Cameron's Corner

Dear Friends,

Of all the difficult sayings of Jesus, one of the hardest to hear must have been the time he told Peter, “Get behind me, Satan!” Ouch! Peter was trying to convince Jesus to take a different path than the one that would lead to the cross, but Jesus would not be steered off-course. He spoke harshly to Peter, reminding him to get in line behind him. Then, he went on to remind all of his disciples that following him would not be an easy path. It would mean denying themselves, taking up their own crosses, and following in his footsteps. 

I hope you will join us this Sunday as we look at this tense interchange between Jesus, Peter, and the disciples and consider what it means to get behind Jesus in our own lives. Since most of us won’t take up a physical cross, how will we follow the path that Jesus paved for each of us?

In Christ,

Rev. Cameron Smith

This Week at YPPC

Elder of the Week: Terri Myers, ‭‭(843) 729-9213

Sunday, September 3

  • Sunday School & Nursery: 9:45 AM
  • Worship: 11 AM
  • Congregational Meeting following Worship
  • Fellowship provided by Trish & Eddie Rogers and Carolyn Lackey: 12 PM
  • The 11 AM worship service is available at and on Facebook early Sunday afternoons.

Monday, September 4, Labor Day

  • Church Office Closed
  • NO Sermon Starter Bible Study

Tuesday, September 5

  • After School Church Yard

Wednesday, September 6

  • Choir: 6:30 PM

Thursday, September 7

  • Staff Meeting: 9 AM
  • Worship Committee: 10 AM
  • Nominating Committee: 11:30 AM

Friday, September 8

  • Cobblestone Quilters: 9 AM - 2 PM
  • Meals on Wheels: 9:30 AM delivered Mary Mena & Chuck Koches
  • Weekly Update (e-news) sent to your e-mail: 6 PM

Saturday, September 9

  • Cobblestone Quilters: 7:30 AM - 4 PM

Congregational Meeting This Sunday

The session has called a congregational meeting to be held on September 3 at the conclusion of worship for the purpose of electing a moderator/session representative for the Nominating Committee, 2023.

The session will nominate Ruling Elder Terri Myers to serve in this capacity.  

Glorifying God

Scripture Readings: Exodus 3:1-15 and Matthew 16:21-28

Sermon: "Don't Get Ahead of Jesus"

Liturgist: Barbara Freeman

Guest Organist: Paula Carl

Liturgist Needed Next Sunday, September 10!

We love to have many voices leading worship on Sundays, and there is now a new sign-up for liturgists to serve during the months of September - December. Liturgists lead the Call to Confession, Prayer of Confession, Assurance of Pardon, and the first scripture reading. A script is provided in advance, and you are welcome to come practice beforehand.

Please Click Here to Sign Up

Growing Disciples

There Will Be No Sermon Starter Bible Study this Week In observance of Labor Day

There will be no Sermon Starter Bible Study on Monday, September 4. Be sure to join us next Monday, September 11 at 10:30 AM as we study the scripture for the following Sunday’s sermon. 

Join us at Gilligan’s in Goose Creek for Lunch Bunch on September 11

Everyone is invited to lunch on Monday, September 11 at 12 noon at Gilligan’s (219 St. James Avenue). If you would like to carpool, please meet at the church at 11:30 AM. Be sure to let Martha Trussell know you are coming by Sunday, September 10 so that we can reserve a seat at the table for you. 

Whether we are 33 with young children or in our senior years, we can all benefit from expert advice regarding end-of-life decisions. Join us to learn about the spiritual, legal, financial, medical, caregiving, and funeral preparations you can make now to help make the end-of-life easier for yourself and those you love.

Saturday, September 30, 2023

11 AM - 3:30 PM

Yeamans Park Presbyterian Church

5931 Murray Drive; Hanahan, SC 29410

$25 Registration Fee Includes Lunch and Printed Materials

Contact the church office by 10 AM on 9/25 to register: or 843.744.2268

Help us Create Our Own YPPC Daily Advent Devotional

We are planning to produce an in-house Advent Devotional this year, and we need your help! The theme is “Emmanuel: God With Us.” Everyone is invited to share a story in 250 words or less of a time that they felt God’s presence in a special way. Please email your submissions to Trish Rogers. Contact Trish or Rev. Smith for more information.

Meeting Human Needs

YPPC has a variety of ongoing mission projects – something for everyone!  In Weeks 1 and 2, we highlighted the church Food Pantry and the many ways your hands can help to serve our extended community.

Week 3: Patriot Villas (PV) North Charleston

Four years ago, Kelly Carroll and Christine Stine Helton decided to help the Veterans at Patriot Villas (formerly Homeless Vets) with a hot, home cooked meal once a week at noon on Friday. With the help of numerous volunteers, this endeavor has grown to include free food and toiletries, Easter baskets, a Thanksgiving meal, and Christmas gifts for all the Veterans at Patriot Villas. 

YPPC is one of many churches of various denominations that support PV. One way we help is through the “Quarters for Vets” program. Each month Eddie Rogers keeps the focus on this important initiative which helps the Vets with the expense of doing their laundry. It costs approximately $7.50 to do one load. Thanks to your donations this month, we contributed $164.50.

Free Pantry Friday's at Patriot Villas

Another way that we support PV is by being present to serve the Veterans every other week for “ Free Pantry Fridays”. This is the day that the Veterans “shop” in the food pantry for free food and toiletries from noon to 1 PM. They also receive a home cooked meal from the Volunteers and fresh fruits and vegetables from the Lowcountry Food Bank.

Amazon Wish List for the Veterans at PV

An Amazon Wish List for the Veterans at PV makes it easy for donors to shop for the pantry. You can click a button to order and the items will be automatically delivered.

We Work Alongside with Others at PV...

Supporters of Patriot Villas include individuals and partnerships with many church groups, community organizations, and businesses. Just a few of the many supporters:

  • VFW Post 9509 & Auxiliary Moncks Corner,
  • RJ’’s Mission Foundation,
  • Rolling Bike Night at LG’s By the Creek,
  • Charleston SC Friends,
  • Destiny Community Café,
  • Navy Wives Club of America MenRiv Park #240,
  • Riders Law Group,
  • Hospice of Charleston,
  • Crosswinds in the Pond neighborhood,
  • Summerville Elks, and
  • Lowcountry Food Bank.

Kelly Carroll, Free Pantry Fridays Administrator, speaks for all volunteers when she says: “We truly enjoy getting to know the veterans, making sure they know they are not forgotten, and providing a hand up the best we can.”

Would you like to “put your hands to work” at Patriot Villas?

As you can see, there are many ways we can serve. Would you like to help a group from YPPC prepare a meal; work in the pantry for an hour one Friday a month, or go on the Amazon site and order a few items for the pantry?

For more information, please visit Patriot Villas on Facebook or see Gary Page or Carolyn Lackey.

September Food Pantry Needs...

Miscellaneous Food Pantry Notes...

  • Thank you to Nathan Nault for checking the dates and labeling all the food from the latest shopping trip.
  • July items collected: 32 cans of green beans & 51 cans of corn.

Updates from Session

Office Closed Monday

The Church office will be closed Monday, September 4, in observance of Labor Day. 

Update on Email Issues...

Last Tuesday, someone created an email address similar to Rev. Smith’s and used it to contact many members and friends of YPPC asking for gift cards. Please be advised that Rev. Smith will never email to ask you for financial support and will never ask that it be kept private. Unfortunately, scammers have developed many methods for taking advantage of people’s generosity, and the church is not immune from their efforts. Thank you to everyone who reported the emails. We have changed passwords and are working to make sure that we are as protected as possible from future scams. 

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