Thaxton

Fruit & Vegetable

The Alabama Fruit & Vegetable Growers Association is hosting a regional membership meeting and networking event Dec. 3 in Chilton County. Dinner will be provided. RSVP to Deborah Long at (334) 613-4268 or by Nov. 26. Click here for details.

Submitted by Blake Thaxton


Egg prices are climbing due to increased holiday demand and lower egg supply, worsened by highly pathogenic avian influenza- related losses. Current prices are over 300% higher than last year and exceed 2022 levels, a year of historically high prices. Despite lower feed costs, high bird loss rates keep egg inventories low, with just a few days worth of supply. The U.S. Department of Agriculture warns additional losses could further escalate prices, potentially matching or surpassing 2022 levels. Click here to read more.

Submitted by Colton Christjohn

New County Leaders Visit Home Office

Nine new county Farmers Federation presidents spent Nov. 6-7 at the Alabama Farmers Federation home office in Montgomery for an orientation preparing them to better lead their counties.

They toured departments; received media training; and developed knowledge of Alfa Insurance, Federation history and Federation policy.

Edd Kennedy

Clarke County

Jamie Wyrosdick

Coffee County

Clint McElmoyl

DeKalb County

Wallace Drury

Hale County

Johnny Lee

Henry County

Colt Clemmons

Lauderdale County

Jerry Allen Newby

 Limestone County

Stinson Ellis

 Lowndes County

John Walker

Tuscaloosa County

Skeet Shoot Raises $43,000 for Ag Foundation

The Alabama Farmers Agriculture Foundation Skeet Shoot Nov. 1 raised $43,000 for scholarships, Ag in the Classroom, livestock shows and more.

Forty-four teams participated in the annual event at Selwood Farms in Alpine. The Blount County Farmers Federation won, and each team member received a Sweet Grown Alabama gift basket filled with Alabama-produced goods.

In addition, attendees enjoyed crafting custom Bone & Arrow earrings and 3:19 Brim Hats during the women's event.

View team photos.

On the Move in Auburn Ag

AU College of Ag Announces Leadership Transition

Auburn University (AU) has announced leadership changes within its College of Agriculture.

Dr. Paul Patterson’s tenure as dean and director of the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station will end in December as he and wife Louisa move to be closer to their children and grandchildren.

Dr. Art Appel will serve as interim dean, a role he previously held 2015-2016. 

Alum to Lead School of Fisheries

Andrew Rypel will serve as director of Auburn University's (AU) School of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Aquatic Sciences, effective March 22. Rypel currently holds leadership roles at the University of California at Davis. He received his master's degree from AU.

Read more about Rypel.

Federation Launches Alfa Health Plans Resource

The Alabama Farmers Federation recently launched, an easy-to-use resource highlighting the need for affordable, convenient, quality Alfa Health Plans. The website houses stories and testimonials from real farmers and small-business owners who are championing cost-effective health care coverage. 

Legislation that would allow creation of Alfa Health Plans will be introduced in the 2025 Legislative Session. Similar legislation in nine states has lowered members’ health coverage costs anywhere from 30% to 60%.

Visit the website.
Sign up to be an Alfa Health Plans legislation spokesperson.

This Month in Neighbors Magazine

On The Cover: Corporal Robert Luker came home to his family's Talladega County farm after serving in the Philippines during World War II. In the decades that followed, Luker grew the farm and purchased its first tractor - a '62 model John Deere 4010 he still owns.

More featured articles:

Call of Duty: Farmer-Veterans Reflect on Military Service

Alabamians Wild About New Master Naturalist Program

Going with Gotcher: Colbert County Couple Excels in Agriculture

A Healthy Option: Federation Members Could Benefit From Alfa Health Plans

Busy as a (Quilting) Bee

Auburn University Base of Military Land Management Center

Read the November issue.

Wilcox County Serves First Responders

The Wilcox County Farmers Federation (WCFF) Women's Leadership Committee (WLC) honored five county volunteer fire departments through a chili cookout Oct. 24. 

Firefighters and immediate fire personnel from Oak Hill, Camden, Miller’s Ferry, Furman and Pine Apple attended. During the event, WCFF WLC Chair Peggy Prevatt and WCFF President Jake Harper thanked firemen and support staff for willingness to serve and dedication to keeping local communities safe.

Get Agtive

Federation Annual Meeting: Dec. 8-10

Register here.

The Alabama Farmers Federation 103rd annual meeting is Dec. 8-10 in Montgomery.

  • Meal ticket orders are due Dec. 2.
  • Special entertainment by Neal McCoy is Dec. 8. Members can order tickets through Ticketmaster. Use code ALFA24 to purchase.
  • Alabama farmers who donate $100 or more to Alabama FarmPAC can meet Will Cain of Fox News at the annual meeting Dec. 9 during a special, invitation-only reception.
  • Following the reception, Cain will bring the keynote address during General Session III.

AFVGA Annual Conference: Feb. 5-7

Register here.

The Alabama Fruit & Vegetable Growers Association's annual conference is Feb. 5-7 in Gulf Shores.


  • Farm Tours 
  • Breakout Sessions & Workshops
  • Farm Market Speed Dating, sponsored by Sweet Grown Alabama
  • AFVGA Business Session & Awards Breakfast (ticketed event) 
  • AFVGA Family Social

Early bird registration ends Dec. 31. The cost is $175. Regular registration ends Jan. 19 and is $225.

Book lodging separately by Jan. 6.

Apply for OYFF by Jan. 10

Learn more.

Register for Jr. Livestock Expo

Exhibitors can now register for the Jr. Livestock Expo.

2025 dates:

  • March 7, Dairy Show
  • March 12-15, Beef Show
  • March 14-15, Swine Show
More information here.

Quick Clicks

  • Important provisions of the federal Corporate Transparency Act became active this year, requiring corporate entities to report beneficial ownership information. Click here to learn more.

  • Alabama’s rural counties saw more than $1.7 billion in new capital investment in 2023, resulting in 1,732 new job commitments. Gov. Kay Ivey touted the information Nov. 8 during an economic summit in Prattville. The report, produced by the Commerce Department, shows 10 forestry projects added 185 jobs with $299 million in investment. Click here to learn more.

  • The Alabama Department of Agriculture & Industries and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Marketing Service partnered to award $5.9 million for six projects through the Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure program. These will build resilience across the middle of the supply chain and strengthen local and regional food systems. Click here for more information.

  • Farmers and landowners have less than one month to return their ballots for Farm Service Agency (FSA) county committee elections. Ballots should be returned to local FSA offices or postmarked by Dec. 2. These committee members make decisions about how farm programs operate in local areas. Producers must participate in the programs to be eligible to vote for committee members. Click here to learn more.

Simply Southern TV Continues Season 10

Follow Simply Southern on Facebook and Instagram to get the latest news about the show.

Watch Simply Southern TV on YouTube.

Nov. 16/17/20: Outstanding Young Farm Family Runners-up Garrett and Robin Dixon of Lee County; the Children’s Hands On Museum in Tuscaloosa; an update on the Farm Bill with Mitt Walker of the Alabama Farmers Federation; Discover Extension’s segment on a community baby shower; and a Southern Bite recipe for Easy Strawberry Freezer Jam.


Nov. 23/24/27: Outstanding Young Farm Family Winners Whit and Amanda Lovelady of Talladega County; Pizzelle’s Confections in Huntsville; What’s in Season for November with Sweet Grown Alabama; and a Southern Bite recipe for Macaroni Salad.

In Memory

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