Dear FHUSD Families and Community,
Communications sent Friday, March 13
to all staff and school community members indicated that FHUSD would be open for normal school functions on Monday, March 16
. The decision was made with extensive conversations with Governing Board members, district administrators and staff, consultation with other school districts and the most updated guidance from state health and state government officials.
There has been considerable response to that decision from concerned parents and staff about the health and welfare of children and adults on school campuses if we remain open. In addition, we are learning today of numerous families and employees returning from vacations from areas both out of state and out of the country where the possibility of exposure to the coronavirus may have occurred.
Due to this recent information,
the decision will now be to close the high school, middle school, elementary school and bus transportation barn for a minimum of one week beginning Monday, March 16
I know this will have a significant impact on immediate needs for child care, school breakfast and lunch programs, and those employees that rely on their paycheck every two weeks.
My administrative and support staff will meet during the week to develop plans to assist those affected by the closure. Specific information concerning providing breakfast and lunch for eligible students will be coming on Monday, March 16th. We will also work on plans for providing instruction to students for an extended closure if necessary. Please watch for continued updates all of next week concerning our programs and the ultimate length of the closure.
I cannot express enough how challenging these circumstances are for the entire community with the rapidly changing information. I truly appreciate the understanding of all FHUSD students, parents, guardians, and staff as we work through this difficult time.
Robert Allen, Ed.D.