Updates on East Shore Operations
In Response to Covid-19 Pandemic
Dear East Shore Members & Friends,
The ESUC Staff has been regularly working to keep everyone in our beloved community physically safe and emotionally/spiritually connected. The effects of COVID-19 on global and local health are foremost among our concerns. We realize these are exceptionally hard times, stimulating our fear and anxiety and trying everyone’s faith, meanwhile unduly victimizing the already most vulnerable. One coping strategy we all agree on is strengthening your ties to the community, including the ESUC community. Both reaching out for support and offering it are helpful to the human soul. This has always have been so, especially in times of shared crisis such as today. This (following) update reflects our current thinking and intentions. Your ESUC staff has been fully engaged making our church a source of meaning and pride for its members and friends. We welcome your feedback.
In abiding liberal faith, Steve
Included in this update for our community are highlights of the ongoing programming and operations, as well as additional guidelines as to the use of the campus going into summer and the start of the fall year. While many aspects of these adjustments are a direct response to the current circumstances, some aspects will continue even after the virus has ended, namely access to virtual worship services. With the assistance of a Pacific Western Region UU Growth Fund grant, East Shore is setting up the capacity to live stream our worship services and other events from the Sanctuary! Even when we gather together in person again, we will maintain a virtual presence for our community.
East Shore's current and upcoming online programming can be found through our newsletters and includes:
- Services: Sunday at 10:00 a.m. through September 13th, resuming 2 services on Sunday, September 20th at 9:00 & 11:00 a.m.
- Religious Education: Sundays at 11:00 a.m. through September, resuming regular programming in the fall with online, aged-based classes by registration
- Choir: Thursdays at 7:00 p.m.
- Board Meetings: open to members for observation
- Tuesday Night Happy Hour: open to all!
- Ministry Teams & Events
- Adult Programming
- Children's Chalice Camp, partnering with local congregations
- High School Youth Group
- Covenant circles
- Memorial and Committal Services
- Annual Auction Fundraiser, online in November
Looking to host a meeting or program online?
We have space for volunteer engagement. East Shore needs everyone’s help imagining new ways to recruit and integrate new members, to organize zoom events for families, groups, and other get-togethers, and to support one another through many more months of social distancing.
Please fill out the East Shore Connections Survey above. Here are some ways that you can be involved with East Shore's community over the upcoming months:
- Religious Education adult mentors, including upper elementary support, Coming of Age mentors and high school youth advisors
- Adult Programming, offer a class here
- Worship Associates, providing support for online services
- Ministry Teams, including Women's Perspective, Sophia Way, Grounds, Congregations for the Homeless, Auction
- Board standing committees, including Personnel and the RE Committee
The East Shore Board of Trustees and Staff Leadership would like to provide additional guidance as to the use of the campus during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.
UUA President, the Reverend Susan Frederick-Gray, has recommended that all Unitarian Universalist congregations offer
virtual services through May 31, 2021 (
read the full article here). This recommendation, which we are holding with deep regard, is in part to allow for a sense of stability under a condition that is inherently unstable. By projecting this far out, there may be a sense of foresight and long term investment in our current, virtual operations.
In alignment with the Board’s Goals, Emergency Response Protocols for the campus have been developed to include evolving COVID-19 specific protocols.
East Shore's Anticipated Operations
To be reflected upon and assessed quarterly
- Services:
- Onsite Services may resume in January 2021, virtual services continuing indefinitely
- Religious Education:
- Classes and programs for children and youth will continue virtually, with considerations being made for hybrid programming, in conversation and planning collaboration with the RE Committee and incoming teachers. Join this planning task force team to help brainstorm and create learning opportunities that meet your families needs.
- Coming of Age programs for 13-16 years olds will be starting in September, with potential small in person, socially distance, outside gatherings
- Choir:
- Onsite Choir may resume in January 2021
- Coffee Hour and Food:
- Food and drink events may resume during in person gatherings in January 2021
- Committee/Team/Member Meetings:
- Small group meetings may begin after Labor Day, if we are in Phase 3
- Rentals:
- Limited, essential services related rentals may occur during the summer
- Additional small group rentals may be added in the fall
- All contracts are being updated to include required COVID-19 protocols
- Memorial Services, Weddings, and Committals:
- On a case-by-case parking lot or memorial garden services may be considered
In Faith,
The Staff Leadership Team
Nicole Duff, Membership Development Manager | East Shore Unitarian Church | esuc.org