The Union Church in Waban
Friday, November 13, 2020
Online Worship This Sunday
November 15th, 10:00 a.m. This Sunday we will continue to explore God's grace.
Our scripture this Sunday takes us one of perhaps the most beloved passages in the Gospels. Jesus tells us not to worry. God provides. (Matthew 6: 26-34). But the passage ends with an interesting twist that we will explore on Sunday.
Zoom Link is available HERE
Meeting ID: 813 7099 3006
Passcode: 552151
Or call in ID: 1 646 558 8656
A link to the bulletin is available HERE
Worship arts Ministry - you are invited!
After worship this sunday - in a zoom breakout room
Calling all artists! Whether you are a dancer, a musician, a singer, a visual artist, or whatever your artistic gift may be, you are invited to be a part of a group of artist's to incorporate your gifts into Sunday morning services and special services throughout the church year. Young and old, we want to make space for you to share your gifts more frequently in our virtual services. So would you join music minister, Daon Drisdom after church service this Sunday to introduce what this Worship Arts Ministry will be and see how you might like to fit in? If you have any question, please reach out to Daon.
(and see below) for a video of Pastor Amy (and Sam and Cody!) sharing this week's Bible story, wondering questions, activities and prayer for kids and families.
NOTE: To connect to Sunday Worship or to any of our online offerings, you may go to our website at www.ucw.org. There you will find a click through to Sunday morning worship and to other online opportunities. You may also use the link below.
Family Worship Forest Church In-Person
This Sunday, Nov. 15th, 3-4 p.m.
We meet the 1st and 3rd Sundays
Kids and their Grown-ups are invited to gather two afternoons a month in the greenspace in front of the church (surrounded by Collins Rd.) for a masked, distanced, in-person service. We'll wonder and wander (e.g. to the wooded path between Waban Ave.). The worship service will be less than an hour, and include time to share our Bible story for the week, encounter God in creation, pray for one another, and create something together. For more information please reach out to Pastor Amy (amy@ucw.org).
Also this Sunday - Youth Groups
From 4:00-5:00 p.m., 9th Grade Youth Group (in the greenspace outside UCW)
Come ready to paint as we prepare gifts for our Community Thanksgiving Dinner guests!
ADVENT begins November 29th
Advent devotional booklet
Our Advent theme this year is "Fear Not." As is our custom we will be compiling an Advent devotions booklet to accompany us through our walk of Advent. You are invited to write a reflection or poem, or perhaps create a piece of artwork or photography. This year, feel free also to record a piece of music or send in a video.
Please send all submission to Pastor Stacy by Nov. 22nd so that the booklet can be ready on the first Sunday of Advent which is November 29th.
Advent Sanctuary Walk and Other Activities
November 29th, 1:00 - 4:00 pm
You are invited to begin our walk through Advent by walking through our beloved Sanctuary! After our Hanging of the Greens service on Nov. 29 th (online), you are invited to come to the church to walk through the sanctuary. Take in the beauty of the space; lay a prayer you may have in the manger; light a candle of Hope. Afterwards, please stop by other stations that will be outside in the green space to create prayer wreathes and to pick up an Advent/Christmas packet for the season. For the sanctuary walk, please go HERE. Each 15 minute time period will be open to 3 individuals or family pods. For example, one may sign up as Susie Who (if just one person is going to walk through) or as the Who Family (if more than one individual plans on walking through). Masks and social distancing will be required
Also Mark Your Calendars for the Following Advent Gatherings
Spiritual Formation and Fellowship
Wednesday, November 18th at 6:30 p.m.
Wellspring is our women's group. We are gathering between 6:30 and 8:00 on zoom to center ourselves in the love of God, light candles as we check in about what is on our hearts and then engage in a thematic conversation.
Wellspring is a wonderful small group ministry for those women who may be seeking deeper connection to community and God.
Priscilla Kelso will guide us in a reflection entitled "In all things give thanks."
Meeting ID: 852 7851 3377
Passcode: 409989
Or call in at: +1 646 558 8656
Java Gents Goes Walking Outdoors at Elm Bank
Saturday, November 21st, at 10:0 p.m.
900 Washington St., Wellesley, MA 02482
| | Elm Park Reservation |
We are is pleased to announce that the men of the UCW, who were at our last zoom meeting, decided they'd like to try our next Java Gents outdoors for a walk. Elm Park Reservation was voted as the venue. November 21st the date. 10:00 am as the time. Buz Bedford and Jay O'Beirne will have plenty of coffee and nosh available before and after the stroll. We are excited about this new twist for Java Gents. Elm Bank offers safe, social distancing opportunities as well as scenic trails and fields. It should be a good time for all. Please contact either Jay (jayobeirne@gmail.com), or Buz (buzbed@gmail.com) if any questions.
Thanks Jay and Buz
Thanksgiving Dinner 2020
Saturday, November 21st, 2:00-4:00pm
Our beloved community event is going to look a little different this year! The plan is to have guests who are able drive around the church while we hand out packaged dinners and other goodies to them in their vehicles. We are also hoping to have some of our talented UCW musicians play outside to make it a bit more of an event! Thank you to the folks who have already volunteered. We are still in need of more bakers, especially pies or even mini pies!
