March 31, 2023 | Office of the Chief Operating Officer
Urgent Medical Recall: BD Insulin Syringes
Dear Colleagues,
On March 30, Manne Research Institute was informed by Fischer Scientific of an urgent medical device recall. The recall includes the following: 
Per Fischer Scientific, immediately review your inventory for the specific Catalog (Ref) and Lot Numbers listed above and destroy all unused product subject to the recall by following institutional processes. 
If your area has any of the above products, even if not matched to an affected Catalogue (Ref) or Lot Number, please view the full recall details for guidance on additional next steps. 
Brenda Paulsen, MEd, FACHE
Chief Operating Officer (OCOO)
Stanley Manne Children’s Research Institute
Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago
T 312.503.7060 | F 312.503.7059 |
225 East Chicago Avenue, Box 205, Chicago, Illinois 60611-2991
Pronouns: She/Her
Jarrod B. Cunningham
Manager, Office of the Chief Operating Officer (OCOO)
Brenda Paulsen, MEd, FACHE - Chief Operating Officer ­
Stanley Manne Children’s Research Institute
Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago
C 573.881.3433 | T 312.503.7099 | F  312.503.7059
Office: 10-334.02 (Simpson Querrey) |
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