The Reporter 2023
May - June Issue
“Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.”
-- Henry David Thoreau --
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DOE Published a Final Rule; Compliance Date Extension Pertaining to Energy Standards for Manufactured Housing
On May 30th, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) published a Federal Register notice publishing a final rule to amend the compliance date for its manufactured housing energy conservation standards. Currently, manufacturers must comply with these standards on and after May 31, 2023. This final rule delays compliance until July 1, 2025, for Tier 2 homes, and until 60 days after issuance of enforcement procedures for Tier 1 homes. DOE is delaying the compliance date to allow DOE more time to establish enforcement procedures that provide clarity for manufacturers and other stakeholders regarding DOE’s expectations of manufacturers and DOE’s plans for enforcing the standards.
- This final rule is effective May 30, 2023.
Find product information for Manufactured Housing including current standards and test procedures, statutory authority, waivers, exceptions and contact information.
Ask Your Representative in Congress
to Cosponsor H.R. 3327,
Affirming HUD as the Sole Regulator
Building upon the compliance delay of the Energy Rule, we ultimately need to have the law fixed to ensure the industry is never again faced with the chaos caused by conflicting regulations coming from two different federal agencies. Congress must hear from all sectors of the manufactured housing industry about the urgent need to change federal statute.
Congressman David Kustoff (R-TN) and Congresswoman Terri Sewell (D-AL) have introduced H.R. 3327, the Manufactured Housing Affordability and Energy Efficiency Act of 2023. This bipartisan legislation clarifies and reaffirms the longstanding role of HUD as the sole regulator of federal manufactured housing construction standards to prevent future issues with conflicting standards originating from different federal agencies.
Join MHI's efforts and tell your Representative to support H.R. 3327. To participate in this Call to Action click here and follow the simple steps on MHI's website. MHI wrote a letter that you can send by simply inserting your home address and clicking submit.
Supreme Court Ruling Limits EPA’s Authority over Waters of the United States
In late May, the Supreme Court handed down a unanimous verdict in the case of Sackett v. EPA, effectively curtailing the EPA’s authority under the Clean Water Act to regulate “waters of the United States” (WOTUS). MHI, along with many housing and business industry groups, has consistently expressed concerns about the definition of WOTUS and long called for a rule that ends the uncertainty about where federal jurisdiction begins and ends. Previous revised definitions created uncertainty for landowners and developers about whether waters (such as ponds and ditches) on their property require them to go through the federal permitting process under the Clean Water Act. MHI supports the Court’s decision and will continue to work with its industry partners to address these issues.
MHI Joins Coalition Opposing New Proposed Overtime Pay Regulations
MHI, along with a coalition of business organizations, sent a letter to Department of Labor (DOL) Acting Secretary Julie Su requesting that DOL abandon or postpone altering the overtime regulations under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The letter notes that “current workforce shortages, supply chain disruptions, economic contraction, and inflation are pushing operational costs ever higher,” and as a result, “many businesses are not well-positioned to absorb new labor costs associated with changes to the overtime pay regulations, and such changes would only exacerbate the difficulties businesses are currently facing.” Read the full letter.
MHI Joins Housing Coalition Urging Congress to Act on America’s Housing Affordability Crisis
On May 23rd, MHI joined with a broad coalition of real estate advocacy groups urging Congress to address America’s housing affordability crisis.
The letter outlined a comprehensive package of regulatory and legislative measures that would go a long way toward addressing the supply shortage. These include the YIMBY Act, the elimination of exclusionary zoning, and supporting the Housing Supply and Affordability Act. The coalition also expressed support for the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit, incentivizing adaptive reuse of underutilized commercial properties, and enhancing opportunity zones to support rehabilitation of housing units.
FHFA: U.S. Home Prices Rise 4.3 Percent
According to a recent press release from the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), U.S. home prices rose 4.3 percent from the first quarter of 2022 compared to the first quarter of 2023. FHFA noted that “the U.S. housing market has experienced positive annual appreciation each quarter since the start of 2012.” Comparing the first quarters of 2022 and 2023, home prices increased in 43 states and in 78 of the top 100 largest metropolitan areas. Read the full press release.
MHI Co-signs Coalition Letter in Support of the Yes in My Backyard (YIMBY) Act
On Thursday, May 18, MHI joined with a broad coalition of trade associations as well as state and local organizations to co-sign a letter in support of the Yes in My Backyard (YIMBY) Act. The YIMBY Act requires localities that receive Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding to publicly report on whether or not they have adopted a suite of local policies that affect housing affordability and availability. The legislation encourages communities to play a constructive role in solving the housing crisis by recognizing and eliminating exclusionary housing policies. The legislation specifically identifies “allowing manufactured homes in areas zoned primarily for single-family residential homes” as a means of tracking and rectifying discriminatory land use policies. MHI has supported this legislation in prior sessions of Congress and continues to work with coalition partners to support its passage. Click here to read the coalition letter.
