Cameron's Corner

Dear Friends, 


A fellow twin-mom gave me these shirts. She knew what I was in for with week-old twins plus two older boys on our first Christmas as a family of six. I remember the expectant waiting that we all went through in the months and weeks leading up to the twins’ arrival. We had no idea if they would come early, so we had to be constantly prepared to drop everything and head to the hospital. 


On this first Sunday of Advent, we will hear a message from Jesus about how we wait for his return, “Keep awake therefore, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming (Matt. 24:42).” While Jesus doesn’t literally call us to be awake at all hours of the night (as I seemed to be in those early days with the twins), He does call us to be prepared and ready for his unexpected arrival. I hope you will join us as we consider what it means to “stay awake” as we wait with hope for Christ today. 


In Christ,

Rev. Cameron Smith

This Week at YPPC

Elder of the Week: Mary Quinney, (843) 554-9169 or (843) 509-9159

Sunday, November 27

  • Sunday School: 9:45 AM
  • First Sunday of Advent
  • Worship: 11 AM (also, on Facebook and at following worship)
  • Fellowship (provided by Jaime & Chip Maglione): 12 PM

Monday, November 28

  • Sermon Starter Bible Study: 10:30 AM
  • Journey Meal: 5:30 PM

Tuesday, November 29

  • Bells on the Move rehearsal: 5:30 PM
  • Handbells: 6 PM
  • Choir: 7 PM

Thursday, December 1

  • Rev. Smith in DC through 12/3/22

Friday, December 2

  • Meals on Wheels: 9:45 AM delivered by Lynn & Sue Browning
  • Weekly Update (e-news) sent to your e-mail: 6 PM

Saturday, December 3

  • Hanahan Christmas Parade: 10 AM
  • Scrapbookers: 9 AM - 9 PM

Join us this week for the First Sunday of Advent, the Sunday of HOPE!

At Fellowship following worship this Sunday, everyone is invited to make a wreath to light at home throughout the Advent season. Thanks to Sandra Tillman, Karen Cookson, and Martha Trussell for gathering supplies and greenery. 


Each week, we will have Advent Sunday School lessons for children, youth & adults at 9:45 AM, worship at 11 AM, and special activities during fellowship following worship. During Sunday School, children and youth will prepare a Christmas pageant to share in worship on December 18.

PEACE: Second Sunday of Advent: December 4

  • Children’s Choir helps lead worship, mission partner support during fellowship

JOY: Third Sunday of Advent: December 11

  • Lessons and Carols in worship, make Christmas crafts during fellowship

LOVE: Fourth Sunday of Advent: December 18

  • Children’s Pageant in worship, assemble goodie bags for city workers during fellowship

LIGHT: Christmas Eve: December 24

  • Sounds of the Season 5:30 PM; Candlelight worship at 6 PM followed by Cookies and Cider Fellowship


  • Christmas Day Worship ONLY at 11 AM

Glorifying God

This week's Scripture Lessons: *Isaiah 2:1-5 and *Matthew 24:36-44

Sermon Title: "Unexpected Advent"

Liturgist: Al Eads


Liturgists lead the Call to Confession, Prayer of Confession, Assurance of Pardon, and the First Scripture Reading. A script will be provided in advance. Contact Rev. Cameron Smith if you have any questions. Sign up below today!

Sign up here to be a liturgist!

Worship is the work of the people. If you would like to participate in worship in the choir, as a guest musician, or by commissioning flower arrangements, please contact the church office.

Growing Disciples

This Year's Advent Devotional is Here!

Our sister church, St. James Presbyterian, has produced an in-house Advent devotional with submissions from people across the presbytery. You can choose below to download the entire devotional or subscribe to receive each day’s devotion in your email inbox.

Download entire Advent devotional
Receive daily Advent devotion by e-mail

Join us for Sunday School this Advent

The Adult Sunday School Class will begin their Advent study of The Light Will Shine by Carol Miller this week at 9:45 AM in Classroom 1. Sunday School is a great way to prepare your heart for Christmas as we study God’s Word together each week.

Our Youth Class will also focus on Advent for the next four weeks. The Children’s Class will learn the Christmas story and work on getting ready to help lead worship on December 4 and December 18, when they will present their Christmas Pageant. There is something for everyone! If you have questions about Sunday School, contact Martha Trussell.

Annual Loaves and Fishes Holiday Bread Sale!

Once again this Advent/Christmas season, our Loaves and Fishes ladies are offering holiday breads for sale. The breads will include past favorites: Apple Fritter Bread, Cranberry Orange Bread, and Pumpkin Ribbon Bread. A new savory offering, Cheddar Scallion Bread, has been added this year.

