160 Mohegan Drive
West Hartford, CT 06117
The Emanuel Synagogue UPDATES
Week of
Tuesday, October 13, 2020 / 25 Tishrei 5781
Hand Sanitizer 1
COVID Task Force Policies

As we begin to re-open to limited in person attendance, please make sure you are aware of the operating practices during COVID (see below).
As a reminder, Pre-registration is required for all in-person attendance as well as confirmation of understanding of the Health and Safety Covenants (see below)
Classes begin Sunday Oct. 18
Support Max Nathan's Bar Mitzvah Project!
Learn more about HappyJacksWorld
and how you can help Max make the world a better place!
Upcoming Brotherhood Events:
Weds, Oct. 14,
7 pm via Zoom
Comedian Linda Belt will present an hour of entertainment. CLICK for details and to register
Sunday, Oct. 18,
9:30 a.m. via Zoom
Alan Solinsky, M.D., will speak on “Aging and your eyes and laser cataract surgery.” CLICK for details and to register
Please join our team and take an important step towards speaking out against hate and anti-semitism, while speaking up for a more inclusive, diverse, and respectful community. We encourage you to walk 18 miles by October 18th!
To join:
  • Select: 'REGISTER' - 'Join a Team' -"Emanuel Walk Against Hate 2020"
  • Complete your registration

For more information contact: Josh Cohen
Emanuel member Aaron Rudolph (son of Jeff and Alison Rudolph) is profiled as part of the National Ramah Tikvah Network vocational education program. CLICK to read full story
The Story of the Czech Scrolls: WWII to the Diaspora
Oct. 29
7:30 – 9 PM
on Zoom

with Lois Roman, Trustee of the Memorial Scrolls Trust (MST)
-Presented by The Emanuel's Adult Education Committee

All those who borrowed machzorim for the High Holidays are kindly asked to please return them to the synagogue by the end of October.

Leave them in a plastic bag on the bench under the canopy at the side entrance to the building off the back parking lot.

Please put your name and the number of books you borrowed on a piece of paper sticking out of the book, so we know you have returned them. No need to return the blue tote bags--that is for you to keep.

Members have been dropping off prayerbooks without letting us know who you are. Unfortunately, this means we can't give you credit for having returned them. If you have done this, please email lisal@emanuelsynagogue.org 
with your name and number of returned books.

We appreciate your help!
Saturday, Oct. 24
Parking lot opens at 7:00 pm!
No charge, pre-registration required
Deadline for submissions to the Tuesday eblast is Monday at noon.
Service Times
Visit our Website Front Page for the most up to date schedule.
We are in need of volunteers to serve as Zoom hosts for daily minyan and Shabbat services. Please contact Ken Simon, 860-922-6958, or Regina Miller, (860) 593-0020, to help with this important task.
it isn’t too early to think about Gift Cards for the holidays. 100’s of cards are available & can be ordered. contact Joanne
Support the Bar Mitzvah Project for Andrew Weiss
and support your community!
Reserve your 'Happy Birthday Lawn Letters' for just $25! 100% of funds received will go to support the West Hartford Food Pantry and the Anja Rosenberg Kosher Food Pantry at Jewish Family Services.
In Our Community
Just announced by The Cantor's Assembly:
Cantors and Black Ministers unite in music to release new video,
"Voices for Change"
Click for details
JGSCT Virtual Program
October 18, 1:30 pm
Genealogist Joel Spector will virtually present
“The Krakovsky Documents: JewishGen's Ukraine Research Division Project" 
CLICK for details and to register
Upcoming ADL Events:
The Jewish Historical Society of Greater Hartford presents:

October 13 at 7:00 PM (via Zoom)
A panel of local leaders will reflect on how their organizations, and the wider Jewish community in our area, have responded to the ongoing crisis brought about by COVID-19.

Panelists include:
  • Dr. Anat Bergner
  • Rabbi Tuvia Brander, Young Israel of West Hartford
  • Katie Hanley, Jewish Family Services
  • Andrea Kasper, Solomon Schechter Day School
  • David Waren, Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford
For Jewish high school students currently in grades 9, 10, and 11 
The Synagogue Healing
Campaign Plan
Visit us of Facebook and our You Tube Channel!