The Union Church in Waban
Friday, September 25, 2020 
Online Worship - This Sunday
"What shall we do with our wanting?"
Sunday, September 27- 10:00 a.m. 

All throughout September, we will be reflecting on Psalm 23.  This Sunday we will also be exploring a passage from the Gospel of Mark 10: 46-52 where Jesus asks the powerful question "What do you want me to do for you?"  

Zoom Link is available   HERE
Meeting ID874 9731 5000
Passcode: 562480
Or call in at: +1 646 558 8656 

A link to the bulletin is available  HERE.

Our New Intern Eden Johnson
Eden Johnson is a 2nd year Master of Divinity Student at Boston University School of Theology. They are interested in ecological justice, mysticism, and racial justice.
Eden has previously earned their Bachelors in Religion from Birmingham-Southern College in Birmingham, Alabama, though originally from Atlanta, Georgia.
Eden is a member at Old South UCC and enjoys walks, figuring out what a Boston winter really means, having theological talks with friends, and baking vegan treats.

After worship this Sunday during our time of reception, you are invited join Eden and the teaching parish committee "on the stage" (actually in a zoom breakout room) to meet Eden and share in some conversation with them.   

All Church Retreat - Save the Dates

This year our All Church Retreat is taking a new format. 

Instead of going away for the weekend, we will be taking the month of October to explore the Scripture passage of the Feeding of the Five Thousand (John 6: 1-15) and consider what we may be hungry for in this time and what we may have to share with others. 

Our retreats have always been a good opportunity for fellowship and connection. And of course a chance to be spiritually fed. We look forward to doing the same in this zoom format. Youth and children have always been a joy to include and are welcome. Join us as we create retreat space for our Congregation despite the limitations of gathering together in this time. 

Please keep an eye out for your retreat packet that will be arriving in the mail this coming week.  If for any reason you do not receive a packet please be in touch with Nancy Zollers. 

Opening Session:  Saturday, October 3 from 10:00-11:30 am (zoom)
We will share in some music and prayer before breaking into smaller groups to engage our guiding scripture asking the questions:
"What are we bringing with us into this time?" 
"What is the one small fish and two loaves of bread we may have to share."  
"Who in the passage do we identify with?"
"What have we seen in this perceived time of scarcity and limitation that if brought to Christ with humility and love could be made to serve and nourish the wider community and world?"
Throughout the Month of October
There will be a variety of small group offerings that will help us enter more deeply into the scripture.  These include a virtual walking tour of the Arnold Arboretum, dinner church,  yoga nidra, game night and many other offerings.  Your retreat packet arriving in the mail this week will detail the offerings.   

Sunday Oct. 25, Worship at 10:00 (zoom)
We will share what have learned, experienced and created together as we explored our Scripture and theme of the retreat in our "Closing Worship."  

Three New Worship Opportunities Begin in October
Dinner Church - 1st and 3rd Thursdays, 6:30-7:30pm - Beginning October 1st! 
All-ages are invited to gather together (on Zoom) for dinner and worship!  We'll begin as a large group and then break into smaller groups for deeper conversation and prayer. Come as you are, and if you've already eaten dinner, join us with your dessert!  Zoom links are below. We'll generally follow the Weekly Scripture and Discussion Questions in the Children and Youth Ministries packet, so you can follow along at home, even if you aren't able to join us! To access that packet and the weekly pages CLICK HERE. On October 1st, we'll begin by looking together at Psalm 23  (Oct. 1st, 15th; Nov. 5th, 19th; Dec. 3rd, 17th) 
Gathering Space - 2nd and 4th Thursdays
We welcome you to "The Gathering Space," a quiet and contemplative space for our spiritual selves. The 30-minute Zoom gathering offers a brief but precious opportunity to pause and be comforted through music, meditation, candle lighting, poetry, readings from various faith traditions, and a time for lifting up prayers. The Gathering Space will be available on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month at 7:30 p.m., starting on October 8th.

Family Worship - Forest Church - In-Person - 1st and 3rd Sundays at 3-4pm 
Kids and their Grown-ups are invited to gather two afternoons a month in the greenspace in front of the church (surrounded by Collins Rd.) for a masked, distanced, in-person service.   We'll then wonder and wander (e.g. to the wooded path between Waban Ave.).  The worship service will be less than an hour, and include time to share our Bible story for the week, encounter God in creation, pray for one another, and create something together.  Unless the weather is truly dangerous, we'll follow the saying, "There's no bad weather, only the wrong clothing."  We'll find Jesus as living water in the rain; and snow angels in the cold!  We'll be drawing inspiration and support from the Muddy Church movement in the UK. For more information please reach out to Pastor Amy. 

