Dear Valued Provider,

One Call is pleased to announce recent enhancements to our Provider Portal ( , intended to help you with Ride Offers and Confirmations.

Specifically, on the Offers and Confirmations screen:

  1. There are new filters across the top, including, Segment, Service and Actions.
  2. There is a Select/Unselect All button to check if you want all ride offers or confirmations to display, or manually select the offers and confirmations displayed on this screen by checking/unchecking individual items.
  3. There is a Refresh feature for Offers and Offer Expiration Time.
New Filters (1)
Select All/Unselect for Offers (2)
After selecting the offer, click Accept or Reject .
Important Note: For WC trips, the Expiration Date/Time will display if it is a RUSH.

Select All/Unselect for Confirmations (2)
After selecting the confirmation/s, instructions display denoting which button to select: Accept , 24 hr Confirm , Final Confirm or Reject .

Refresh Feature for Offers and Offer Expiration Time (3)
To ensure displayed offers are the most current available, regularly click Refresh on the right side of the Offers and Confirmations screen.

If you have any questions about these enhancements to our Provider Portal, please email us at

Thank you,

One Call
Visit us at
[1] One Call is not a healthcare or transportation provider, but instead schedules and coordinates such services on behalf of its clients through a proprietary network of independently contracted licensed practitioners, healthcare provider groups and vendors (collectively, “Network Providers”). One Call is not a claims administrator and does not make determinations regarding coverage and compensability of services rendered by Network Providers, but instead passes such determinations through to Network Providers from its clients. This is not a solicitation or advertisement.