Written By: Focus on the Future Panelists
Many say that we are headed for a “new normal”. Do you think your business/organization/community has been changed forever or do you think things will eventually settle back to a similar style as existed pre-pandemic? Why?
“Never let a good crisis go to waste”...Winston Churchill. I can say the way healthcare has shifted from this crisis has formed the “new normal”. We have had to rely heavily upon more efficient ways of conducting business, with fewer resources. Both have been points of discussion for years. We were forced to implement more options around telehealth and we now see that expanding into many different subspecialties. Additionally, the interfacility collaboration has proven hospitals are more capable of sharing resources, raising levels of care in the community hospitals and fully utilizing the assets available. This will result in more use of community hospitals and decompressing the larger tertiary facilities. – Justin Benfield
I have hope, especially with the latest news, that a vaccine will be successful and then distributed successfully. So, I have hope that life will return to pre-pandemic lifestyles. – Neal Collins
I am certain my business has been changed forever. The pandemic has really provided a reason to fast forward my industry’s use of technology. There has been dramatic innovation and adoption as it relates to a real estate tour, basic communication, and ability to collaborate with partners anywhere, anytime. – David Feild