MHI Co-Signs Letter in Support of the Main Street Tax Certainty Act of 2023
Last Thursday, Senator Steve Daines (R-MT) introduced the “Main Street Tax Certainty Act.” This bill would prevent tax rate hikes on America’s individually- and family-owned businesses by making the Section 199A 20-percent deduction permanent. MHI joined a coalition of more than 140 trade associations in co-signing a letter in support of this legislation. Read the coalition letter here.
THA is headed to Washington!
MHI on the Hill:
Advancing Attainable Homeownership
THA members will join MHI in Washington, D.C. on June 6th -7th, for MHI on the Hill: Advancing Attainable Homeownership.
Held in advance of HUD’s Innovative Housing Showcase, this two-day program will include time for visits to Congressional offices to talk with lawmakers about issues impacting the industry.
In conjunction with this event, Cavco and UMH Properties (THA members) will be displaying a home on the National Mall.
The event will include receptions for networking with fellow champions for attainable homeownership, including fellow members and lawmakers.
Hancock County Middle/High School Student
Receives Prestigious 2023 Stan and Thelma Plumlee
Technical Scholarship
(Mount Juliet, TN) The Board of Directors of the Tennessee Housing Association announced that Trenton B. Jones of Sneedville, Tennessee, has been selected to receive a 2023 Stan and Thelma Plumlee Technical Scholarship, in the amount of $2,000. Mr. Jones is a senior at Hancock County Middle/High School in Sneedville, Tennessee.
This technical scholarship is awarded by the Tennessee Housing Association, as an honor to the late Stan Plumlee of West Tennessee. Mr. Plumlee was a pioneer of the manufactured housing industry. He was a man of upstanding character, tremendous compassion and dedication, an avid proponent of higher education, and a friend to all.
Executive Director, Marla McAfee, stated “In recent years, constructed-related industries have had very few individuals apply for educational assistance, whose intent was to pursue advanced training through a trade or technical school. The Tennessee Housing Association values these gifted students and appreciates their specific talents and ambitions. Currently, there are an estimated 650,000 construction-related jobs available across the nation. The manufactured housing industry is one of many construction-related businesses who are successful due to specialized artisans. We commend Trenton’s desire to continue his education in the trades.
The Scholarship Committee looks for well-rounded students, and those with a vision of what they wish to accomplish in their future professional careers. Trenton is a great choice for this award. It takes self-discipline to manage academics, extra-curricular activities/clubs, and to work simultaneously. Trenton is already a successful entrepreneur! We have no doubt Trenton will succeed in his academic pursuits, as well as in life.”
Trenton plans to attend the Tennessee College of Applied Technology (TCAT) of Morristown to pursue a certification in welding and would like to participate in an introduction on the use of heavy equipment.
The Tennessee Housing Association looks forward to following the academic pursuit of Trenton, and we will celebrate his successes along the way.
Pretty Home? Let Us Film It!
The production team at is currently looking for installed manufactured and modular homes that will represent the industry in our state. If any of our THA members have recently set a home and the landscaping is now complete, drop a picture of the exterior to
Accredited Community Manager (ACM) - Designation -
The ACM curriculum is a two-part course for owners and managers of manufactured home communities. Topics include management and resident policies, community maintenance, leasing and sales techniques, marketing communities, taxes, insurance, financial management, business planning, physical asset management, and federal and fair housing laws.
New Fair Housing and Civil Rights Page Now Available on the HUD Exchange
HUD’s Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO) is pleased to sponsor the new Fair Housing and Civil Rights page on the HUD Exchange! This page contains resources and trainings aimed at helping HUD program participants and the public understand fair housing and civil rights laws and regulations.
Fair housing and civil rights are critical in making sure all Americans have equal access to the housing of their choice. HUD program participants must comply with fair housing and civil rights laws and regulations. The public is protected by fair housing and civil rights laws and can benefit from understanding these protections.
Prepare for 2023 TN Sales Tax Holidays
Sales tax holiday on clothing, school supplies, and computers,
begins at 12:01 am on Friday, July 28, 2023, and ends at 11:59 pm on Sunday, July 30, 2023.
Sales Tax holiday on food and food ingredients begins...
at 12:01 a.m. on Tuesday, August 1, 2023, and ends at 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, October 31, 2023.
