Cameron's Corner

Dear Friends,

This photo of my boys and their cousin was taken during a recent ghost crab hunting expedition at Edisto Beach. During these night time excursions, the boys shine their flashlights on the sand and race to catch (and release) the little crabs who will otherwise float by unnoticed. The beam of bright light makes all the difference.

This Sunday, we will celebrate Transfiguration Sunday, the day we remember Jesus’s trip to the mountaintop with Peter, James, and John where they saw a much brighter light as Jesus glowed with the glory of God. While we will most likely not witness the physical light of Christ’s glory on this side of heaven, our scripture reminds us that God has shone it into our hearts, revealing Christ to us. This light also makes all the difference in the darkness of our world. 

In Christ,

Rev. Cameron Smith

This Week at YPPC

Elder of the Week: Kevin Hedgpeth, (843) 817-1413 or (843) 847-9976

Sunday, February 11

  • Souper Bowl of Caring
  • Sunday School & Nursery: 9:45 AM
  • Worship: 11 AM
  • Fellowship: 12 PM (Souper Bowl of Caring Chili Cook-Off hosted by Mission & Outreach)
  • Building & Grounds: 12:30 PM
  • Cub Scouts: 5 PM
  • Our 11 AM worship service is available at and on Facebook early Sunday afternoons.

Monday, February 12

  • Sermon Starter Bible Study: 10:30 AM
  • Lunch Bunch: 12 PM

Wednesday, February 14

  • Ash Wednesday Worship Service: 6 PM
  • Choir following service

Friday, February 16

  • Meals-On-Wheels: 9:30 AM (delivered by Lynn & Sue Browning)
  • Weekly Update (e-news) sent to your e-mail: 6 PM

The Souper Bowl of Caring is this Sunday

It all began in 1990 with a simple prayer said by Reverend Brad Smith at Spring Valley Presbyterian Church in Columbia, South Carolina:

“Lord, even as we enjoy the Super Bowl football game, help us be mindful of those who are without a bowl of soup to eat.”

In the first year, 22 churches raised $5,700. The number of groups involved has steadily grown each year, and so has the amount raised and put back into the communities.

As the Souper Bowl of Caring programs have grown over the years to cover more than one annual event, the name and logo have changed to reflect the growth. The name currently used is “Tackle Hunger: Home of the Souper Bowl of Caring”.Tackle Hunger” has branched out to include schools, businesses, and congregations of all faiths. Thousands of groups have collected over $10.6 million in food and contributions.

Glorifying God

Transfiguration Sunday, February 11, 2024

Scripture Readings: Mark 9:2-9 and 2 Corinthians 4:3-6

Sermon: "Unveiled"

Liturgist: Kristi Lynch

Guest Organist: Nancy Parrish

Join us this Wednesday for our Ash Wednesday Worship Service: At the beginning of our Lenten Journey, we take time for repentance, reflection, and receiving ashes as a reminder of our own mortality and need for God’s grace. Join us on February 14 at 6 PM.

The First Sunday of Lent is Next Week! During Lent, we will look at Jesus’s interactions with one of his most memorable disciples, Simon Peter, to find out what being a disciple is all about. This is a great opportunity to invite friends and neighbors to be a part of what God is doing at YPPC. Make plans to join us for Sunday School at 9:45 AM and worship at 11 AM this Lent and invite a friend!

Subscribe to This Year’s Lenten Devotional: In Local Pilgrim, Presbyterian Outlook Editor/Publisher Teri McDowell Ott and other writers explore what God might reveal to us if we intentionally explore our communities. Who do we see? What do we hear? God reveals God’s self when we look.

To receive a daily devotion emailed to your inbox each morning during Lent, click below.

Subscribe to this Year’s Daily Lenten Devotion

If you would like to download a printable copy of the entire Devotional, click below.

Download Complete Lenten Devotional 

Growing Disciples

Join Us for Lunch on Monday - Lunch Bunch will travel to TBonz West Ashley on Monday, February 12 at 12 noon for lunch. Everyone is invited! Be sure to let Martha Trussell know you can attend so that we will save you a seat.

Fellowship Hosts Needed

The Congregational Committee needs your help filling up the Fellowship calendar. February 18 as well as March 10 and 17 are open. Please sign up on the calendar on the Fellowship Hall bulletin board or contact the church office

Don’t forget - keep it simple; keep it easy! Fellowship time continues our worship as we meet visitors, develop relationships with each other and work together to do God’s will in the world.

A New Study for Adults Starts February 18 - Our Adult Sunday School class meets each week at 9:45 AM in Classroom 2, and we would love for you to join us for our Lenten study! We will begin Simon Peter: Flawed but Faithful Disciple, a new book and six-week adult Bible study by Adam Hamilton on the first Sunday of Lent. Peter was just an ordinary guy who heard and followed God’s extraordinary call. Discover how you, too, have special gifts, talents, and abilities that God can use to make a difference today.

It’s Oyster Season, Y’all! Our 2024 YPPC Oyster Roast will be on Saturday, February 24 from 4-6 PM. Cost will be $12 per oyster-eater. Invite your friends and neighbors to join us for this great event. Sign-up lists for the oyster roast and to bring desserts/sides will be in the Fellowship Hall this Sunday. You may also email the church office to sign up.   

Help Needed to Create New Displays for the Holy Week Stations of the Cross - We have purchased 2’x3' banners from Illustrated Ministry that will be used to guide us through the Stations of the Cross during Holy Week. We need eight volunteers (or groups) to color the posters by March 1, 2024 so that we can frame them for display. If you would like to help, please contact Martha Trussell.

Meeting Human Needs

Love Offering Update

Thank you to everyone who donated to the love offering for the Stewart family, who experienced a house fire recently that was a total loss. We collected $1300 that will be given to the family to help them in this time of need.

The Churchyard Ministry is Traveling to the Walk for Water

On Saturday, March 23, thousands of people will gather at Riverfront Park for the Walk for Water that benefits Water Mission. YPPC will have a team participating in the walk, the YPPC Walkers. In addition, our Churchyard Ministry will be there to serve cotton candy and/or snow cones to walkers. We need at least 6-8 volunteers to make it happen. If you are available to serve, please register for the walk as a part of the YPPC Walkers team at and email Rev. Smith to sign up to serve. 


Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) enables congregations and mission partners of the Presbvterian Church (U.S.A.) to witness to the healing love of Christ through caring for communities adversely affected by crises and catastrophic events.

PDA currently is responding to the escalating violence in and around Israel and Palestine with humanitarian assistance through partners on the ground and through ACT Alliance.

If vou would like to support the work of Presbvterian Disaster Assistance, please make your check payable to YPPC and mark it for PDA.

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