HealthFusion June 2014 B  

July 9, 2014   Vol. V, Issue 28
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Anti-secretory factor (AF) treatment for childhood Diarrhea.

AF is a naturally-occurring protein produced in the human secretory organs which regulate the ion and fluid balance across cell membranes, including the bowls. Salovum� egg yolk powder contains proteins with antisecretory properties 500 times higher than normal eggs.


From a randomized placebo-control trial of 36 children (7-60 months of age) with diarrhea of unknown etiology, given oral rehydration salts plus AF (Salovum�) compared to a placebo, it appears that AF treatment decreases stool frequency and consistency by 50% with no adverse effects.


Acta Paediatrica

Well-being & suicidal ideation of secondary school students of military families.

Adolescents of military personnel may be at greater risk for depression and poorer feelings of well-being (internalizing behaviors) as they suffer the stresses of parental deployment and reintegration.


A data study of (a subgroup of the California Healthy Kids Survey) 7th, 9th and 11th grade children of a military parent or sibling, identifies (compared to a control group) and emphasizes the increased risk these children have of developing mental health issues, particularly feelings of sadness, hopelessness, depressive symptoms and/or suicidal ideations. There is a need for schools that have children of military families to have an increased awareness, and screening availability for these children.


Journal of Adolescent Health 



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ICD-10: 4 Steps You Should Take Now  

Guest Blog by Kathy McCoy


Exactly what are you supposed to do about ICD-10, now that all the debate is over and the new deadline is set for

October 1, 2015?


We advise, as many experts have, that you can relax-a little-but don't stop your preparations for the ICD-10

start date.


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Child, household & care-giver characteristics with influenza-associated hospitalizations.   


A case-control study of data from 290, 6-59 month old infants (and 1,089 controls) hospitalized for laboratory-confirmed influenza infection was utilized to identify risk factors for hospitalization.


Chronic illness, young maternal age, poverty, household smoking, and lack of household vaccination increases the risk of young children being hospitalized with an influenza infection.


Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal

Frequency of bathing in the management of Atopic Dermatitis (AD).


A perspective, randomized, case-controls study of 28 children (6 months-10 years) diagnosed with atopic dermatitis who received bathing instructions - either daily or twice per week, and followed over a 2 week period indicates that bathing frequency in AD does not play an important role in treatment (though bathing improves AD compared to baseline).


Clinical Pediatrics

Video Feature  
Atopic Dermatitis: Causes
Atopic Dermatitis: Causes
via YouTube

Steroids & levothyroxine to treat children with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome (INS).   


"The nephrotic syndrome is characterized by a marked increase in the glomerular permeability to macro molecules. The associated urinary loss of albumin and hormone-binding proteins are responsible for many of the metabolic derangements and endocrine abnormalities found in these patients."


Children with nephrotic syndrome frequently have a state of mild or subclinical hypothyroidism during proteinuria. The clinical efficacy of levothyroxine given to these patients has not been established.


A study of 40 INS patients divided into three groups according to their levels of thyroid hormone and treated with steroids and thyroxin indicates that this combined therapy appears to reduce the time to proteinuria remission (compared to steroid therapy alone).


Pediatric Nephrology 

Breast feeding, early nutrition & adult body fat


A large cohort of healthy breast-fed infants who participated in a 20 year-long longitudinal study of nutrition and growth in children, had their weight, height, subscapular skinfold thickness (SF) and fat mass measured and analyzed at 10 months of age and every 2 years thereafter to age 20 years.


Many factors are associated with adult obesity; socioeconomic status and parental BMI being important cofounders.


It appears that the association between breastfeeding and adult body weight measurements is relatively limited. Early nutritional intake however, particularly the amount of fat consumed at 2 years of age, appears to be an important factor for later life obesity. Limiting fat intake during early childhood may prove to be a valuable strategy.


Journal of Pediatrics

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