Spiritual Formation and Fellowship 
Tea Time continues 
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3:00 pm.  
We'd love to see you!
Tea time is a drop in gathering for anyone in the congregation young or old to say hello and connect with each other.  Come share something you are experiencing or learning.  Come hear how others in the community are doing and what is on their heart and minds.  Grab a cup of tea and share in some conversation.
To join via Zoom go  HERE
Meeting ID: 746 243 368 
Password: 016341
or call  +1 646 558 8656. 

Wednesday Morning Prayer
Every Wednesday at 7:30 a.m.
We begin with 20 minutes of meditative silence after which we speak aloud our prayers and light candles (if we have them) to help spread the light  and warm of God's presence into the lives of those for whom we pray.  We close with two prayers of blessing.  The prayer of St. Francis and the Serenity Prayer. 

Join us on Zoom HERE , 
Meeting ID: 825 631 369;  
Password: 022055.  
Or call in at  +1 646 558 8656 
Book Group 
September 29, 7:00-8:00 pm
For the month of September we will be reading "The Underground Railroad" by Colson Whitehead.
"Winner of the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award, the #1 New York Times bestseller from Colson Whitehead, a magnificent tour de force chronicling a young slave's adventures as she makes a desperate bid for freedom in the antebellum South."
All are welcome!   

Zoom link is HERE.
Meeting ID: 893 1096 1073; 
Passcode: 179509
or call in at:  +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

Lunch Bunch 
September 30, 12:00 - 1:30 pm
You are invited to a virtual "Gloucester Walkabout" as we gather for our monthly time of sharing.  Our time will feature a virtual stroll sharing in the beauty and majesty of the seascape and shore of Gloucester.  Bring your lunch and come join us by logging onto zoom through the link below. 

Zoom link HERE   
Meeting ID: 847 9944 3410; 
Passcode: 044160

September 30, 6:30-8:00 pm
Wellspring is our women's ministry at UCW.  We come together in a prayerful space to support each other as we journey together in these times.  Our time begins with a check in and candle lighting as we honor the divine spark with in each of us and often concludes with conversation around a particular question or theme.  This month we will consider what it is to practice encouragement.   If you are interested in learning more about Wellspring, please be in touch with Priscilla Kelso or Pastor Stacy

Zoom links is HERE
Meeting ID: 845 3935 8319
Passcode: 964074
Or call in at: +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
Scripture Reader Sign-up
Hello everyone,
Please look at the Sign Up Genius HERE, and sign up to read Scripture. Youth are greatly encouraged to sign up, too! 

UCW Deacons

Children, Youth and Families This Fall at UCW
We miss seeing you all, and are holding all of our children, youth and families in prayer this week as many return to school! 

  • An Overview of our Children, Youth and Families Ministries for Fall 2020
  • The Fall Calendar
  • Weekly Pages with Bible stories, questions to ponder, activities and prayers 

This Sunday during 10am Worship, Children's Time- Pastor Amy will focus on Psalm 23, and some of the activities and questions we are invited to share in our Weekly Pages.  If you get a chance, try lying down in some green pastures this week!   

Sacred Spaces at Home, Prayground Boxes & Weekly Resources 
Coming this Week if you don't have them already!  
These boxes will have materials to help you and your family find moments of peace and connection throughout the week, and will also have weekly Bible Stories, lessons and activities that will connect to Sunday morning worship.  Members of the Children's Ministry team have delivered more than half of the boxes so far!  If we haven't been in touch, you should hear from us next week!

FAMILY WORSHIP - FOREST CHURCH!  Wondering and Wandering Together - 2 Sundays each month beginning October 4th - See Calendar for details
See more details in the calendar and plan to join us in October, for these outdoor, intergenerational, in-person gatherings on Sunday afternoons throughout the fall.  

Youth Groups and Exploring Our Faith 
Our Middle School and High School Youth Ministries will also start up in early October with some in-person (masked, physically distanced) gatherings.  

We are asking all families to register children and youth this year, to make sure we have updated contact and health information, and also to share and ask for your adherence to the Phase Forward guidelines adopted to keep us safe in the time of Covid.

or visit the website to find both the packet and form HERE.
Parents Group - Every Tuesday at 7:30 pm: Continue to gather to connect, laugh and share mutual support as we do the good work of parenting in these challenging times. If you aren't on the parents list and would like to join us, please send Annie or Pastor Amy a note at [email protected], or [email protected]

Mission Matters
Advocates for Racial Justice
News: Massachusetts has now recognized Juneteenth as a state - wide holiday.
Did you know...  On Sep 15, 1963: Four Black Girls Were Killed in a Klu Klux Klan Bombing of the 16th St. Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama. They were Denise McNair (11), Addie Mae Collins ((14), Carole Robinson (14), and Cynthia Wesley (14).  
Pilgrim Group - New offering starting in October
In addition to educational and advocacy opportunities, the advocates for racial justice will be offering an opportunity for a small group of individuals to gather together monthly as we reckon with racial injustice personally and spiritually.   
This will not be a drop in group.   Instead, we ask that those who are interested in journeying together make the commitment to attend all six of the monthly gatherings.  
If you are interested in participating, please be go here to sign up.   We are hoping to keep this group to no more than 15 individuals.  If there are more than 15 who may be interested, we will explore offering the group again.   Once we have the pilgrim cohort we will send out a doodle poll to find the best day/time to meet - perhaps the third Tuesday of the month at 5:15 via zoom.  
If you would like more information, please be in touch with Pastor Stacy. 
Fall Call to Be Part of our On-going 
Common Cathedral Team 