Orders must be received by December 4.

Loaves and Fishes Holiday Bread Order Form

When one of our YPPC Committees doesn’t sponsor a special meal, we gather following worship for light snacks and fellowship provided by our YPPC members. Congregational Ministries furnishes all the paper products, lemonade, and serving ware. Please sign up on the Fellowship calendar in Memorial Hall if you are able to help with this ministry or contact the church office.

Mid High Retreat to Bethelwoods was a SUCCESS!

Our Mid Highs traveled with James Island Presbyterian to attend the Fall Retreat earlier this month with churches from across the presbytery. Everyone had a wonderful time learning, playing, and making new friends.

Meeting Human Needs

Angel Tree Ministry

Our annual Angel Tree is decorated and shining brightly in the Fellowship Hall. This ministry provides an opportunity for our church family and friends to make Christmas a little merrier for the 21 children (ages 2 -17) who are served by our Food Pantry. If you would like to participate, please mark your donation “Angel Tree” and place it in the offering plate or mail to the church before December 18th. Please see our Angel Tree Coordinators, Terri Myers or Kristi Lynch, if you have any questions.

Thornwell Emphasis Month

In Week 4 of THORNWELL EMPHASIS MONTH, we again highlight the mission of Thornwell to prevent child abuse and neglect, build and reunite families, and support healthy communities in the name of Jesus Christ. 

The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats told by Jesus in Matthew 25 says: “And the king will answer them, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.”

Many of the children Thornwell serves, either through the residential program or in the foster parent network, have been taken from their homes because of circumstances beyond their control. These children are cared for and supported by Thornwell because of the generosity of churches and people like you.

Thornwell cares for hurting children by giving them a loving home, feeding and clothing them, providing therapy for psychological healing. Most important, Thornwell provides spiritual healing. Some children learn about and experience God for the first time. Often these children who have very little are the first ones to give what they can to help others in need.

Recently, the middle school girls who live at Thornwell were challenged to think about ways THEY could serve others who needed help. Several years ago, a man named Wilson Ferrell partnered with Thornwell to create a fund – the Ferrell Fund – in which money would go to support local, national, or even global charities. However, it would be up to the kids at Thornwell to research and decide which charities would receive the donations as a way to teach the meaning of philanthropy and the importance of giving back. 

When it came time for the girls to make their choices, they were visibly moved and excited. They knew so many people give to support them, and it was their turn to give back! In all, the girls were supported in giving $7,500 dollars to various organizations (food bank, shelter, free clinic, etc.) through the Ferrell fund.

The girls didn’t stop there. Each of them wrote letters of encouragement, and drew loving pictures to be sent along with their money. “We found the girls learned that despite what they may or may not have themselves, they could find ways to support others with prayers, with their kindness, and with love,” said Lindy Scott, Thornwell’s Executive Vice President. 

Please click the button below to view "Lighting the Way to Jesus", our concluding Thornwell Minute for Mission Video.

Thank you for your generous gifts to Thornwell last Sunday. If you would still like to give, please make your check to YPPC and mark it for Thornwell.

"Lighting the Way to Jesus"

November Food Pantry Needs - Items for Christmas Boxes

Again this year, we need your help to fill the Christmas Food Boxes for our Food Pantry families. Week 5 items are shown below:

A new list of items needed to fill the Christmas Food Boxes will be listed here each week. We will fill at least 24 boxes for our pantry families. Your help will be greatly appreciated.

Updates from the Session

November 20 Session Meeting Highlights

  • A new roof for the back building was approved.
  • Elder-elect, Chip Maglione, was examined.
  • Martha Trussell was elected as commissioner to the December 13 CAP meeting.
  • Elder Ordination and Installation was set for January 22, 2023.
  • The annual Congregational/Corporation Meeting was set for January 29, 2023.
  • Our Triennial visit from Presbytery is scheduled on December 18, 2022.
  • 2023 Communion dates were approved.
  • A report on the results of the annual reviews of the staff and clergy was received.

Stewardship Update

As of Monday, November 21st, 51 YPPC households have turned in pledge cards so that we can “step out in faith in 2023.” Thus far, we have $243,180 pledged for the Regular Offering and $24,980 pledged for the Building Fund. In addition, members turned in their “Time and Talents” pledged cards, and those names will be passed along to our committee moderators. Thank you to everyone who has pledged time, talent, and treasures so far.

If you have not yet turned in your pledge cards, please do so as soon as possible so that the session can make plans for next year’s budget. If you need a pledge packet, please contact the church office.

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