January 20, 2024

Updating Rates For Continued Quality Service

Front view of Marina Coast Water District office building.

The Marina Coast Water District maintains long-term water and sewer system maintenance and improvement plans. These plans make clear that many water and sewer facilities are aging, and many built by the Army in the Ord Community do not meet present-day standards. As a result, the District should increase the investment it makes in the water and sewer systems.

As we develop our five-year plan of upgrades and replacements, we are seeking to balance the speed of repairs with the rates our customers pay. The more we invest, the more reliable our services will be.

Mark Your Calendars for February 22On this date, the Board of Directors will begin its first review of proposed new rates and options for investment over the next five years in our water and sewer systems. 

The District will provide more information as the updated rates are developed in the coming months, including details on the February 22 Board meeting and a public meeting planned for March. Learn more on our web page or via our social media, press, and e-News; or call (831) 384-6131.

View District Webpage on Rate Update

Improve Your Soil Health

By Boosting Water Holding Capacity

Gardener with gloved hands full of rich, brown soil.

Healthy soils are essential for plant growth, nutrition, and water filtration.

Why talk about soils? Because healthy soils help us improve water use efficiency by capturing more available water while improving the quality of water that’s returned to aquifers, rivers, and streams.

Healthy soils also support a landscape that is more resilient to the impacts of drought or flood. See the tips below to create healthier soil in your garden and boost its water-holding capacity for better irrigation and less water loss:

  • Test your soil.
  • Add organic matter.
  • Protect topsoil with mulch or cover crops.
  • Avoid using chemicals unless there's no alternative.
  • Add compost to your soil to increase water, air, and nutrients.
See How To Make Your Soil Healthier

Dispose of All Unused Medications Safely

How to Properly Discard Your Medical Waste

Pills thrown down toilet with red DO NOT bar across toilet seat.

Please don't flush or throw medications down the toilet or drain. 

Never flush unused medications or pour them down the drain — it can be disruptive to the wastewater treatment process. Also, do not put them in the trash. Drugs that are improperly disposed of can pollute our marine life, groundwater, and soil.

Protect your family by keeping all drugs away from children and pets. 

See the link below to learn where to safely dispose of unused medications.

Learn to Dispose of Medications Safely
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Marina Coast Water District

11 Reservation Road, Marina CA 93933

(831) 384-6131 | mcwd.org  

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