A Call To Action For Our Membership!
Since early April, we've been lobbying the federal government to waive the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy's 30% reduction in gross revenue requirement for NWT businesses that have incurred losses as a result of COVID-19 and government imposed restrictions.

The federal government is currently holding consultations on the CEWS until June 5th, 2020.

We Need Your Help!

We are calling on our membership to add their voice to ours by making a submission as part of this consultation process.

We are providing a sample email template, below. Please copy / paste, edit however you see fit and send to: fin.cews-succ.fin@canada.ca

Alternatively, you can provide feedback via survey by clicking here.

Sample Email Template:

Please accept this feedback as part of the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) Consultation.

I am a member of the Yellowknife Chamber of Commerce, who has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. I am concerned with the CEWS' 30% reduction in gross revenue eligibility requirement and would like to formally request that this be waived for Northern businesses who have incurred losses as a result of COVID-19 and the current government imposed restrictions.

The revenue reduction requirement does not account for the Northern reality where operational costs and wages are substantially higher than other jurisdictions, nor does it provide sufficient relief for businesses with seasonal fluctuations like tourism, construction and the mineral/exploration industries, to name a few.

Northern businesses need a unique solution to get on track for economic recovery.

Thank you,

Information & Resources:

For more information about the consultation process, including key questions for consideration, please click here.

To view our April 8, 2020 letter to MP McLeod, please click here.

To view our May 19, 2020 submission to the Standing Senate Committee on National Finance and the Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology, please click here.

For more information on our advocacy work, please visit our Business Resilience page here.
Letters Of Support
In their issues document, submitted to NWT Senator Anderson on May 11, 2020, NWT Tourism and the NWT Chamber provide support for our federal recommendation.

View their issues document here.
View Minister Nokleby's April 27, 2020 media statement supporting our federal recommendations here.

View the NWT & Nunavut Chamber of Mine's April 17, 2020 letter of support here.

View CDETNO's April 17, 2020 letter of support here.

View the NWT & Nunavut Construction Association's April 17, 2020 letter of support here.

View MP McLeod's April 17, 2020 letter supporting our federal recommendations here.

View the City of Yellowknife's April 24, 2020 letter supporting our federal recommendations here.
This eBLAST is from: Yellowknife Chamber of Commerce

Name: Deneen Everett
Title: Executive Director
Email: ExecutiveDirector@ykchamber.com