March 20, 2021
News from DAAD USA
Stay up to date on DAAD's activities in the US - from news about scholarship programs to opportunities for study and research in Germany.
Happy Women's History Month!
To continue our month-long campaign bringing light to women's contributions to culture and society in Germany, we feature, Marlene Dietrich.

Dietrich was best known for her roles in the films Blue Angel and Shanghai Express. She starred in other films, including the well-known Morocco, where she continued to challenge gender and social norms.

She was and still remains a fashion icon with her many daring looks.
Important Dates & Deadlines for DAAD Programs, Scholarships, & Grants

As of now, we expect all funding, programs and internships below to resume as planned. For any updates, please visit the funding page and

To view our informational video on what programs, scholarships, and grants DAAD USA has to offer students, please click here!
Upcoming Events
Just a Week Away! March 26, 2021
The Germany Grad Fair 2021

Thinking about graduate school? Come learn what opportunities await you in Germany! The Germany Grad Fair 2021 is your pass to exploring the exciting opportunities for research, funding, and career advancement through graduate studies in Germany. Meet with representatives from universities, funding and exchange institutions, and the German Consulate New York who will be happy to answer your questions. To learn more and RSVP please click below!
DAAD Network
Call for Papers
German Studies Association Annual Conference

The German Studies Association will hold its 45th Annual Conference from 9/30 -10/3, 2021 in Indianapolis, IN. DAAD intends to contribute to the program through its sponsorship of seminars, panels, and round tables featuring DAAD German Studies Professors, the DAAD Centers for German and European studies, and other DAAD affiliated faculty and authors. The GSA is now inviting proposals for papers, presentations, and panels. Please click on the link below for more information.
Culture Corner
Wort der Woche
Word of the Week

This month, the words we will be spotlighting for Wort der Woche will be related to Women's History Month! For the third word, we chose Hoffnung {f} noun, which means hope. Is there anything this month which has given you hope? Linked below is a Washington Post article to perhaps give you hope. The author collected stories from a wide range of women who have faced challenges and triumphed.

HTW Berlin Master of Science
Study Big Data & Project Management in Berlin

Want to speak big data and project management alike? The English-language Master in Project Management & Data Science at HTW Berlin will enable you to manage high-level international projects and analyse and interpret big data. Join us at HTW Berlin and study in one of the most interesting cities in the world.

This announcement has been prepared by:

DAAD Regional Office New York, 871 United Nations Plaza New York, NY 10017, legally represented by Rudolf Boden, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst e.V., Kennedyallee 50, 53175 Bonn
Tel.: (212) 758-3223 
Head office:
Bonn (Germany), registered with the Bonn District Court, Commercial Register Court VR 2105
Editorial staff:
Benedikt Brisch, Director DAAD New York
Casey Detrow
Peter Kerrigan
with content by Brenda Lamboy
Image credits:

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