The Union Church in Waban
Online Worship This Sunday
Special Worship Service
This Sunday
October 25th, 10:00 a.m.
A highlight of the all church retreat is the Sunday morning worship service. This is a service that is organic and emerges with the participation of all who are on retreat. It is a time when we remember that worship is not a performance but a time for participation. In that spirit, we will have a special time of worship this Sunday. In this worship we will be sharing what we have learned from our time with the Scripture passage of the Feeding of the 5000. There will be much to feast upon this Sunday so please join in!
Zoom Link is available HERE
Meeting ID: 821 2200 7066
Passcode: 562855
Or call in ID: 1 646 558 8656
A link to the bulletin is available HERE
(and see below) for a video of Pastor Amy sharing this week's Bible story, wondering questions, activities and prayer for kids and families.
NOTE: To connect to Sunday Worship or to any of our online offering, you may go to our website at www.ucw.org. There you will find a click through to Sunday morning worship and to other online opportunities. You may also use the link below.
Worship on Sunday Afternoon and During the Week
Family Worship Forest Church In-Person
1st and 3rd Sundays at 3-4pm
Kids and their Grown-ups are invited to gather two afternoons a month in the greenspace in front of the church (surrounded by Collins Rd.) for a masked, distanced, in-person service. We'll wonder and wander (e.g. to the wooded path between Waban Ave.). The worship service will be less than an hour, and include time to share our Bible story for the week, encounter God in creation, pray for one another, and create something together. Unless the weather is truly dangerous, we'll follow the saying, "There's no bad weather, only the wrong clothing." We'll find Jesus as living water in the rain; and snow angels in the cold! For more information please reach out to Pastor Amy (amy@ucw.org).
Gathering Space -
2nd and 4th Thursdays
We welcome you to "The Gathering Space," a quiet and contemplative space for our spiritual selves. The 30-minute Zoom gathering offers a brief but precious opportunity to pause and be comforted through music, meditation, candle lighting, poetry, readings from various faith traditions, and a time for lifting up prayers. The Gathering Space will be available on the 2
nd and 4th Thursdays of the month at 7:30 p.m. Our next "Gathering Space" is November 12th.Join Zoom Here; Meeting ID: 820 3485 2071; Passcode: 359199. Or call in at: +1 646 558 8656
Dinner Church
1st and 3rd Thursdays, 6:30-7:30 pm - Next Gathering Nov. 5th
All-ages are invited to gather together (on Zoom) for dinner and worship! We'll begin as a large group and then break into smaller groups for deeper conversation and prayer. Come as you are, and if you've already eaten dinner, join us with your dessert! Zoom links are below. We'll generally follow the Weekly Scripture and Discussion Questions in the Children and Youth Ministries packet, so you can follow along at home, even if you aren't able to join us! To access that packet and the weekly pages CLICK HERE. On November 5th, we will consider All Saints Day and the saints in our lives (Nov. 5th, 19th; Dec. 3rd, 17th)
- Join the Dinner Church Zoom Room: HERE
- Meeting ID: 935 8056 6952
- Passcode: 895827
- Dial-in: +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
All Church Retreat - Continues!
It's RETREAT time!
Instead of going away for the weekend, we will be taking the month of October to explore the Scripture passage of the Feeding of the Five Thousand (John 6: 1-15) and consider what we may be hungry for in this time and what we may have to share with others.
Our retreats have always been a good opportunity for fellowship and connection. And of course a chance to be spiritually fed. We look forward to doing the same in this zoom format. Youth and children have always been a joy to include and are welcome. Join us as we create retreat space for our Congregation despite the limitations of gathering together in this time.
Throughout the Month of October
There will be a variety of small group offerings that will help us enter more deeply into the scripture. For a listing of the small group offerings and how to connect please go HERE and scroll down to the section entitled LISTING OF OFFERINGS. You will also find the offerings listed on the calendar on the website or go HERE for a printable calendar. We want to lift up these offerings:
Virtual Game Night with Soo Laski
Tonight! Friday, Oct. 23 at 7:00 pm
Come join fellow UCWers for our first ever Virtual Game Night. Some possible games are Catan, Skribbl.io (Pictionary), Crazy 8's, or Parcheesi (Sorry). Feel free to suggest or bring your own. All of these games are easily accessible free online and with the option to create a private game. We will all gather on Zoom and head to breakout rooms based on our chosen interests.
