St. Patrick Parish News & Updates

August 25, 2023 | Issue 34

A Word from the Pastor

August 25, 2023

I have always been intrigued by the influence of St. Monica on her son St. Augustine. (The memorials of these two saints are celebrated back-to-back on August 27 and 28. This year the 21st Sunday of Ordinary Time replaces St. Monica.)

The circumstances of St. Monica’s life could have made her a nagging wife, a bitter daughter-in-law, and a despairing parent, yet she did not give way to any of these temptations. Although she was a Christian, her parents gave her in marriage to a pagan, Patricius, who lived in her hometown of Tagaste in North Africa. Patricius had some redeeming features, but he had a violent temper and was licentious. Monica also had to bear with a cantankerous mother-in-law who lived in her home. Patricius criticized his wife because of her charity and piety, but always respected her. Monica’s prayers and example finally won her husband and mother-in-law to Christianity. Her husband died in 371, one year after his baptism.

Monica had at least three children who survived infancy. The oldest, Augustine, is the most famous. At the time of his father’s death, Augustine was 17 and a rhetoric student in Carthage. Monica was distressed to learn that her son had accepted the Manichean heresy—”all flesh is evil”—and was living an immoral life. For a while, she refused to let him eat or sleep in her house. Then one night she had a vision that assured her Augustine would return to the faith. From that time on, she stayed close to her son, praying and fasting for him. In fact, she often stayed much closer than Augustine wanted. 

When he was 29, Augustine decided to go to Rome to teach rhetoric. Monica was determined to go along. One night he told his mother that he was going to the dock to say goodbye to a friend. Instead, he set sail for Rome. Monica was heartbroken when she learned of Augustine’s trick, but she still followed him. She arrived in Rome only to find that he had left for Milan. Although travel was difficult, Monica pursued him to Milan.

In Milan, Augustine came under the influence of the bishop, St. Ambrose, who also became Monica’s spiritual director. She continued her prayers for Augustine during his years of instruction. At Easter 387, St. Ambrose baptized Augustine and several of his friends. Soon after, his party left for Africa. Although no one else was aware of it, Monica knew her life was near the end. She told Augustine, “Son, nothing in this world now affords me delight. I do not know what there is now left for me to do or why I am still here, all my hopes in this world being now fulfilled.” She became ill shortly after and died.

Almost all we know about St. Monica comes from the writings of St. Augustine, especially his Confessions. He portrays her as a mother who patiently prayed for her wayward son. At every moment of her life, she expressed her love for him. She rejoiced that God used someone else to touch his heart and lead him to faith. In these ways, she can serve as a model for mothers for all times.

In one Heart,

Fr. Ron 

[email protected]

Fr Ron’s Email

To send an email to Fr. Ron Bagley, please use [email protected] Other addresses may not work.

Hurricane Aftermath

We are grateful that our parish property did not suffer any damage as a result of this “historic storm.” However, lower attendance at Mass last weekend resulted in a much smaller collection. Please add your usual weekly contribution to your next offering at Mass (or use online giving). Our parish budget depends on your regular support.

Aid to Maui

Being residents of California, we know the horrible effect of wildfires. Yet the devastation in Maui is catastrophic. As Christians we see in this disaster an opportunity to practice the Corporal Works of Mercy: feeding the hungry, providing shelter for the homeless, bringing healing to the sick, comforting those who mourn, and so on.

There are many ways for us to help but the greatest need at the moment is for cash for immediate relief, supplying very basic needs, and starting the long rebuilding process. Many organizations are coming to the aid of Maui, most of them quite legitimate. But there are scammers out there. The following organizations can be trusted and will make sure that help gets to those who need it. Consider a donation to help those in need.

Click the links below for:

Hawaiian Community Foundation

Maui Food Bank

American Red Cross

Hawaiian Community Foundation-Maui Strong
Maui Food Bank
American Red Cross
Online Giving to Maui through St. Patrick

Hawaii Fires Response Special Collection

Our parish is participating in a special collection to assist the Church in Hawaii recover from the devastation caused by the recent fires.

Proceeds from this collection, which is being taken up on this weekend August 26 and 27 and will be sent to the Diocese of Honolulu. 

Checks can be made payable to St. Patrick Parish, or use our Online Giving.

Annual Catholic Appeal

As we move into the last quarter of this year, it is time to think about your donation to the Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA). It is the opportunity we have to contribute to the good work being done by Catholic Charities and various pastoral ministries of the Diocese.