- School and art supplies with a purchase price of $100 or less per item, such as binders, backpacks, crayons, paper, pens, pencils, and rulers, and art supplies such as glazes, clay, paints, drawing pads, and artist paintbrushes
Not exempt:
- School and art supplies individually priced at more than $100
- Items that are normally sold together cannot be split up to stay beneath the $100 maximum
- General apparel that costs $100 or less per item, such as shirts, pants, socks, shoes, dresses, etc.
Not exempt:
- Apparel items priced at more than $100
- Items sold together, such as shoes, cannot be split up to stay beneath the $100 maximum
- Items such as jewelry, handbags, or sports and recreational equipment
- Computers for personal use with a purchase price of $1,500 or less
- Laptop computers, if priced at $1,500 or less, also qualify as well as tablet computers
Not exempt:
- Storage media, like flash drives and compact discs
- Individually purchased software
- Printer supplies
- Household appliances
Food and Food Ingredients
Food and food ingredients are defined as liquid, concentrated, solid, frozen, dried, or dehydrated substances that are sold to be ingested or chewed by humans and are consumed for their taste or nutritional value. Food and food ingredients do not include alcoholic beverages, tobacco, candy, or dietary supplements.
113th Tennessee General Assembly
The 2023 session of the One Hundred Thirteenth General Assembly adjourned on April 21, 2023.
The General Assembly will reconvene at 12:00 noon (CST) on Tuesday, January 9, 2024.
The state's final budget, totaling $56.2 billion, included many key initiatives of the Governor’s administration, such as the Tennessee Works Tax Reduction and Jobs Investment Act; the Transportation Modernization Act; increased education funding; and a $250 million deposit into the state’s Rainy Day Fund.
The Tennessee Works Act, which provides more than $400 million in tax relief for Tennesseans, includes a three month grocery sales tax holiday that will run from August through October of this year, expands the excise tax exemption for small businesses to the first $50,000 in net income, exempts the first $500,000 in TN property from the franchise tax, reduces the top business tax rate from 0.3% to 0.1875% on certain businesses, establishes a two-year Paid Family Tax Credit, and transitions TN franchise and excise taxes to a single sales factor apportionment.
The Transportation Modernization Act provides a $3.3 billion investment for state and local transportation needs, establishes higher fees on EVs and new fees on hybrid vehicles, enables TDOT to utilize public-private partnerships for the implementation of choice lanes on the state’s major roadways, streamlines the contracting process to expedite road project completion, and provides $300 million in aid to rural counties.
Additionally, the state appropriated $350 million in new K-12 education (TISA) funding, including $125 million earmarked to establish a three-year timeline to increase teachers’ base salary to $50,000 by the 2026-2027 school year.
Schedules and Calendars - During Regular and Special Sessions
The Tennessee General Assembly is the state legislature of the U.S. state of Tennessee. It is a part-time bicameral legislature consisting of a Senate and a House of Representatives. The Speaker of the Senate carries the additional title and office of Lieutenant Governor of Tennessee.
Seats (132 voting members):
- 33 Senators (R-27; D-6)
- 99 Representatives (R-75; D-23; 1-Open)
End of Session Update
Now that the first half of the 113th General Assembly has concluded, members will return to their districts. In addition to continuing the work of the state through summer study hearings and other committees throughout the rest of 2023.
Governor Lee has called for the Tennessee General Assembly to convene a special legislative session on August 21, 2023, to strengthen public safety and preserve constitutional rights.
On may 8th, Governor Lee stated, “After speaking with members of the General Assembly, I am calling for a special session on August 21 to continue our important discussion about solutions to keep Tennessee communities safe and preserve the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens. There is broad agreement that action is needed, and in the weeks ahead, we’ll continue to listen to Tennesseans and pursue thoughtful, practical measures that strengthen the safety of Tennesseans, preserve Second Amendment rights, prioritize due process protections, support law enforcement and address mental health.”
Tennesseans are invited to engage in the conversation by sharing feedback here.
Gov. Lee will meet with legislators, stakeholders and Tennesseans throughout the summer to discuss practical solutions ahead of the special session. The Governor’s office will issue a formal call ahead of the special session.
Members will convene in Nashville for the second half of the 113th General Assembly on January 9th, 2024.
THA maintains weekly reports of legislative progress on it's website.
State Government
-- Business Resources --
Stay up to date on road closures and highway construction by visiting the TDOT news page.
Click on the TDOT logo for the news page.
Or, you may search a specific region, as linked:
Have you ever checked out this resource?
