The successes of The Literacy & Learning Center come in the form of a growing understanding, new skills, and confidence witnessed in the eyes of a student eager to achieve. The rewards take the shape of having helped someone pass a test, move on to the next grade, learn a new language, attain a better job, or become a healthy and happy contributing member of the community.
It's all about what happens when it clicks. When a student, child, or adult comprehends a lesson they have been struggling to understand, thanks to a volunteer tutor's patient and supportive efforts, or receives a new book each month, thanks to a generous benefactor, the mission moves off the page and into the world we share.
TL&LC extends heartfelt gratitude to everyone who helps make this happen. All programs are entirely free to the students thanks to individual donors, event participants, and granting organizations that together fund one hundred percent of these offerings for the community. And, of course, there would also be no programs were it not for the unsparing trust of the students and their families.