Maintaining the Momentum!
A Message from UCC Miranda Moore
Greetings Southwestern Region Family! Welcome again to the 2018-2019 sorority year. We are very excited about the activities planned for undergraduates and undergraduate advisors as we continue to "
Be Greater. Think Greater."
It was great visiting with each Area within the Super Southwestern Region. As a reminder, please complete the following tasks:
1) Provide updated chapter information via the regional website including names and contact information for undergraduate advisors, undergraduate basilei, etc.
2) ALL undergraduate chapter calendars and grade reports are due to the UCC before the end of October. You can submit your information to
3) Each undergraduate chapter should be focused on membership efforts. Please note that YSC Joseph and I are available for one-on-one sessions to discuss targeted recruitment plans. You can request a session by sending an email to AND
4) Stay tuned for invitations to the monthly (1) advisor and (2) undergraduate calls. It is imperative that we have representation from each chapter on the calls.
Together we can achieve our goals. Together we can grow. Together we make the Southwestern Region Super!!!
In Service,
Miranda Moore, Undergraduate Chapter Coordinator
The 2018 Area Meeting season has come to a close and the meetings were focused on strategic planning, leadership development, sharing best practices, connections and community impact. Because of your efforts we were able to donate more than
$3,000 dollars in monetary and in-kind donations to local charities in the cities where the area meetings were hosted.
Thank you for your generousity and for your commitment to being an
Intentional, Impactful, Measurable Sisterhood for the Future.
To view photos from the various area meetings, visit the Region's social media pages.
The Southwestern Region Is Getting A New Look
In a few weeks, the Southwestern Region's website is getting a new look with exciting new features!
The new website will include an expanded members' only portal, a comprehensive calendar of events page featuring major events happening throughout the region, a chapter locator, access to the community service reporting tool, and a plethora of resources chapters and affiliates throughout the region can use.
We appreciate your patience as we transition to the new site and will be working closely with the Region's financial officers to ensure all financial members have access to the new portal.
78th Southwestern Regional Conference
March 7 - 10, 2019 | Frisco, Texas
Details about the conference including registration and lodging information will be available on the region's website November 1, 2018.
Registration will be open November 1, 2018 through February 1, 2019.
Join 1922 Club
Make a donation to the Region of $19.22
All members and affiliates are asked to make contribution to the Southwestern Region's 1922 Club which benefits the regional disaster relief fund, national community partners, the Undergraduate Development Fund, and a local charity at regional conference.
Sorors, Philos and Rhoers that contribute to the fund will receive special Recognition including:
- A Certificate
- Recognition in the regional conference souvenir journal
- Recogniition of contributors during the regional conference (plenary session, luncheon, or awards banquet)
Payments can be sent via PayPal to
Women's Wellness Initiative
October is Breast Cancer Awareness and Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Members and Affiliates of Sigma Gamma Rho will observe the Hattie McDaniel Breast Cancer Awareness Initiative and Domestic Violence Awareness for the month. Join us in promoting awareness through service and action!
Please share pictures and stories on social media of activities and events your chapter is doing using the following hashtags:
#SigmaGammaRho #SGRho #SGRhoUpdates #BreastCancerAwareness #DomesticViolenceAwareness #ThinkPink #SigmaSWR
Celebrating Achievements Throughout the Region
In effort to celebrate and showcase the outstanding work chapters and affiliates are doing throughout the Region, we have created an online submission form for you to use to submit pictures and stories to be featured on the Region's website, social media platforms, and/or monthly newsletter.
Submitted articles must meet the following criteria:
- must not exceed 200 words or less
- must be grammatically correct
- must be received by 15th of the current month; if received after that date will be considered for the next month's newsletter.
- photographs are optional, but if included must be: saved as a .jpg, .gif, or .png format with image resolution of 72 pixels per inch and file size not exceeding 20 MB.
For questions about the newseltter or the region's website, contact Southwestern Region Epistoleus, LaTisha Brandon via email at
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