Information from the Diocese of Providence
during the COVID-19 Crisis
May 8, 2020
Reasonable restrictions do not resemble religious persecution
State restrictions on the gathering of persons during the coronavirus crisis has unleashed a deluge of criticism. Touting first amendment rights to freedom of religion and assembly, Christian voices are chief among them. Many have . . .

Sister Mary Angelus remembered for her heartfelt smile, dedication to students
WARWICK — Sister Mary Angelus Gabrielle, RSM, was family — to all who knew her, to all who she comforted, all that she prayed with, to all that she laughed and cried with. As many mourn the loss of this Sister of Mercy, who died from COVID-19 on Saturday, May 2, at Mount St. Rita Health Centre in Cumberland at the age of 93, the loving tributes shared are sure to keep her memory alive.

Listen in... Jim Jahnz, diocesan Emergency Services Coordinator, on Cumulus Radio Sunday, May 10th
The Diocese continues to help needy Rhode Islanders
Jim Jahnz, Emergency Services Coordinator for the Diocese of Providence, will discuss ways in which the diocese has been helping those most in need during the coronavirus crisis when he joins Bill Haberman on the Cumulus Community, this Sunday morning, May 10.

Tune in to WPRO 630 AM / 99.7 FM on Sunday, May 10 from 7:30-8:00am!

Artists in isolation share co-creating with God is ‘time well spent’
PROVIDENCE — As many remain isolated at home, trying to stay safely secluded amid coronavirus concerns, many with artistic gifts find that this could be an opportunity to create for the community, family and for God.

Thank you for your support of Giving Tuesday!
Your generosity immediately helps fellow Rhode Islander's
Thanks to the generosity of donors like you, we were able to raise over $3,400 during #GivingTuesdayNow on May 5! Your donation supports thousands throughout Rhode Island during this critical time. For more information on how your gift makes a difference please visit .

Live-streamed and pre-recorded Masses
Updated daily
Regular Masses
During the COVID-19 Crisis, regular Masses continue to be posted on the diocesan website page dedicated to parish live-streamed/pre-recorded Masses. Find it here.

Special Devotions
As in the past, please consult your parish's bulletin, website, and social media pages for the specifics relative to special devotions, the Rosary, and more. Find parish contact and website information here .
Supporting your parish
Even though public Masses have been suspended in the Diocese of Providence until further notice, please know you may still support your parish via your parish's secure online giving opportunities (where available) as well as mailing your weekly budget directly to your parish. Find our Parish Directory here .

Thank you in advance for your prayers and support of the parishes and the faithful in the Diocese of Providence.

Be assured you are all in our prayers during this challenging time. 
Church Bells continue to Ring in Solidarity on Sunday Mornings
As a sign of faith, unity, and hope in these uncertain times, Bishop Thomas J. Tobin has asked all Catholic churches across the diocese to ring their bells for five minutes every Sunday morning at 9:00am until the novel coronavirus pandemic is over.  
Catholic Charities: helping needy RI'ers right now
Do you need help?
Would you like to help?
As you can imagine, amid this crisis, the needs of our fellow Rhode Islanders are greater than ever.

Need help? Contact us here .

If you are financially able, please consider making a donation online by visiting or by texting the word "Appeal" to 401.496.9889. Your gift will immediately make a positive impact in the lives of your neighbors in need.

Click here to see the good work of your Catholic Charities donation in action. 

Thank you & God Bless!
Read our Diocesan newspaper online
During the COVID-19 Crisis
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Share your stories and photos with the RI Catholic through email (send to: [email protected] ) and on RI Catholic social media.

What's in the news this week? Click here to read now!
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S incerely yours in Christ,

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Providence
Office of Communications
One Cathedral Square, Providence, RI
This e-Newsbulletin is funded in part by your annual support to

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