December 17, 2021
Urgent help needed
COVID-19 outbreak among people experiencing homelessness in St. Thomas

As a result, there is an urgent need for MD/NP support to provide medical assessments and for basic nursing support at a temporary shelter in place at Wellington Street School in St. Thomas.

Thirteen patients are currently affected and more are expected. These patients have varying medical issues, including respiratory illness and mental health & addictions needs.

The Ask:

  1. MD/NP support: There is a need for more MD/NP support for medical assessments via rounds (only on those patients requiring assessment), and to be available from 0800-0800 for calls/advice from support staff. There are no current set shifts, understanding the variability in work schedules and pre-existing commitments. Onsite work would be eligible for H409/H410 hourly billing. Interested physicians/NPs may reach out to Dr. Kellie Scott at [email protected] for more information on shifts, duties, etc
  2. Nursing support: There is also an urgent need for nursing support, especially for overnight. If you know any support staff or allied health (RNs, RPNs, etc.) that may be able to help, please contact Shirley Koch at [email protected]

Current support:
  • Grey County EMS has been providing on site support up until now, but is scheduled to return to their own base over the coming days. 
  • Municipal/county staff and social services, CMHA staff, and local Elgin-based MDs/NPs are currently providing support where able with onsite and on-call support.
  • Calls have been put out to neighboring healthcare agencies to help bolster human resources in terms of support/allied health staff.

Vaccinating all 50+ y.o. within the next 2 weeks and 18+ starting December 20!

Message from OMA earlier this week (in case you have not yet seen):

"With COVID-19 cases surging due to the Omicron variant, Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Kieran Moore is calling on all sectors to vaccinate three million eligible Ontarians 50 years of age and older in the next 14 days. Vaccination of children aged five to 11 is continuing.

We recognize this pivot requires a reprioritization of the numerous ways primary care is supporting the community and that many doctors are exhausted. 

The recommendations from the Ontario College of Family Physicians are to:
  • Maintain essential care. Understanding that there are existing backlogs, you are the best judge of when routine and preventive care visits are essential
  • Depending on your ability, local needs and public health unit, you and your staff can support mass vaccination clinics or mobile vaccination pop-ups through your PHU, Ontario Health Team or hospital. Please connect with your Primary care-PHU contacts by region for more information
  • Reach out to your booster-eligible patients. Dr. Tara Kiran and Dr. Noah Ivers recently shared a letter you can adapt and use for your practice
  • Take opportunities to vaccinate patients in your office when possible

We will have more information around the processes for billing and reimbursement of costs that could arise soon."

Next week: Non-clinical volunteer navigators at Mass Vaccine Clinic needed

MLHU is in urgent need of adult volunteer vaccine navigators at the Agriplex mass vaccination clinic during the day on December 20 to 24.
  • Volunteer vaccine navigators do not need any clinical or COVax experience
  • They assist people to find their way through the clinic, guiding them to the right spot for the next step in the vaccine process (ex. waiting areas, vaccine administration spot)
  • 4 volunteers are needed each day: December 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24
  • Volunteer shifts are from 10:00 am-6:30 pm; training will be provided at the 10:00 AM huddle daily
  • The role requires standing and walking during the shift
If anyone you know is available to assist on one or more of the days next week, please reach out as soon as possible to Katey Young at [email protected] with the following information:
  • Name
  • Phone number and/or email address (whichever is the preferred method of communication)
  • Day(s) available to volunteer
Katey is also available to answer any questions.

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