- -Divvying up and packaging dinners in your own home. No warming necessary. (All set!)
- -Baking treats to be included in the bags. Maybe mini pies? (You can never have too many desserts!)
- -Arranging small flower bouquets (All set!)
- -Working a shift to hand out the dinners and direct traffic. (All set!)
- -Delivering meals (All set!)
If you are interested in helping with any of these tasks, please email Alicia Collins at aliciamaureencollins@gmail.com.Thank you for your support!
Special Collection
"According to experts, the pandemic is a "perfect storm" for domestic violence. DOVE is committed to partnering with diverse communities, families, and individuals impacted by domestic violence or partner violence. They promote hope, healing, safety, and social change by providing a broad range of preventive and responsive services. DOVE offers services ranging from 24-Hour Crisis Hotline, Emergency Shelter, Community Based Advocacy & Counseling, Legal Advocacy, and so much more.
To help support their mission we will dedicate our Thanksgiving offering to this incredible organization.
If you feel called to give, you can donate
Virtual Mitten Tree 2020!
Once again, our wonderful and generous congregation is supporting our friends at Project Care and Concern and Norwood Healthcare during this holiday season. For the residents of both of these organizations the Christmas gifts they receive from UCW are the only ones they receive at all. This is an opportunity for us to remind the residents that we are all a part of their family in Christ.
Normally, we would hang mittens on our Christmas tree in church, but that is of course not an option this year. So we are going to have our first ever Virtual Mitten Tree! Please use the Signup-Genius button below to sign-up for a "mitten" that identifies a recipient and the gift they requested.
Mitten Tree Sign-up: HERE
We will arrange drop-off moments at the church in the 2nd week of December so we can gather them and deliver them to Norwood Health and Project Care & Concern. So please keep an eye out for the Signup Genius when it goes out!
Annual Greens Sale 2020
It is time for our annual greens sale but like most events in 2020, this will be a scaled back event due to our suppliers not being able to offer the usual array.
Since the decorating of the sanctuary will be minimal, we are hoping that you will buy for your home, neighbors and friends. The proceeds from this sale goes towards the Nicaragua Mission Group.
Available For Sale
Christmas Trees: $50
12" Balsam Wreath with Red Bow: $16
14" Kissing Ball: $36
place an order by Nov 30th with item and quantity.
(Pick up will be Dec 4th and 5th, timings will be sent later.)
As always, we appreciate and thank you for your support!
Remote Teacher's Assistants Needed for Public School
The Boston Education Collaborative continues to support the urban public school districts in Boston, Cambridge and Chelsea. You may remember them from their presentation around public education last year at our church. With all classes online, they are looking for more volunteers to be a "Remote Teacher's assistant". It would require a commitment of 1-2 hours per week during school hours (8:00 a.m. - 4)00 p.m.) for a period of 3+ months.
You can also attend one of their regularly short information sessions:
Every Tuesday night through Dec. 15th, 8:30-9:00 PM
Every Wednesday morning through Dec. 16th, 8:30-9:00 AM
Advocates for Racial Justice
Myrtle Baptist Church was established in 1874, when Black members of the First Baptist Church (now Lincoln Park Baptist) decided they needed a place of their own. They had been well-treated at First Baptist, though relegated to the balcony, and went their separate way "not with feelings of of unkindness toward our white brethren but simply for the best good of all concerned."
Further reading:
Segregated by Design
You can watch the film Segregated by Design,(18 minutes) that summarizes the book Color of Law by Richard Rothstein, the Newton Reads event on November 17 th .
See announcement in the Wider Community section below full detail of the Newton Reads event.
We Are Seeking A Recipient For Our Next Loan
The 1K Task Force is currently looking for an appropriate recipient for our 1K loan. We have up to $2500 for a microfinance loan for a small business which reflects the values of our church community. Because we know black and brown businesses have more than twice the rate of closure during this time of Covid 19, than white small businesses, we are particularly reaching out to black and brown small business owners. If you have any contacts, possible suggestions or know any people who might be potential recipients please let us know .
Book Buddies!
We are able to distribute loaves and fishes in the form of books to children who are hungry for reading.
Church members can discuss how we can continue our participation in the literacy initiative Jo is leading with school children in Lowndes County. We hope to be able to match church members/families to become Book Buddies with early readers in Lowndes County. We envision sending our Book Buddy a new paperback each month and perhaps connecting with them as pen pals or virtual friends. Team-Lead: Jenny Weisz (jennyweisz@comcast.net). If you are interested please use the sign-up link below:
Be Part of our On-going Common Cathedral Team
For More Details and Ways You Can Help: GO HERE
We are bound in powerful ways to our beloved unhoused siblings in Boston. Our team of UCW members continues to bring sandwiches, granola bars, fruit, socks and other needed items - like cards and notes of love and support - to Common Cathedral's Boston Warm Day Center each week. We very much hope to continue to walk with our friends at Boston Warm into the fall, for as long as they need us. Come be part of this awesome team!