TDOT Interactive Tennessee Road Improvement Program (iTRIP):
This application provides access to a comprehensive and authoritative project database of project activities. The objective of iTRIP is to maintain a dataset of focused information on Tennessee state-managed roadway projects.
This mapping application was developed for a variety purposes, but what's important is that Tennesseans can use this tool to stay up to date with reliable information that is also easy to navigate.
With iTRIP you can find useful data about all 'Active' and 'Let' projects the TDOT team is currently working on.
Professional Housing Consultant (PHC)
- Designation -
The PHC curriculum is a comprehensive study of manufactured housing for retail salespeople. Topics include retailer responsibilities, land-home and personal property financing, fair housing, and selling skills.
News articles from around the country!
Low income tenants lack options as old mobile home parks are razed, AP
Can’t afford to stay or leave: local mobile home owners’ dilemma, KOLO
Inside Montauk’s Luxurious “Trailer Park”, NYT
Surviving the storm: How safe is your mobile home?, WFLA
The eviction of mobile home residents happened by design. Zoning reform can prevent it., AZ Mirror
Big Rapids amends zoning for manufactured housing, Pioneer
Nowhere to go: Mobile home residents face rising rents, Missoulian
Gianforte vetoes ‘mobile home tenant bill of rights’ from Missoula lawmaker, SWX
Williamstown residents narrowly reject plan to expand manufactured home zoning, WAMC
Offer to buy Pines Park includes 5-year break for homeowners, Islander
New Biden Admin Mandate Will Raise Costs On Mobile Homeowners For ‘Zero’ Climate Benefit, Experts Say, Daily Caller
What’s holding back manufactured homes?, The Hill
How to make housing less affordable, WSJ
Manufactured housing: the Ugly Duckling of affordable housing, Niskanen Center
Will manufactured and modular homes ever live up to the promise, Builder
Warren officials work to improve mobile home parks, Macomb Daily
Residents raise concerns as Utah-based mobile home park plans Billings expansion, KTVQ
Westwood mobile home park residents raising $11.5 million to create community co-op, 9 News Denver
Plans to bring 276 mobile homes to Billings advances, Billings Gazette
New subdivision in South Texarkana exclusively affordable manufactured homes, KPVI
THA Annual Meeting!
August 21 - 23, 2023
Make your plans now!
Gaylord Opryland and Resort & Convention Center
2800 Opryland Drive
Nashville, TN 37214
Watch this area as we begin to add Event Sponsors!
Annually, we encourage our members to support Tennessee's legislative efforts, by contributing to the Political Action Committee campaign. Click on the Donate Button above, to download a contribution form. You may also review the PAC webpage, for more information!
Did you see the THA Member Tool email on June 1st?
Discover Affordable Homeownership!
June is Homeownership Month
How to Download the graphic:
- Click on the Infographic!
- Then, right click to select "save as picture". This will open up a window on your computer for you to select where you want the image downloaded.
Here are two more graphics for you to use!
is making a difference! Leads are coming in!
Attention Members! You are doing a great job getting your listings up-to-date and user-friendly for your future customers! Keep it up! If you are one of the few who has not had the opportunity to get your listing completed, take the opportunity today, to get yourself 'Lead Ready'!
This new website (launched in March 2023) allows Tennessee residents to shop for a home, learn more about manufactured and modular homes, view floorplans, get price quotes, explore communities, and find lenders. Consumers can even take 3-Dimensional tours of new homes! This is an interactive site, so member listings need to contain a few details!
As a THA member, you have a free site listing allowing consumers to directly access your business. What a fantastic member benefit! However, to provide the best consumer experience, retailer listing profiles should display the makes and models of new homes offered, and communities should have full descriptions with amenities. In order for you to best utilize this new site, it is imperative that you verify your listing and provide all necessary changes. The site's architect will directly receive your requests for changes or additions (see buttons below).
In all events, ensure any leads generated are going to an email address that is checked daily. Please take a minute to click the appropriate button below and provide/update your free member listing. If your business is not listed, we did not have enough current information to complete your listing. Non-member companies will not be allowed to list on this website for consumer searches.
Disclaimer! As with any new venture there will be a learning process! Launching a new site will come with tweaks and corrections! Be our eyes and ears! Check your listings and utilize the direct vendor access buttons below, for changes/additions/updates.
Remember! This is THA’s consumer-facing website. Our existing association website remains active as your continued resource for industry news, legislative announcements, educational offerings, and general business information.
Use these links to make changes or additions to your listing.
Tennessee MH Education Available Everyday!
Pick your course. Pay online. Access Online.
Print your certificate of completion right from your dashboard!
Discounts are available for THA member companies!
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