Women United affinity group of United Way of Knox County, Ohio
Newsletter November & December 2020
If you have not renewed your membership, please take moment to do so by clicking the Women United Dues link below and selecting the membership level of your choice.
Stay up-to-date with Women United events and activities by visiting our website and Facebook.

December 30, 2020

Dear Ladies,

What a year 2020 has been for everyone, personally, professionally and economically. Women United was also a casualty of COVID-19. There were no inspirational Women in Recovery Luncheons, nor any events stuffing bookbags, making hygiene kits and most importantly our signature event, Power of the Purse.

As difficult as it was, I refuse to only look at the negatives of this year, seeing many positives occur. I saw families spend more time together going to parks, taking walks, riding bikes and the resurgence of board games. People purchased carryout food and shopped locally, supporting our restaurants and businesses.
The workforce was introduced to “Zoom” and found out that it was possible to work from home and be productive. I also found a renewed admiration for our educational system and front-line workers, as I was transported back to second grade with my grandson, helping him with remote learning on Tuesdays and watched medical, food industry, first responders, truckers and others who serve everyone, every day to make this country function. Finally, I also slowed down and smelled the roses, even though that sounds so cliché, it’s true.

As I look forward to 2021, I can see life regaining some normality with the vaccine being dispersed. I hope to take all of the positives of 2020 and instill them in our new normal moving forward. I wish you all a safe, healthy New Year and as soon as it is safe, we will resume our events and continue our tradition of supporting women and children in Knox County.

Warm Regards,

Thank you to our community engagement participants! We are declaring our weekly $5 Buck Friday and Silent Auction Sunday features a huge success.
During the $5 Buck Friday drawings & Silent Auction Sunday's we raised over $5,000 towards the 2020 United Way Campaign!

New to United Way of Knox County!

Volunteer Knox will be an online county-wide volunteer management platform.

This site will allow organizations in search of volunteers to provide agency information and specific volunteer job descriptions in a central database. Through this same platform, community members and groups can create logins and view, filter, and strategically select opportunities to pursue. www.volunteerknox.com

Support Your Community While You Shop
Why not give back while you grocery shop? Sign up for Kroger Community Rewards - it is free, Kroger will donate while you shop, and is completely separate from racking up those rewarding fuel points.

Find enrollment instructions at uwayknox.org/ShopUnited
If you do choose to do some of your holiday shopping online, please consider registering your account and using Smile.Amazon.com to give back to your community as you shop.

Shoppers in our community have helped raise over $255 by using Smile.Amazon.com to make their online purchases.

Find registration details at: uwayknox.org/ShopUnited
2020-2021 School Year with ROX

ROX provided specific evidence-based content to facilitators to help girls cope with and develop skills for dealing with the issues arising from the COVID-19 pandemic.

United Way of Knox County Ohio, Inc paid for training for 1 new facilitator.

16 - 11th grade girls attending the Cosmetology Lab at the Knox County Career Center
14 - 11th grade girls attending the Early Childhood Educations Lab at the Knox County Career Center
9 - 4th grade girls at Fredericktown Elementary School
25 - 5th grade girls at Pleasant Street Elementary School
8 - 6th grade girls at Mount Vernon Middle School
8 - 8th grade girls at Mount Vernon Middle School
10 to 12 - 5th grade girls at Centerburg Elementary School
Partnering with New Directions to provide ROX to 11 8th grade girls at Centerburg

Danville Local Schools have several trained facilitators and are still deciding if they will have ROX in Spring 2021

Approximately 103 Girls will receive ROX resources and training this school year! 

Amy Smart with Riverside Recovery -