Raptor Chronicles
Urgent Request for Help!
In late summer 2004, we became the third owners of a 1996 E-250 15-passenger van. But it's not your typical van, nor does it carry typical passengers. We purchased the van from a third party who had bought it from Belle Bonfils, now Vitalant Blood Bank. The blood bank had converted the it for their purposes, carrying dozens of units of life-saving blood and plasma at a time. Not only does the van have a super-slide, industrial floor, it also has a VERY strong rear air conditioner unit, perfect for keeping blood (and birds!) cool.

But after 225,000 miles of service, it apparently needs a new transmission. The hydraulic pump started making some very interesting animal sounds that were never part of its normal vocabulary! A quick discussion with Paul at Dave's Auto confirmed the looming probability that the automatic transmission was about to fail. A rebuilt replacement has been ordered will be installed October 1-2. This is an unexpected $3,500 bill to keep our programs mobile.
Can you help us keep moving?
Thank you for your donations on the web, or by check or call 303-680-8500. Our mailing address is REF, PO Box 200400, Denver, CO 80220. Your contributions are greatly appreciated! If you don't wish to use PayPal, you can go to our storefront;
Message from the President

As the days shorten, and our nights and mornings here in Colorado turn crisp and cool, I am heartened by the yellow leaves and the calls of migrating sandhill cranes. Though so many things have not been "normal" this year, and all of us have missed seeing friends and celebrating together, I am grateful that the birds and Mother Nature herself are keeping to the same ancient cycles that we find so reliable, and this year, especially comforting. As we head into the holiday season, I believe that it's not too early to say thank you to all of our members, supporters and friends who have lifted us up this year in such extraordinary ways.

Our programs are resuming, bit by bit, and the Small Group tours are picking up as well. This is the PERFECT time to visit us, now that the days are cooler. We hope that it will be safe to hold an Open House next spring, but in the meantime, I'm happy to host visitors, one family at a time. Give yours a hug and stay well!~Anne Price, President
Lots of Other Ways to Help!
A Special Anniversary Offer on all Three of Our Books!
Celebrate our 41st anniversary by purchasing our three books at this special price!
A New Portrait Coming Soon...
REF's official portrait photographer Marilyn Stevens stopped by on September 25th to take our female bald eagle's five-year portrait! It's hard to believe we've had her four years this month! As usual, she spent several minutes making sure her feet were still working, while Anne (still in summer dress) kept a watchful eye. Stay tuned for an update to the four-shot poster below! Thanks Marilyn!
This poster is available for a limited time. Printed on heavy poster board, 11.5" x 20" Special offer details here.
Only Two Left
Our Online Store is Open Again!
A New Look: Just Click on the Image Below
Driving For Wildlife
Help us put another 1,000 eagles on the streets of our great state. Qualified members of REF are entitled to display them on their cars. Put Colorado's first and best environmental plates on YOUR vehicle!
Special thanks to The Kroenke Group & THF Realty for extending our lease and keeping the fee at zero dollars until 2023! Support like this ensures we will make it through these challenging times.

Thanks to our past and future partners, THF Prairie Center Development, L.L.C., THF Prairie Center Investors, L.L.C. and the City of Brighton, for creating the best intersection in Colorado just a minute or two north of our headquarters!

As the new villages grow at Prairie Center, so do the streets with cool names!
Fall Photo Shoot Still Has a Few Spots
We still have a few more spots open for the Raptor Photo Shoot on Saturday, October 10, 2020. This year we are offering a flying raptor photo shoot in the morning, and a posed photo shoot in the afternoon. You can book one or both sessions depending on your interests. If you book both sessions a $25 discount applies. Click here for booking and additional information. Don't miss this opportunity!
New Driveway Entrance
THANK YOU to the Chavez family, who operate ABC Autos By Chavez on Highway 2 in Commerce City, for the very generous delivery and installation of five tons of asphalt milling from their store yard. Those of you who've had to endure the deep craters at our entrance, will no longer need a new suspension after visiting us! Many thanks to Lupe Chavez for his generous and rapid response to my inquiry!
Peter Reshetniak: Founder & Director of Special Projects
Eagle Scout Court of Honor
Congratulations to newly-minted Eagle Scout Alex Beatson! We were honored to participate in his outdoor ceremony on September 27th. Proud parents Anselm and Christie received a gold eagle pin and a pair of our special bald eagle earrings, co-designed by REF and Jabebo Studio. The family also received a voucher for our exclusive Colorado Respects Wildlife plates. Big sister Charlotte, pictured below, will also receive her own set of goodies, because she'll soon be having her own Eagle Scout Court of Honor ceremony too. Congrats again to the Beatson family!
Join The 26 Families Supporting Our Raptor Sanctuary!
Have you signed up for the King Soopers Community Rewards Program yet? Do you have a Loyalty Card and digital account? Just visit https://www.kingsoopers.com/o/store-services/community-rewards , log in, and enroll to have REF receive donated funds from King Soopers and Kroger! We'd love to double the number of families supporting us by the end of the summer...please share with your friends and family!

OUR COMMUNITY REWARDS NUMBER IS TF405. Simply log into your account, look for "Community Rewards" on the left hand side, and enter TF405. Our name will appear, and you can link your card to REF. You save on groceries, earn fuel points, and we'll receive a quarterly donation from King Soopers.
Nesting Peregrine Down Under
We have the perfect cure to those of you who are suffering from "End of Nest Cam Season": take a look Down Under to the start of spring in the Southern Hemisphere! Peregrine falcons are found world-wide, on every continent except Antarctica, and there is a 4K nest cam on a very experienced pair in Melbourne. The first egg is due to hatch very soon...check it out!
Downtown Denver Peregrine
Thanks to eagle (falcon?) eyed photographer Jeff Wang, the cryptic peregrine falcons of Downtown Denver have been spotted once again! Jeff captured these spectacular photos of what we believe is the adult male, cruising around looking for pigeons and perhaps a winning Broncos season. This handsome falcon is sporting the full dark cap and very thick malar marks which are typical of the Rocky Mountain form of the anatum subspecies. Peter and Anne have seen urban peregrine falcons in cities ranging from Moscow to London to New York. What we haven't seen however, are young and now fledged falcons which may have been hatched this summer in Denver. THANK YOU JEFF!
Sharp-eyed raptor watchers may notice that the very last primary flight feather on the leading edge of each wing is short. This is the last or #10 primary which at the end of summer is still growing in and will be the last major flight feather to become "hard penned". This old falconry term refers to when the blood recedes from the shaft and back into the bird's body, after the feather has reached its full length.
All falcons are masters of the air, maneuvering easily through the tall skyscrapers and canyons of major cities. Pointed wings, a dark head, and once again, those long yellow toes which are perfect for snatching birds...perfection!
Automatic Monthly Donations: Thanks to everyone who has set up a monthly donation via PayPal. We have people from both coasts, a few states in the middle, and in Colorado contributing monthly pledges automatically...thank you!!
PO Box 200400,
Denver, CO 80220
Phone: 303-680-8500