Our parish goal (the actual amount we will be assessed) is $96,625.00. To date, we have collected $71,582.22 in cash and pledges. That means we are still $25,042.78 short of our goal. If we do not reach that goal, we will be assessed the balance.

Reminder: no money donated to ACA can be used for legal fees or bankruptcy settlement. ACA is a restricted fund that can only be used for the purpose and intention of the donors.

RCIA Is For You If You Are:

  • an adult (18+) who has never been part of a formal religion 
  • an adult who was baptized in a faith tradition other than Catholicism 
  • an adult who received some but not all of the sacraments 
  • an adult who was raised in another faith and now wishes to become Catholic

We are now forming a new group of catechumens and candidates. The English group will meet on Sunday mornings beginning September 10. This is a change from our meeting date in the past. We will invite the English group to attend the 9:00 am Mass together and then stay for another hour of formation after the Mass.

Those in the English group can sign up or seek further information by contacting Fr. Ron at [email protected] or 760-729-2866 or our coordinators Brick and Rebecca Langford at [email protected]

Learn More about the Eucharist

As a part of the Diocesan Institute, Fr. Ron Bagley will be teaching a six week course entitled The Eucharist and Sunday. It will be held here at St. Patrick Parish Center on Tuesday evenings, beginning on September 12, 6:30-9:00 pm and concluding on October 24 (skipping September 26).

The course will explore the biblical and liturgical meaning of Sunday, and the Eucharist, sacrament of the Paschal Mystery, as source and summit of the Christian life. Because this course will explore the biblical, theological and liturgical foundations of the Eucharist, it is very appropriate at the beginning of the National Eucharistic Revival year. 

Registration is being handled by the Diocesan Institute office. Contact them at or call (858) 490-8212. This course can be used for credit toward diocesan certification or for personal enrichment. If you have questions, contact Fr. Ron.

Read About Fr. Ron's Course here...

Refugee Resettlement

The Refugee Resettlement Team would like to thank all of our St. Patrick parishioners who helped support our efforts to help new refugees settle into their new life in the U.S. We were able to collect an entire apartment full of furniture, which helped a wonderful family of 6 from Afghanistan settle in. And we were able to support the resettlement of a family of 7 from Sudan financially. Thank you all for your generosity and prayers for these families. Your donations will continue to help refugees through the resettlement program at Catholic Charities SD.

Chris and Emmett Durnan, Susan Elmore, Lisa and Joe Albers, Diane Otto, Karis Chodzko, Caroline and Paul Dooley, Helen Woodfield and Debbie Sullivan

Chris Durnan

[email protected]


Four Week Bible Study with Fr. Azam



Join Fr. Azam V. Mansha, CJM, for a new biblical series of interactive lectures on the Holy Eucharist in response to United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ call for the National Eucharistic Revival - “The Source and Summit of the Christian Life” (CCC 1324), which engages the mind and the heart while exploring the layers of the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist, meaning in the light of the Sacred Scripture. 

Thursdays at 7:00 PM

August 31; September 7, 14 & 21

Fridays at 10:00 AM 

September 1, 8, 15 & 22


St. Patrick Patio Room

Watch Daily and Sunday Masses Livestreamed from  St. Patrick Church here:

Sunday Collection for 8/20/2023

 Envelope Collection     $4,516.00

 Plate Collection               $5,258.00

 Online Giving     $12,067.53

     Total Collection $21,841.53 

  We are grateful for the generosity of all of our parishioners and visitors.

Online Giving Reminder

Please remember to log in to your Online Giving account frequently. You can make sure your payment method is up to date and that your gifts are being processed.

For help with forgotten passwords, please contact Online Giving technical support at 800.348.2886, ext. 2.
Click on the Online Giving icon below to create or access your account.
We appreciate your support!

Catholic Trivia

"Catholic Trivia”... not because they are trivial but because these might be things that not everyone knows. Test your knowledge by reading the five questions, remember your answers (or jot them down), then click the link below to find the answers.

  1. Who are the three sons of Adam and Eve that are mentioned in the Bible?
  2. What was God’s sign to Noah that he would never destroy the earth by a flood again?
  3. How many brothers did Joseph (son of Jacob) have?
  4. How did Moses’ mother save him from the Egyptian soldiers?
  5. What is the fifth book of the Bible?

Feel free to email Fr. Ron with ideas for future Catholic Trivia questions [email protected]

If you have other members of your family or your friends who would like to be on our email list, just let me know or write to Mary McLain at [email protected] We will be pleased to add them.