Plans to Continue this Ministry
"If you have come here to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you have come here because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together." 
- Lilla Watson 

We are bound in powerful ways to our beloved unhoused brothers and sisters in Boston.  Our team of UCW members continues to bring sandwiches, granola bars, fruit, socks and other needed items - like cards and notes of love and support - to Common Cathedral's Boston Warm Day Center each week.
We very much hope to continue to walk with our friends at Boston Warm into the fall, for as long as they need us. Come be part of this awesome team! 

How you can help:

  • JOIN THE FOOD PREP & COORDINATING TEAM:  Most weeks, we sign up to bring 50-100 sandwiches. Can you make 25?  Or perhaps you could help coordinate or drop-off donations? Sign up through the link below or contact Pastor Amy at [email protected]
  • DONATE GRANOLA BARS, TUBE SOCKS, COFFEE, BANANAS, UNDERWEAR OR CLEANING SUPPLIES:  Add your name to the sign-up sheet if you have items to donate, or bring them to the big green bin outside the elevator lobby at the church.
    As the days get colder, they are especially in need of large cans of ground coffee and creamer.
  • CREATE CARDS, SIGNS : Help our friends at Boston Warm know they are not alone, and share your love and prayers with them.  Cards from all-ages are so appreciated and cherished, hung on the walls of the center for all to see.
To join this good work, contact Pastor Amy ([email protected]) or

Thank you so much!  

Our Covenant
We, the members of The Union Church in Waban, true to our founding principle of being an inclusive church, covenant together to nourish and to sustain in our common life and practice a fully welcoming and affirming church for all persons. Welcoming all persons who seek to join with us in a commitment to love God and our neighbors, affirming the inclusive love of Jesus, we are open to all, without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, nationality, ability or economic circumstance. We invite all to full participation in our worship, membership, leadership and life of this church.

In The Wider Community

This event will be a wonderful opportunity as as follow up to The Union Church's October book group selection, which is also the "Color of Law"!

Virtual: Richard Rothstein, The Color of Law
Event date: Tuesday, November 17, 6:30

Event location: Webinar via Newton Free Library

In, The Color of Law, A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America, author Richard Rothstein argues with exacting precision and fascinating insight how segregation in America is the byproduct of explicit government policies at the local, state and federal levels. Join us for a virtual session with Mr. Rothstein. The talk will be followed by a panel discussion moderated by FORJ, the program cosponsor. Attendees will come away with a deeper understanding of the systemic issues that contribute to housing inequities, particularly as Newton engages in a comprehensive review of its zoning codes.

Registration is required.
Please register here.

In preparation for this event, attendees are encouraged to watch the the 17 minute video, Segregated by Design, which was written and narrated by Richard Rothstein and directed by Mark Lopez.

Questions? Contact Ellen Meyers at [email protected]

This program is part of Overdue: Confronting Race and Racism in Newton, a city-wide read and series of events and conversations on race and racism.

Check out this guide for more anti-racism resources.

Questions about virtual programming or Library To-Go! appointments?
Please call the main library number at (617) 796-1360.

Make sure you are counted, Boston

Dear Bostonian,

Time is running out to participate in the U.S. 2020 Census.

This once-in-a-decade opportunity will determine the amount of elected representatives Boston will have, how legislative districts will be formed, and the amount of federal funding we will receive for crucial services and programs for the next 10 years.

As of this email, 
only 57.4% of Boston's households have self-responded. We are now 14 days away from the last day to be counted (September 30).

This is an urgent call to all of Boston's communities to make sure they've completed the U.S. 2020 Census. On this day and throughout the month of September, we encourage you to:
  • Fill out the 2020 CensusYou can do so online or by phone, and either of these options is available in 13 languages. If you already have done so, make sure to ask your friends, family, and networks to do the same.
  • Spread the message digitally. Use our outreach toolkit to amplify that responding is not only crucial, but it is also quick, easy, and confidential.
  • Volunteer to census phone bank with the City of Boston. We are hosting daily phone banks to reach out and encourage households in some of our lowest response neighborhoods. You can share this opportunity via this form. If you have already filled out the volunteer form, sign up for a shift.
Please take the time to help however you can and ensure your networks know how to be counted.

Thank you,

Mayor Walsh

The 2020 Census, it's important!
The 2020 Census, it's important!