Skribbl.io requires no set up.
Catan requires a free account. To create and register go HERE
Parchesi requires a free account, to sign up go HERE
Feel Free to bring your own game.
Meeting ID: 842 1782 4296,
Passcode: 750426
Virtual Arnold Arboretum Tour with Bart Kelso
Tomorrow! Saturday Oct. 24 at 1:00 pm
Log onto zoom and join Bart as he walks us through the beautiful landscape of the arboretum. Stopping to consider several trees and bushes, Bart will help us to see God's glory and abundance as evidenced in the natural world.
Meeting ID: 813 2999 6036
Passcode: 907747
Helping Hands Community!
This Sunday! Sunday, Oct. 25 from 12 - 3:00 p.m.
Come be part of this beloved, fun, meaningful afternoon! This year, in addition to fall clean-up, we'll include other ways to connect with and support one another (e.g. dropping off care-packages, working on some exciting projects around the church grounds). We'll gather at 12noon to connect as community, coordinate our work, and help our church family out (in safe, outdoor, distanced) ways! Below you can sign up to be a:
- HOST: Hosts have a project around their homes (preferably outdoors), or have some other way we can lend a hand (like babysitting or shopping)!
- TEAM LEADER: This person is willing to be the contact with their host and coordinate people on-site (including monitoring covid-safety)
- HELPING HANDS: These people can include all ages willing to lend a helping hand and connect with others!
- THANK YOU for letting us know how you can be part of this awesome day by emailing Pastor Amy (amy@ucw.org) or SIGNING UP HERE (SIGN-UP GENIUS)!
Yoga Nidra with Chanel Lobdell
Monday, Oct. 26 at 7:00 pm
Sleep is key to our physical and mental health. This year has caused many people to struggle with getting their recommended hours of sleep. Many people have also been reporting an increase in nightmares during this time. So to help combat this, we will be hosting bi-weekly Yoga Nidra (aka Sleep Yoga). Yoga Nidra- known as yogic sleep-is a meditation and conscious relaxation practice that is intended to induce total physical, mental, and emotional relaxation. It is said that 30 minutes of this practice can equal up to three hours of sleep. Anyone can participate, all that is needed is a comfy spot to lay back and relax and access to Zoom.
Meeting ID: 854 6653 8417
Passcode: 433398
Or call in at +1 646 558 8656
Book Buddies!
We are able to distribute loaves and fishes in the form of books to children who are hungry for reading.
As part of our retreat, church members can discuss how we can continue our participation in the literacy initiative Jo is leading with school children in Lowndes County. We hope to be able to match church members/families to become Book Buddies with early readers in Lowndes County. We envision sending our Book Buddy a new paperback each month and perhaps connecting with them as pen pals or virtual friends. Team-Lead: Jenny Weish (jennyweisz@comcast.net). If you are interested please use the sign-up link below:
Support Local Black and Minority Owned Businesses
With home being our new place of work, school, and so much more, the kitchen has seen a big increase in use. Somedays the thought of stepping into the kitchen can be well... overwhelming. So why not order take out and at the same time support local black and minority owned businesses? Check out these restaurants and give them a try! If you do, don't forget to leave a good review and spread the love.
Allston: Rock City Pizza (American)
Jamaica Plain: Blue Nile River (Ethiopian)
Boston: MIDA (Italian)
Roxbury: Soleil (Southern Style with a Soleil Twist)
Birth of a Movement (2020)
Exclusive Opportunity to View An Outstanding Film
BREAKING NEWS: Bester Cram, a Producer of the film will be joining our conversation on November 2nd
We have been given an exclusive opportunity to view the outstanding film Birth of a Movement (2020) about how William Trotter of Boston created a national protest movement against the film Birth of a Nation (1915) and how it celebrated Klu Klux Klan violence against African Americans.
You can register and then receive the link to watch the film any time at your convenience. We are asked not to share this link. It is provided for us by one of the producers Bester Cram (yes, Julian's Dad). (You could also watch the Birth of a Nation if you desire).
On November 2nd at 7:00 p.m. we will have an opportunity for a zoom-talk together about this amazing movie with a local angle.