Masses are available on our website

We have a YouTube channel where we have daily and Sunday Masses.
YouTube channel here...
Answers to Catholic Trivia here!
Online Giving
Read all of Fr. Ron's newsletters here

Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A

First Reading

Isaiah 22:19-23

God will remove Shebna from his office as master of the palace.

Responsorial Psalm

Psalm 138:1-3,6,8

God’s kindness is forever.

Second Reading

Romans 11:33-36

Paul sings praise to God.

Gospel Reading

Matthew 16:13-20

Simon Peter acknowledges Jesus as the Christ and is given the key to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Background on the Gospel Reading

It is important to read today’s Gospel and next week’s Gospel as two parts of a single story. These readings are a turning point in Matthew’s Gospel. This week we hear Jesus name Simon Peter as the rock upon which he will build his Church. Next week we will hear Jesus call this same Simon Peter "Satan" when he reacts negatively to Jesus’ prediction about his passion and death.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus asks his disciples what people are saying about his identity. The disciples indicate that most people believe that Jesus is a prophet of Israel. Then Jesus asks his disciples who they believe that he is. Simon Peter answers, identifying Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of God. Jesus commends Simon Peter for this profession of faith, indicating that this insight has come from God.

Because of Simon Peter’s response, Jesus calls him the "rock" upon which Jesus will build the Church. This is a word play on the name Peter, which is the Greek word for "rock." Peter is then given special authority by Jesus, a symbolic key to the Kingdom of Heaven. Peter will play an important role in the early Christian community as a spokesperson and a leader.

In today’s Gospel, Peter’s recognition of Jesus’ identity is credited to a revelation by God. This will contrast sharply with Jesus’ rebuke of Peter in next week’s Gospel. When Peter rejects Jesus’ prediction of his passion and death, Peter is said to no longer be thinking as God does but as humans do.

The use of the term church in today’s Gospel is one of only three such occurrences in Matthew’s Gospel. Peter in this Gospel is being credited as the foundation for the Church, a privilege granted to him because of his recognition of Jesus’ identity. The Church continues to be grounded in the faith that Jesus Christ is Lord.

Prayer to Saint Monica

August 27 is usually the Memorial of St. Monica, mother of St. Augustine. (See Fr. Ron’s “Word” for this Sunday.) Listen to the prayer linked below. It may be a source of strength and comfort, as well as wise advice.

Mass for Survivors of Suicide Loss

Sunday, September 10, 9:00 am at Mission San Diego de Alcalá Parish, 10818 San Diego Mission Road, San Diego 92108. The Celebrant will be Auxiliary Bishop Ramon Bejarano. Family and friends are invited to remember their loved ones during Suicide Prevention Awareness month.

Please provide the name of your loved ones by clicking the box below.

Add names here

Misa para Supervivientes al Suicidio

Domingo, 10 de septiembre., 9:00 am, Misión San Diego de Alcalá, 10818 San Diego Mission Road, San Diego 92108. Celebrante: Obispo Aux. Ramón Bejarano. Se invita a familiares y amigos a recordar a seres queridos durante el mes de prevención del suicidio. Descargué el volante y envié el nombre de su ser querido

Haga clic aquí:

Ruah Adonai to Resume Bible Study on October 4

Registration weekend for Ruah Adonai - Breath of God Bible Study is this weekend August 26 and 27.  

A Biblical Walk Through the Mass (5 sessions) “The Mass is nothing short of amazing. Through it, we encounter God in the most intimate way possible as we hear him speak to us in the Liturgy of the Word and as we receive him Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Holy Eucharist.” Watch a video clip here 

Prophets: Messengers of God's Mercy (10 sessions) “God sent prophets at critical times to call the people back to their covenant relationship. Prophets proclaimed the consequences of continued sin, called people to repentance, and declared God’s faithful love. They also spoke of the future to shed light on current events and to reveal God’s plans and purposes.” Watch a video clip here

Ruah Adonai - Breath of God Bible Study is open to men and women. No previous bible study experience needed. Our mission is to know, to love and to serve God. We meet Wednesdays from 8:30 am to 10 am in the Parish Hall to view an engaging video presentation followed by a lively group discussion and fellowship. For more information contact Kelly Le Berthon at [email protected]

Ruah Adonai Information here...

Bach Played on Wine Glasses

Johann Sebastian Bach - Toccata and Fugue in D minor played on the glass harp by GlassDuo at the "Festival di Santo Stefano" in Bologna, Italy. GlassDuo has created an exceptional musical instrument from a set of custom made wine glasses. The result is the biggest professional Glass Harp in the world.

