The Union Church in Waban               
Friday, January 18, 2019
This Sunday 
8:00 - Bible Study 

9:00 - Choir Rehearsal

10:00 - Sunday Worship 
Church Matters 
Mark your Calendars!  Church Council calls a Special Congregational Meeting for Sunday January 27th , 11:30 a.m.

Please plan to stay after church for an important meeting of the congregation.  Agenda will include a vote as to whether to affiliate ourselves with the American Baptist Churches (a step towards the installation of Rev. Amy Clark Feldman), a vote on the revised by-laws of UCW (go here for a copy of the by-laws and here for an executive summary of them), and finally to begin some envisioning for the next chapter in the life of the Union Church in Waban. 

Friday, January 25th at 6:30 

Come one come all!  Come new-comers and come long time members. 

Come share in a night of fabulous food and fellowship on
Friday, January 25th at 6:30 at the home of
Diane Tillotson and Karen Harvey ( 77 Cornell Street, Newton Lower Falls.) 
Go here if you'd like to sign up for a food contribution.  
Otherwise, just come and share in the fun. 

From the Deacons
V alentine Care Packages for
Our Young People
With help from our youth, the Deacons will be compiling Valentine Care Packages to send to our UCW young people who are in their first year of being away from home. We want them to know that the church is thinking of them and sending love.  If you have a young person who is newly away from home whether as a college freshman or in another setting please send Pastor Stacy  their mailing address so that we can send them a box of treats.  
Mission Matters
Thank You from Anne Jarvis at Project Care and Concern
I wanted to thank you all again for the beautiful Christmas gifts that you donated for our Seniors in low-income housing ­­ - everything was beautiful and wrapped so nicely, a real treat for our folks!  I see many of the folks that requested bathrobes walking around the houses looking sharp in their new robes!!!

Nicaragua News:
It is with great excitement that Union Church continues its partnership with the   Brugger Foundation to give a life changing opportunity to a dedicated and deserving high school student to attend college.   Please meet Marvin  who will begin classes this semester to become a nurse.   If you would like to send him some words of encouragement, you may send by email via  David Spertner   and it will be passed on to the foundation to be translated and delivered to him.   Please hold Marvin in your prayers as he begins this journey. 

Christmas Offering - Thank you for your generosity!
Our special collection raised $2,816 to support A Lift Up, a program of City Mission.  To learn more about this program, please go   here   or reach out to us your mission leadership team at    
Cradles to Crayons logo
Cradles to Crayons
Saturday, Feb. 16 , 1:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Volunteers & Donations Welcome!

We're looking for volunteers to accompany UCW's middle school and high school youth groups to Cradles to Crayons' Giving Factory in Brighton on Saturday, February 16th from 1:30-3:30 p.m. We are looking to bring a group of approximately 20 youth and adults to volunteer in the Giving Factory for this two-hour shift and would welcome any adults who would like to accompany the group. It is not necessary to have a child in the youth group. Carpools will be organized, leaving from UCW at 12:45 p.m. and expecting to return to UCW at 4:00 p.m. We will also have a box available in the Crocker Chapel for donations (please find a list of their most needed items, and items they accept on the box or at the Cradles to Crayons link here). Registration is required, so please RSVP via the Evite sent to families of youth, or contact Pastor Amy ( or Justin Pond.
Children, Youth and Families
Growing in Faith and Community 
A New Sunday School Classroom for Little Ones!
Calling New Teachers
Last Sunday, we had a wonderful first day with our new class of
pre-school through early-elementary school children! Thank you to all the volunteers who have stepped forward to teach and spend time with our kids in that room, and in our older classes. It is such a blessing! We are still looking for a few additional teachers/assistants to help with all ages. If you would like to learn more, or can volunteer a few Sundays this winter or spring to share a fun and rewarding morning with our children and young people, please connect with Pastor Amy ( Thank you!
Mini-Missions for Pre-K - 5th 
graders - Starting Soon!
We are thrilled to share that this winter and spring, our younger kids will once again participate in Mini-Missions! Mini-Missions is integrated into our Sunday School curriculum and involves our young ones in simple, tangible service projects in the community. The children own the projects from start to finish, with the goal of helping them see service as an integral part of their faith and lives, and realize they can make a difference in their communities and the world. We're looking for volunteers to assist with our service teams. If you can help, please talk to Pastor Amy ( or Jill Coull (

High School Youth Group - Ski Trip to Wachusett Mountain!
Sunday, Jan.27
The HS Youth Group will kick off the New Year with an evening ski trip on Jan. 27th! We'll carpool from UCW at 3:00 p.m. and plan to return by 9:00 p.m. This will replace our monthly gathering at the church. We hope you can join us - Bring a friend! RSVP to Pastor Amy or
Mark Smith.
Middle School Youth Group - Join us for Dinner Out on the Town
Friday, Feb. 1 st
On Fri., Feb. 1st, middle-schoolers are invited to kick off the year with dinner out together at The Biltmore Grille in Newton. Please RSVP to the Evite, or contact Glenn Cunningham or Pastor Amy.
Cradles to Crayons for all Youth 
Saturday, Feb. 16
Middle and High Schoolers are invited to serve at Cradles to Crayons, helping to prepare needed goods for children in Boston. Please see the announcement about this under the Mission section above. C2C requires pre-registration, so let us know if you can join us (via the Evites or by contacting Pastor Amy at It's going to be an
awesome afternoon!

Adult Education and Spiritual Formation 

Book Group
February 26, 6:30-8:00 p.m .
Our faith tradition affirms that all human beings are made in the image of God (Genesis 1: 26-28) and that we are "fearfully and wonderfully made" (Psalm 139: 14); and here at the Union Church in Waban we affirm the inherent dignity of all people and strive to live that out through our covenant that affirms the inclusive love of Jesus. 

As such, we invite you to enter into a journey that sociologist Arlie Russell Hochschild embarked upon with the desire to enter into conversation with people whose life experience and outlook were different than her own. "Strangers in Their Own Land" will be our winter reading. On February 26th from 6:30-8:00 p.m. we will gather for a robust conversation of this book led by our own Anya Bassett. We encourage you to consider making this study part of your New Year's resolutions as we live into "the conversational nature of reality" to borrow a quote from poet and philosopher David Whyte. If you have questions, please see Alan Cody or Pastor Stacy.
Midweek Bible Study
Does Sunday morning Bible Study at 8:00 a.m. feel like an impossibility? Do you feel like you don't have any idea really what the Bible is, where it came from, how it was formed, or even how best to engage with it? Does the Bible at best seem a bit suspect and at worst rather scary? Pastor Stacy wants to hear from you. She would like to offer a mid-week (daytime or evening depending on what works best for everyone) six week overview of the Bible using the Massachusetts Bible Society's "Exploring the Bible" series. Please be in touch with Stacy ( if you are interested.
Women's Retreat at Toah Nipi,
May 17-19 .
Whether you are a regular attender of Wellspring or not, you are welcome! Come away to the beauty and silence of Toah Nipi Retreat Center in Rindge, NH. This is a very special time to deepen friendships and grow in love of self, each other, and God. The retreat will begin Friday evening, May 17th, and finish by noontime on May 19th.

Coffee Hosts Needed for March 
Thank you to all those who have already signed up to host our coffee hour. We have many slots open as we  move into the new year.  
If  you are available, please consider signing-up    HERE  , 
or  let Aidan know at
Thank You!  
For a complete listing, and details of all upcoming events,  please 
visit our website, 
Note : Material for inclusion in the Friday e-Blast newsletter should be e-mailed to the office at , by 9:00 a.m. on the previous Wednesday morning.