We Are Seeking A Recipient For Our Next Loan
The 1K Task Force is currently looking for an appropriate recipient for our 1K loan. We have up to $2500 for a microfinance loan for a small business which reflects the values of our church community. Because we know black and brown businesses have more than twice the rate of closure during this time of Covid 19, than white small businesses, we are particularly reaching out to black and brown small business owners. If you have any contacts, possible suggestions or know any people who might be potential recipients please let us know .
Advocates for Racial Justice
On October 21st, 1835, William Lloyd Garrison, a prominent white abolitionist and newspaper editor in the 19 thcentury, was seized by a mob, dragged through the streets of Boston by a rope around his waist as the mob threatened to kill him.
Compass: a racial justice group walking together
New Offering - beginning this coming week
On the path towards racial justice and living in a more just world, we often think we are in a different place then we actually are. We would all like to think we have it figured out; our blind spots become more apparent with the help of others. We will be looking at the way race and racism functions: in our lives and each other's. This will help us to know where we are on the journey, and how to use this group as a compass to find the way towards a more just life and world. In this nonjudgmental approach we may find freedom to incorporate this discipline in our faith journeys together. Have you ever asked yourself these questions in response to the news headings we been seeing lately: What my response as a Christian to racism in these times? What is my calling in these divided times? What is my role in this? If these questions have ever been on your heart and soul or if you want to learn more join our group! If you are interested please reach out to Ministerial Intern Eden Johnson or Pastor Stacy.
Fall Fill-A-Bag for the Centre Street Food Pantry
Since COVD-19 struck, demand has more than doubled at the Centre Street Food Pantry and they need our help! They are asking for people to bring pre-packed bags filled with foods that kids love. So during your next trip to the grocery store make sure to grab the items below and pack them up in a brown handle shopping bag (double bagged please). Then on either October 19th 4-6 or October 24th 10-12 stop by 11 Homer Street Newton Center (entrance from Furber Lane) and drop the pre-packed bags off. Can't drop them off on that date? Feel free to drop them off at the church in the two big green tubs outside or bring them to any youth and children events. If those do not work either, feel free to reach out to chanellobdell@gmail.com to coordinate a time for someone to pick it up and drop it off for you.
Fall Call to Be Part of our On-going
Common Cathedral Team
Plans to Continue this Ministry
"If you have come here to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you have come here because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together."
- Lilla Watson
We are bound in powerful ways to our beloved unhoused brothers and sisters in Boston. Our team of UCW members continues to bring sandwiches, granola bars, fruit, socks and other needed items - like cards and notes of love and support - to Common Cathedral's Boston Warm Day Center each week. We very much hope to continue to walk with our friends at Boston Warm into the fall, for as long as they need us. Come be part of this awesome team!
For More Details and Ways You Can Help: GO HERE
Parenting Perspectives on Teen Mental Health
With the pandemic and all the challenges of this time, we know many teens and families are struggling, and that mental health concerns are growing. UCW and Myrtle Baptist Church are co-sponsoring this important (free, zoom) discussion for Parents, hosted by Families for Depression Awareness. We hope you will join us! Below is a description:
"Parents and other caring adults in teen's lives may be hesitant to discuss mental health with each other out of embarrassment or lack of knowledge. This can lead parents to feel isolated-like their family is the only one struggling with these issues.
You are not alone! We can join together as parents to learn how to support teens through tough situations such as chronic stress, anxiety attacks, periods of depression, hospitalization, and even suicide attempts.
During this free virtual event, Parent Speakers discuss how they recognized that their teen was having mental health problems, what they did to help, mistakes they made, and advice for parents in similar situations. Attendees will have the opportunity to listen, ask questions, and engage in dialogue with panelists. CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW TO REGISTER
This Week's Prayground with Pastor Amy
This week, we share the story of God's people in the wilderness, and how God provides manna for them, with activities and questions in our Weekly Pages.
| Prayground for October 25th Elijah and the Widow |
Children and Families This Fall at UCW
We miss seeing you all, and are holding all of our children, youth and families in prayer this week as many return to school!