Soup Suppers Update



Confirmation Meeting – Reunion por Confirmacion

Orientation for Confirmation Year Two Candidates and their parents of our English speaking families will be this Sunday, Aug. 27 in the parish hall from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. This is a mandatory meeting for candidates and parents. If you have a conflict, please contact the youth office.

La orientación para los candidatos del segundo año de confirmación y los padres de nuestras familias de habla hispana será el domingo 27 de agosto en el salón parroquial de 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. Esta es una reunión obligatoria para candidatos y sus padres. Si tienes algún conflicto, ponte en contacto con la oficina de jóvenes.

Register online by using the link below.

Register for Confirmation here...

Religious Education Preschool to 8th Grade

Registration Information for the 2023-2024 School Year

We are here to support parents in forming their children in the Catholic Faith and engage in our parish community where we worship and grow together in faith. We offer weekly classes for preschool through 8th grade and preparation for the sacraments for children in grades 1 through 8.

You can learn more about our program by clicking on the links for: 

  • Early Faith Formation for children age 3 1/2 and Kindergarten 
Information here...
  • Preparation for the Sacraments for students in grade 1-8
Information here...
  • Continuing Faith Formation for students in grade 3 – 8 that have already received First Holy Communion. 
Information here...

The online registration is open for all our classes from Preschool through 8th grade. Visit our website: Click on Religious Education and then Preschool – 8th grade. General information and the online form are at the side bar.

Here is the link to the online registration form:

Contact the Office for Religious Education at [email protected] or 760-729-8442  with questions about faith formation or sacramental preparation.  


Margit Dornisch,

Religious Education and Family Ministry 

Un Saludo de parte del Diacono Miguel,

‘“Luego Jesús les preguntó, “Y ustedes, ¿quién dicen que soy yo?” Simón Pedro tomó la palabra y le dijo, “Tú eres el Mesías, el Hijo de Dios vivo”’. Los judíos del tiempo de Jesús esperaban ansiosamente la venida del Mesías. El Mesías iba restaurar todo lo que habían perdido a otros imperios y naciones. El Mesías iba ser un gran guerrero, como el Rey David, conquistando y dominando con fuerza y violencia. Pero Jesús es diferente a lo que esperaban. Jesús habla de un Reino de Dios basado en el amor y la misericordia. Él sana a los enfermos y levanta a los muertos, restaura la dignidad de todos, y no le importa su color ni su religión. Los discípulos ven lo que Jesús está haciendo y diciendo. En el Evangelio de este XXI Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario, hay una conversación entre Jesús y sus discípulos sobre, ¿Qué dice la gente quien es Jesús? Los discípulos le dan varias respuestas, pero luego les hace esta pregunta personalmente, “Y ustedes, ¿quién dicen que soy yo?” Pedro tiene la respuesta ganadora, y Jesús lo reconoce y luego explica la misión de Pedro en la historia de salvación. Pero los reto analizar la pregunta que Jesús les hace a los discípulos en sus propias vidas, “¿Quién es Jesús para ti?” ¿Jesús es alguien que miramos en las imagines y hacemos oraciones bonitas? O, ¿es alguien que vemos en el crucifico de un rosario que ponemos en nuestro carro como amuleto de la suerte? ¿Quién es Jesús para ti? O, ¿es alguien real, a quien le hablamos como si fuera nuestro mejor amigo? ¿Quién te reta amar y perdonar más, a ser más paciente y respetuoso? ¿Quién es Jesús para ti?

La Misa, Paso a Paso - “Agua y Vino del Ofertorio”. Haga clic aquí
OTRA REFLEXIÓN: “Y ustedes, ¿Quién dicen que soy yo?”. - Haga clic aquí:
“Cómo crear una fuerza interior…” Haga clic aquí:


Hablemos de desatar

Estudios Bíblicos en Español del Padre Ricardo Chinchilla, cjm... clic aquí

3821 Adams Street

Carlsbad, California 92008


  • The Chapel of Our Lady of Guadalupe is open

  • Our parish offices are open, Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 12:30pm and 1:30 to 4:30pm

  • In case of emergency, you can always reach a priest. Call the parish number 760-729-2866 and press number 6 which will connect you directly to one of our priests.

  • If you know someone who does not receive our emails, please forward this to them, or have them reply to this message.

To email a priest at St. Patrick Church click the address below:

[email protected]

Read our Sunday Bulletin here
Visit our website