A majority of the public sees climate change as a very serious problem that the federal government should do something about, although stark partisan divides exist on the issue, according to a Monmouth Poll conducted in collaboration with the UCI.
COP26: Follow Trip Journal for Updates

UCI Director Tony MacDonald and Rechnitz Family/UCI Endowed Chair in Marine and Environmental Law and Policy Randall Abate will participate as observers at the UN's Nov. 1-12 COP26 climate conference. Watch the UCI Blog and Twitter for dispatches. You can also visit the COP26 Virtual Ocean Pavilion to access live events, explore virtual exhibits and learn more about the ocean-climate connection.
Student Q&As: Summing Up Summer Research

Meet Monmouth University's Riya Ajmera and Kyra Velock and read their recently completed white papers.

UCI Associate Director Tom Herrington and Texas A&M University Center for Dredging Studies Director Ram Mohan collaborated on a Journal of Marine Environmental Engineering article titled “Coastal Resiliency Considerations for America’s Four Coasts: Preparing for 2100.”

Professor presents on upcoming article for the Public Land and Resources Law Review.
Upcoming Events
Oct. 22 | 1 p.m.

Virtual talk hosted by the Drexel University Kline School of Law
Oct. 26 | 1 p.m.

Half-day public workshop dedicated to informing ocean acidification action planning and implementation
Nov. 6 | 10 a.m.

UCI Associate Director Tom Herrington to deliver presentation on changes taking place in New Jersey. In-person event at Cape May Convention Hall
Recent Webinars

Videos now available from weeklong lecture series examining climate change from a broad range of perspectives.

Virtual panel organized in partnership with the Monmouth University Institute for Global Understanding

Sept. 14 webinar featured Coast Guard presentations on N.J. Coast and Northern N.Y. Bight studies. Moderated by UCI Communications Director Karl Vilacoba

UCI Marine and Environmental Speaker Series talk with Dr. Angela Abolhassani
Fall into a UCI Hoodie
Our cozy hoodies have the UCI's New Jersey marine life icon on the front and Monmouth University Urban Coast Institute mark on the sleeve. Order yours today and help support student research activities at Monmouth!
MISSION: The Urban Coast Institute's mission is to serve Monmouth University and the public as a forum for research, education and collaboration in the development and implementation of science-based policies and programs that support stewardship of healthy, productive and resilient coastal ecosystems and communities.