August 12, 2023

News from DAAD USA
Stay up to date on DAAD's activities in the US - from news about scholarship programs to opportunities for study and research in Germany.

RISE Worldwide

Research groups, laboratories, and doctoral students in the United States are invited to apply to host motivated, well-qualified students from Germany as a part of the RISE Worldwide internship program. Interns will assist in research and lab work for the proposed project in the fields of biology, chemistry, physics, earth sciences, engineering, computer science, medicine, or a closely related field. DAAD scholarships will help coving living expenses and travel costs.

Learn more and apply to host a student here! Project proposals must be submitted by September 30.

Important Dates & Deadlines for Programs, Scholarships, & Grants

For an overview of scholarship opportunities, visit the scholarship database.

Important Dates and Application Deadlines:

August 31 (Deadline Extended): IPS Scholarship (International Parliamentary Scholarships)

September 30: Career Booster EUrope

September 30: RISE Worldwide Project Proposals

October 15: German Chancellor Fellowship

October 16: Research Stays

November 1: German Studies Research Grant

November 3: Study Scholarships

November 3: One-Year Research Grants

November 3: Short-Term Research Grants

December 1: University Summer Course Grant

To view our informational video on who we are and what we do, please click here!

DAAD Programs, Scholarships, and Grants

Fall Deadline

Research Stays


DAAD offers grants for one to three months in all academic disciplines to scholars at US and Canadian institutions of higher education to pursue research at universities, libraries, archives, institutes or laboratories in Germany. The aim of this particular program is to support short-term research stays and thus promote the exchange of experience and networking amongst colleagues.

Application deadline: October 16



For Undergraduate and Graduate Students

German Studies Research Grant

German Studies Research Grants are awarded for one to two months to highly qualified US and Canadian undergraduate and graduate students nominated by the professor supervising their German studies-relevant research.

Application deadline: November 1


For Master's Studies in Germany

Study Scholarships

Highly qualified final-year undergraduate students or those who have received an undergraduate degree in any discipline may apply for the DAAD Study Scholarship for a full master’s degree program at a German university or for study at a German university as part of a postgraduate or master’s degree program completed in the home country.

Application deadline: November 3


For Undergraduate and Graduate Students

University Summer Course Grant

This program provides scholarships to attend a broad range of three- to four-week summer courses at German universities which focus mainly on German language and literary, cultural, political and economic aspects of modern and contemporary Germany.

Application deadline: December 1


Research Grants

One-Year Research Grants

One-Year Research Grants are awarded for seven to twelve months to highly qualified candidates who have completed a master’s degree or Diploma, or in exceptional cases a bachelor’s degree at the latest by the time they begin their grant-supported research.

Application deadline: November 3


Research Grants

Short-Term Research Grants

Short-Term Research Grants are awarded for one to six months to highly qualified candidates who will have completed a Master’s degree or Diploma, or in exceptional cases a Bachelor’s degree, by the time they begin their grant-supported research, or to those who have already completed a PhD (postdocs).  

Application deadline: November 3


Other Programs, Scholarships, and Grants

Opportunity for US Students

IPS Scholarship (International Parliamentary Scholarships)

Each year, the German Bundestag, in cooperation with the Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the Technische Universität Berlin, offers around 120 scholarships to young university graduates from 50 countries. The program runs each year from March 1 to July 31. The patron of the program is the President of the German Bundestag.

Application deadline: August 31


For Prospective Leaders

German Chancellor Fellowship

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation grants up to 50 German Chancellor Fellowships to prospective leaders from Brazil, China, India, South Africa and the USA – irrespective of their field of work. Together with a German host and mentor of their choice, fellows conduct a socially relevant project they have developed independently.

Application deadline: October 15


German Network Opportunities and Events


DAAD Funding for 2024-25

Join DAAD North America to learn more about our scholarship and grant programs in support of study, research, and internships in Germany in 2024-25. DAAD has programs to support students at all stages of study (Bachelor, Master’s and PhD) and in all fields. Come with your questions and find out how you can make a stay in Germany – the Land of Ideas – part of your studies.

DAAD programs provide support of research and study stays along with both research and workplace internships.

September 26th, 10 am PT / 1:00 pm ET

Register for free

Information and Networking Fair

Career Booster EUrope

DAAD will be among the exhibitors at the Career Booster EUrope information and networking fair, where students can meet and network with representatives of EU companies in the US, universities, funding institutions, consulates, study abroad organizations, vocational training schools and others as well as attend panel discussions, presentations and workshops. The event is geared towards high school students, undergraduates, and graduate students, as well as anyone interested in a future with world languages. Attendance is free of charge.

September 30, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm ET


Information and Networking Fair

Building Resilient Academic Networks for Your Career

The event emphasizes the importance of establishing resilient networks and provides participants with the means to initiate and maintain such networks. Our message is clear: by accessing networks in Germany while maintaining your valuable connections in the United States, you can enhance the resilience of your career.

August 29, 2023 – 6PM – 9:30PM (EDT)


Jugendwort 2023

Youth word of the year 2023

Do you know what "Rizz" means,"Kerl*in", or "Darf er so?"? Each year, Langenscheidt hosts a competition for the Jugendwort des Jahres (Youth Word of the Year). These and 7 other words words made it to the top 10. Anyone can vote now on Langescheidt's website until September 13th for their favorite word.

Which is your favorite word?

This announcement was prepared by:

DAAD Regional Office New York, 871 United Nations Plaza New York, NY 10017, legally represented by Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst e.V., Kennedyallee 50, 53175 Bonn


Tel.: (212) 758-3223 





Head office:

Bonn (Germany), registered with the Bonn District Court, Commercial Register Court VR 2105


Editorial staff:

Benedikt Brisch, Director DAAD New York

Amelia Wallace

Peter Kerrigan

with content by Brenda Lamboy


Image credits:



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We are not liable for the content of any websites run by third parties. This remains solely the responsibility of the third parties.

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