Dear Accommodation Community,

Among our industry, there was never any doubt that our sector was among the hardest hit in Canada as a result of the COVID19 pandemic. Over the past 6 months, the tourism and hospitality industry across Canada sought to bring attention to this harsh reality, advocating where it mattered most in an effort to create real change. Earlier this week, we finally saw these efforts recognized in the Speech from the Throne.

I want to acknowledge each and every one of you for the contributions you made in order to affect this result. The contribution of BC hoteliers and accommodators was great and incredibly impactful. Many of you actively advocated for this acknowledgement, writing letters to government, speaking with local MPs, and ultimately, sharing your story. It is a result of this collective voice that our industry saw the recognition it so desperately requires and deserves. Without the voices of our BC accommodation industry, the result could have been very different. I thank you again for all that you have done. We are not finished yet – we need the relief measures in addition to the CEWS extension to be allocated to our industry before others, and believe me, there will be a line up. Please see the below letter writing campaign request below. Minister Joly needs to hear from you directly. 

Over the coming weeks, we will continue to update you on the details surrounding the federal programs, including additional business loans and the CEWS extension. Similarly, on a provincial level, we will be in touch with details surrounding business loan application and how to apply once they are announced. 

Stay safe and enjoy your weekend,
Ingrid Jarrett
President and CEO
British Columbia Hotel Association
Hotel Lobby Hugely Impactful and Next Steps Towards Implementation

As you know, the Government announced several measures that will directly impact the survival of the hotel industry in the Speech from the Throne this week, including a wage subsidy extension, a fix to the Government’s loan program, deeper support for hard hit sectors, and a commitment to address tax avoidance of digital giants (like Airbnb).
This was no accident. It was a result of months worth of work, including notably the launch of our Coalition of Hardest Hit Businesses last week which targeted an extension of the wage subsidy program.
This coalition, which was led and resourced by HAC, delivered:
  • 75 coalition members in less than 5 days
  • Two live press conferences in Ottawa
  • 179 stories in major news and local news outlets and 22 broadcast spots (details of our coverage is listed below) 
  • 88.5 million impressions equivalent to $800,000 in advertising
  • 1,350 letters sent to Members of Parliament
  • 250 twitter hits and 2,200 facebook engagements 

Please take a moment to watch our impact video here:
When Will More Details Come?
We realize that members have questions today about the details of these programs. When are they coming, what will the subsidy be, when is a better loan program being launched?
We know that you are making difficult decisions around whether or not to stay open, whether or not to permanently lay off staff or bring them back, and these program details are critical.
Our goal on the wage subsidy is to ensure that the base subsidy is increased for the hardest hit businesses. This program will be under review over the next few weeks and we will be actively engaged in that dialogue with officials.
Meantime, we are pushing hard today and in the days ahead to get our loan program approved. We may need to exert additional pressure tactics to get this done, and we will let you know if actions from members are required.
The sector specific relief component will need to be fleshed out and developed. Until Wednesday, this was concept, not a commitment. We will now build a range of program options for the Government to consider and will engage with the industry’s leadership to ensure that our recommendations hit the mark.
We will keep you informed every step of the way and will communicate just as soon as we have more details to share. Rest assured that this is our top focus. 
Thank you for your continued support and engagement.
100 Personal Hotel Owner Emails Needed

As you know our sector’s loan program is in it’s final stages and waiting for approval from Minister Freeland.
We want to apply some pressure to get her to review the file and approve it ahead of the other government programs announced in the Speech from the Throne.
To cut through the clutter and get the Minister’s attention, we would like to send 100 owner emails by Wednesday of next week.
These emails need to be written with passion by our owners. We want them to be personal and authentic, and describe the critical need for urgent action. They don’t have to be long or in perfect English. The more passion the better. 
Can you please help us by writing this email on behalf of your company if you are an owner, or if you are a brand or provincial association, please communicate this request to your owners. We are hoping our owners can take a moment this weekend to do this (or early next week).
The email should include:
  • Thank the Government for commitment to helping our sector
  • Emphasize how critical it is for Government to act fast to help hotels
  • How hard hit you’ve been by including occupancy stats and revenue losses (YOY, not total)
  • Why we need a functional loan program now
  • The difficult budgetary decisions you are currently faced with and the impact this will have on the lives of your valued employees. 

Optional elements:

  • Highlight your personal backstory (family run, immigrant success story)
  • Your hotel’s contribution to the community including humanitarian support during COVID-19
These emails should go straight to the owner’s Member of Parliament (Liberal ridings are best) and to HAC. We will send these emails to key decision-makers surrounding the Minister and the Prime Minister next week to drive attention to this file.
Please contact HAC’s Policy Analyst Kafia Yusuf at [email protected] for your Liberal MP’s contact information or for further details. Please ensure that she is copied on the email to your MP as well.
Thank you for your continued support. Let’s get this done!
Susie Grynol
President & CEO