April 5, 2023
Dear Presbytery Family,

We greet you with love and hope during this blessed Holy Week. This edition of Staying Connected features important reminders and new upcoming events.
Welcome, Clint Cottrell
Clint is honorably retired from Peace River Presbytery. He served at churches in Fort Myers, Fla., and Pittsburgh, Pa., for 23 years and also served as a sheriff chaplain for 13 years. Prior to ministry, he worked for the FAA as an air traffic controller, tower manager and executive staff in Washington, D.C.

He loves to preach, sing and worship! You can find him on our wonderful list of supply pastors, as he is balancing retirement with serving the Lord.

Clint is married to Amy, his elementary school sweetheart. They have three children and three grandchildren.
Spring Stated Presbytery Meeting
The Spring Stated Presbytery meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 2, at 9:30 a.m., at Riverside Presbyterian Church. For more information, view the notice of the meeting, and to register, click here. See you in May!
Lead Presbyter Position
We are, currently, looking to fill the Lead Presbyter position. Our presbytery is well suited for our Lead Presbyter to thrive as our leader. If you feel led to nominate yourself or someone else that you think would be a great fit, please send that information along to search committee chair Bryant Anderson. This position as Lead Presbyter would be a great entry point into the world of middle governing body ministry. View the CLC version of the MIF here.
Area Relationship Coordinator Position
We are, currently, looking to fill the Area Relationship Coordinator position for Area 1 (Gainesville Regional Area). This presbytery staff position promotes communication, coordinates mission and fosters connectional relationships with pastors and churches in an assigned geographic area, strengthening the relationship between the churches and with the presbytery. This position is for Teaching Elders or CRE with commission in our presbytery, estimated eight (8) hours per week, reporting to the presbytery’s Lead Presbyter. For more information, or to apply, email Charlie Evans, Stated Clerk. Read the position description.
Many Positions Available In Our Presbytery
Check out the many ministry opportunities throughout our presbytery here.
More News From Around The Presbytery
Do This in Remembrance of Me
There will be two opportunities to see a dramatic re-enactment of the Last Supper this week titled Do This in Remembrance of Me. The Maundy Thursday presentation, on April 6, will be at St. Giles Presbyterian Church (116 Foxridge Rd., Orange Park, FL) at 7:00 p.m. The Good Friday presentation, on April 7, will be at First Presbyterian Church in Starke (921 E. Call St., Starke, FL) at 7:00 p.m. The event is free and open to the public. Communion will be served and a reception will follow.
Free Items to a Good Home
Chris and Joyce Lieberman are moving to Albuquerque at the end of May. They are offering, free to a good home, church or community, the 20 volumes of the Smyth & Helwys Bible Commentary. This includes Leviticus-Numbers, Deuteronomy, First and Second Samuel, First and Second Kings, Job, Proverbs through Ecclesiastes, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Matthew, Mark, Luke, Acts, Romans, First Corinthians, Second Corinthians, First and Second Thessalonians, Hebrews through James, First, Second and Third John and Revelation. Also available are Iona Community CDs and music for worship. Call Chris (502) 475-8025 or Joyce (904) 515-7165 if interested.  
Centennial Celebration
First Presbyterian Church of Williston celebrated 100 years on April 1. We are grateful to God for this milestone. 
We'd love to see how your congregation is celebrating Easter. Send your photos to [email protected].
News From Montgomery Center
Open House
Save the date for Open House on Saturday, April 29 at Montgomery Center. This is a great opportunity for guests to visit Montgomery, learn how to schedule a retreat and get a taste of camp life.
3rd Friday Work Day
Join us every 3rd Friday, at Montgomery, for a workday! Projects range from construction and plumbing to cleaning and organizing. Can't make it on a Friday? Call the Montgomery office to schedule your service day for any time, 352-473-4516.
Summer at Montgomery - Register Online for Summer Camp today!
Click here to see all of the amazing camp options that will be offered this summer, at Montgomery, and take a look at two of the featured options below.
NEW: Wilderness Camp
Dates: July 16 through 21
(Please note these dates have been updated from last week's Staying Connected.)
  • Learn basic, outdoor survival skills
  • Sleep under the stars for a night
  • Help pitch a tent, cook over a fire and collect ingredients from the farm and camp garden
  • Build strong character through practicing tools for survival and relational building with your team
  • Take part in Bible Study, archery, tubing, climbing wall, swimming and more!
Grades: Entering 4th through 6th
Family Camp
Dates: June 16 through 21
(Please note these dates have been updated from last week's Staying Connected.)
  • Unplug and spend intentional time together as a family
  • Activities include canoeing, outdoor worship, s'mores, arts and crafts, swimming and more
  • Enjoy open afternoons for quiet time and exploring Montgomery's 167 acres of beauty
  • Lodge in an Inn Room with two queen beds and a tub (refrigerator access available upon request)
William Black Lodge
Visit William Black Lodge! The mission of William Black Lodge is to provide a place for God's people to come for renewal, worship and fellowship in a comfortable environment surrounded by God's beautiful creation. Located in the heart of Montreat, PC(USA) Persons in Ministry can often stay for as little as $45 a night. Visit their website for more information.
Conferences and Learning Opportunities
Columbia Theological Seminary Leadership in Ministry Webinar
This Leadership in Ministry Webinar will take place on April 14, at 3:00 p.m. Join Rebecca Maccini as she discusses "The Compunction to Function." The webinar is free to join, but registration is required.
Reclaiming Our Calling: Deacons & Ruling Elders and the Care of Souls
Are you seeking a more vibrant ministry of pastoral care that does not solely rely on the pastor? Have you ever wondered what to say when visiting someone who is navigating cancer or a chronic illness? Do you find yourself struggling between how to validate people's emotions and how to assure them of the promises of God? Join us as we explore the care of souls in a congregational context and the role that ruling elders and deacons play in that important work. This Leader Formation Webinar will take place on April 27, from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Registration is free, but you must register by April 19.
Better Arguments: Principals to Practice
This webinar session offers concrete tips for putting Better Arguments principles into practice, as well as reflections about the opportunities and challenges related to bridging our nation’s divides. In each Principles to Practice training, we take a deep dive on one aspect of the Better Arguments approach. In this session, we will focus on the Third Principle of a Better Argument: Pay Attention to Context. The session takes place on April 26, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. This event is free, but registration is required.
Key Events
Share Your Events
We would be happy to publish your event in the coming weeks! Email [email protected] with the dates and details.
Susan Rose, Moderator of the Presbytery
Charlie Evans, Stated Clerk
Previous Staying Connected emails are available on our website.