This Week's Prayground with Pastor Amy
This week, we listen to Jesus as he tells us not to worry, but instead consider how God cares the birds and flowers. We wonder about our own worry, and who in our lives loves us and cares for us no matter what happens, what we do, or how we feel. We are invited to take a walk to watch the birds and flowers, or to create our own paper bird. You can see a video with Pastor Amy (with special guests Sam and Cody!) below.
| Prayground with Pastor Amy - Do Not Worry - Nov. 15, 2020 |
To see all of this week's Story , Video, Wondering Questions,
Activities and Prayers go HERE
With joy and peace, we are invited to gather to make space for the mystery, light and hope of this season. Please plan to join us:
November 29th, 1:00-4:00 p.m. - ADVENT I
Advent Sanctuary Walk and Activities for All Ages (Pick up Advent Materials for your Families)
See above for details and the Sign-up Link- Families are invited to be part of this special afternoon when we will distribute all materials for Advent Wreaths, Family devotionals and more.
December 6th - 3.00-4.00 p.m. - ADVENT 2
Intergenerational Star Lights in the Darkness
Interested in making a beautiful stick star? Join us at church during Forest Church on this day. The stars can be placed outside or indoors and will add a special tinkle of light during these dark days. We'll make a few extra to hang outside the church.
All you need to bring is five sticks each 3-5' long, 14 heavy duty rubber bands and two strings of lights. We will also have materials for smaller stars, or you can bring your own smaller sticks, fairy lights and rubber bands.
We'll show you how to put it together and then... ENJOY! For details or to help, contact Jane at jane@purser.org.
December 13th - 10:00 a.m. Zoom Worship - ADVENT 3
Children and Youth Share the Christmas Story
Our Christmas pageant will look a little different this year, but we still hope our children and youth will help lead us in sharing the Story of Christmas with readings, prayers, art and music. If you or your children or youth are able to participate with a live or pre-recorded reading or music, please contact Pastor Amy (amy@ucw.org) or Kathy Malone (j2kathleen@gmail.com). If they would like to contribute artwork for the service, please contact Cindy Spertner at cspertner@yahoo.com. Thank you!
December 22nd- 3:00-4:00 p.m. - ADVENT 4
All-Ages Come to the Manger - Forest Church
We'll create small Creches with wooden blocks and illustrated ministry stickers to bring home, and add the animals, angels and more to our manger (like we do on Christmas Eve).
Sunday, Nov. 15th, 4:15-5:15pm
We'll gather after Forest Church in the park across from the church! Come ready to paint as we'll prepare gifts for our guests at the Community Thanksgiving Dinner.
Youth Group Trip to NH -
Church in the Woods and the Shaker Village
Sunday, Nov. 22nd, 9am to 4pm
This is a relaxed and optional trip for our Youth Group families, and any Exploring Our Faith mentors (or others!) who would like to come, to explore the beauty of Canterbury, NH, and some of the different types of Christian communities and worship that have made Canterbury their home. We'll depart on Sunday morning around 9am, visit the Shaker Village (Pastor Amy is confirming this is still possible given the recent rise in Covid cases), and then visit the Church in the Woods ( https://kairosearth.org/church-of-the-woods/). The priest of the Church in the Woods has offered to gather with us before their outdoor worship service at 2pm. We will return home shortly after dark.
Please note that because of Covid, carpooling may not be possible, unless special arrangements are made. We encourage parents to consider coming with us as drivers if their non-driver youth would like to come! We'd love to have you!
I'm trying to get a handle on our numbers as I talk with both sites, and so an RSVP yes or no would be so helpful! Details of the trip can be found in the Sign-up Genius.
Children and Families at UCW
Parents Group - Every Tuesday at 7:30 pm
We continue to gather to connect, laugh and share mutual support as we do the good work of parenting in these challenging times. If you aren't on the parents list and would like to join us, please send Annie or Pastor Amy a note at agatewood@gmail.com, or amy@ucw.org
Fall 2020 Children Youth and Families Packet
We continue to gather to connect, laugh and share. Please go HERE for:
- An Overview of our Children, Youth and Families Ministries for Fall 2020
- The Fall Calendar
- Weekly Pages with Bible stories, questions to ponder, activities and prayers
We are asking all families to register children and youth this year, to make sure we have updated contact and health information, and also to share and ask for your adherence to the Phase Forward guidelines adopted to keep us safe in the time of Covid.
or visit the website to find both the packet and form HERE.
Please look at the Sign Up Genius HERE, and sign up to read Scripture. Youth are greatly encouraged to sign up, too! (The link is also always available on the ucw.org
Thanks you, UCW Deacons
We, the members of The Union Church in Waban, true to our founding principle of being an inclusive church, covenant together to nourish and to sustain in our common life and practice a fully welcoming and affirming church for all persons. Welcoming all persons who seek to join with us in a commitment to love God and our neighbors, affirming the inclusive love of Jesus, we are open to all, without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, nationality, ability or economic circumstance. We invite all to full participation in our worship, membership, leadership and life of this church.