October 2023

Issue Highlights

  • Newly Activated Studies

  • Accruals, Biospecimens & Special Entries

  • Diving into Disparities

  • Smiling Faces

Newly Activated Studies

These studies have recently activated.

More information can be found on CTSU.

  • EA2222: A Randomized Phase III Study of Systemic Therapy with or Without Hepatic Arterial Infusion for Unresectable Colorectal Liver Metastases: The PUMP Trial

Monthly Coordinator Call

Monthly Coordinator Meeting

Thursday, November 30, 2023

The meeting will be held from

2:00PM - 3:00PM

on Microsoft Teams.

If you did not receive a recurring Teams calendar invite for these meetings please reach out to Sahra Khan, SKhan@gibbscc.org.

The link for this Thursday's meeting is below.

Coordinator Call

Accruals, Biospecimens & Special Entries

CCDR Corner

All About AYAs

Diving into Disparities

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Since 1985, October has been recognized as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month to raise awareness and devote time and education about the impact of breast cancer and the importance of early detection and access to timely, high-quality care.

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers among women in the United States, specifically women over 50 years old. Unfortunately, the impact of the disease is not equal due to the various social determinants of health factors such as socioeconomic status, education, housing, age, and racial and ethnic background (Babatunde et al., 2021). Survival rates for breast cancer have significantly increased for both Black and White women in the last 40 years, most likely due to continuous improvements in medical technology that have enabled early detection and treatment. However, a substantial racial gap remains, with studies indicating a 5-year survival rate of 81% for Black women and 92% for White women in recent years (Yedjou et al., 2019). Understanding the epidemiologic factors and molecular genetics contributing to these differences may further explain the racial and ethnic disparities in breast cancer, thus advocating for stakeholders and organizations to raise awareness and funds to support life-saving collaborative research and clinical trials.

With early detection being a critical factor in successful breast cancer treatment, developing robust community-engaged health promotion efforts is essential to promote breast cancer screening and navigate complex treatment options (Dean et al., 2018). Engaging with a range of communities ensures that the information about breast cancer screening and treatment options and the promotion efforts for breast cancer awareness month are inclusive to the needs of all women, regardless of racial and ethnic background, which is critical to any effective policy or practice change efforts (Gehlert et al., 2021).

At Upstate Carolina NCORP, we do not just wear pink. We Take Action!


Remember to:

- Know Risk Factors

- Get Yearly Mammograms

- Make Healthy Lifestyle Choices

- Learn About Clinical Trials

Smiling Faces

SWOG Semi-Annual Meeting

UC-NCORP was well-represented at the SWOG Semi-Annual meeting as Kamara Mertz-Rivera and Audrianna Carrington participated in the Take Action Symposium. Audrianna spoke about practical approaches to community engagement and what that looks like at our site. Kamara was invited to participate in the Jeri & Noboru Oishi Symposium during the Site Success in the Post Pandemic Era.

UC-NCORP members who attended SWOG (pictured from left to right): Jennifer Connolley, Kamara Mertz-Rivera, Sahra Khan, Audrianna Carrington, Melyssa Foust, Jetta Turner. Not Pictured: Alaina Kennedy

Wake Forest Semi-Annual Meeting

UC-NCORP Members Pictured: (Bottom row from the left) Abdelmohsen Alqalam, Dr. Bearden, Melyssa Foust. (Top row fourth from the left): Dr. Curtis.

Do you have any staff you would like highlighted in The Connector?

Please submit it by the 15th of the month to Jetta: Jturner@gibbscc.org

Connect with us on LinkedIn!
Click here to visit our website


Kamara Mertz-Rivera, MA, CCRC

Email: UpstateNCORP@srhs.com

Phone: 864-560-6104

eRegulatory Systems

Laura Bailey, BS, CCRP

Email: UpstateNCORPRegulatory@srhs.com

Phone: 864-560-6954


Josh Acuna, MPH

Email: UpstateNCORPRegulatory@srhs.com

Phone: 864-530-6523

AYA Coordinator

Heather Schwartz, MPH, HTL

Email: heather_schwartz@bshsi.org

Phone: 864-603-6212

Grant Manager

Alex Akkary, MBA

Email: UpstateNCORPFinance@srhs.com

Phone: 864-560-6967

Quality Assurance

Sahra Khan & Jessica Michael

Email: UpstateNCORPQA@srhs.com

Phone: 864-530-6510

CCDR Director

Melyssa Foust, MSN, RN, OCN

Email: UpstateNCORPCCDR@srhs.com

Phone: 864-560-1035

Community & Social Media 

Alaina Kennedy, BA

Email: akennedy@srhs.com

Phone: 864-560-6882

2759 Hwy 14 South • Greer • SC • 29651