- An Overview of our Children, Youth and Families Ministries for Fall 2020
- The Fall Calendar
- Weekly Pages with Bible stories, questions to ponder, activities and prayers
Sacred Spaces at Home, Prayground Boxes & Weekly Resources
These boxes will have materials to help you and your family find moments of peace and connection throughout the week, and will also have weekly Bible Stories, lessons and activities that will connect to Sunday morning worship. We have delivered most of the boxes and hope to connect with any families that don't have one this weekend. If you don't have a box and would like one, please be in touch with Pastor Amy (amy@ucw.org)
FAMILY WORSHIP - FOREST CHURCH! Wondering and Wandering Together - Sundays, November 1st and 15th
See more details in the calendar (and above) and plan to join us for these outdoor, intergenerational, in-person gatherings on Sunday afternoons throughout the fall.
We are asking all families to register children and youth this year, to make sure we have updated contact and health information, and also to share and ask for your adherence to the Phase Forward guidelines adopted to keep us safe in the time of Covid.
or visit the website to find both the packet and form HERE.
Parents Group - Every Tuesday at 7:30 pm (THIS COMING TUESDAY, PLEAE JOIN THE TEEN MENTAL HEALTH DISCUSSION ABOVE): After next week, we will continue to gather to connect, laugh and share mutual support as we do the good work of parenting in these challenging times. If you aren't on the parents list and would like to join us, please send Annie or Pastor Amy a note at agatewood@gmail.com, or amy@ucw.org
Sunday, Oct. 25th- 12noon-3pm - Helping Hands Sunday! Please plan to join us for this beloved, fun, meaningful afternoon! We'll gather in the late morning, early afternoon connecting as community, cleaning up yards, and helping community members out in other (safe, outdoor, distanced) ways! See more details above under the Retreat Section or Click on the link here to sign up! PLEASE FILL IN THIS SIGN-UP GENIUS TO LET US KNOW IF/HOW YOU CAN JOIN IN!
Sunday, Nov. 1st - Exploring Our Faith -10-11th Grade Youth Group, 4:30-6pm Stay tuned for details about a new location for this gathering.
Sunday, Nov. 8th - Middle School Youth Group, 3:30-5pm
We'll start with a short Forest Church gathering for Middle School parents and kids, and then have youth group!
Sunday, Nov. 15th - 9th Grade Youth Group, 4:15-5:15pm
We'll gather after Forest Church!
Spiritual Formation and Fellowship
Book Group
Tuesday, Oct. 27 at 7:00 p.m.
Please join us for a discussion of the Color of Law. We will gather on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 868 3833 8181 Passcode: 702399 Dial by your location: +1 646 558 8656
You are invited to Lunch Bunch
Wednesday, October 28, , 12:00 - 1:30 on zoom
Please join us for our monthly gathering where we take some time to be nourished by each other's company and sharing.
It is October and change is in the air. The leaves are turning. The temperatures is dropping. The days are growing shorter. Change is all around us. And yet in the midst of this change some things endure.
This coming Wednesday, let's take some time to consider and share some of what endures in our own lives. Perhaps in our time together we could consider:
- What about fall brings you joy?
- What is your favorite sweet? And if it is candy which candy?
- Do you have a memory of a Halloween that is particularly sweet to you? A favorite costume or surprise that delighted you?
Hope to see you next Wednesday! If you have any trouble connecting to the zoom link below, please call me at 627-759-9016.
Meeting ID: 895 2660 2540 Passcode: 929014 Call in : +1 646 558 8656
Wellspring Women's Group
Oct. 28, 6:30 p.m.
Bring a candle to our gathering. As is our custom we will begin with some centering music. Then we will hear how it is with our souls and in our lives as we check in. As we do, we light our candle to be reminded of the light of God's love that burns brightly within and through us right in the midst of all we face. We will end with a brief meditation on God's presence in Liminal times and offer to you a poem called "Invitation" by Oriah Mountain Dreamer. These are challenging times but we are not alone. We are strong together and with God.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 844 4342 8306
Passcode: 378494
Dial by your location - +1 646 558 8656
Please look at the Sign Up Genius HERE, and sign up to read Scripture. Youth are greatly encouraged to sign up, too! (The link is also always available on the ucw.org
Thanks you, UCW Deacons
We, the members of The Union Church in Waban, true to our founding principle of being an inclusive church, covenant together to nourish and to sustain in our common life and practice a fully welcoming and affirming church for all persons. Welcoming all persons who seek to join with us in a commitment to love God and our neighbors, affirming the inclusive love of Jesus, we are open to all, without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, nationality, ability or economic circumstance. We invite all to full participation in our worship, membership, leadership and life of this church.