
Solum uliginosum and Radioactivity


Due to the urgent situation in Japan and the possibility of radiation from nuclear meltdown reaching the United States, many people have asked what Uriel remedies may afford some protection.


Solum Aesculus was developed by Dr. Ita Wegman, Rudolf and Margarethe Hauschka and Dr. Ruth Jensen in the 1930s. In 1986 when the Chernobyl nuclear disaster occurred, I was working with the Wala Company in Germany. We produced massive quantities of Solum uliginosum comp., another name for Solum Aesculus, in the form of ampules, pellets, oil and cream, for the many patients and doctors who found it helpful. It contains peat moss extract, horse chestnut seeds and horsetail herb in homeopathic potencies. It strengthens the life forces of the etheric body, thereby mitigating destructive influences from the environment.


Uriel also makes Aurum Lavender Rose Cream for calming stress relief. It contains many of the same ingredients as Solum Aesculus, plus lavender, rose, and gold, frankincense and myrrh in homeopathic potencies.


For a more detailed picture of Solum Aesculus, I'd like to quote Dr. H. H. Vogel from his book Finding Remedies:


"Moor landscapes and peat bogs inhibit the free exchange of telluric and cosmic forces. Plant life becomes "suffocated" or mummified. Plants are woven out of sunlight into substance, also incorporating warmth in the form of carbon dioxide. In peat bogs plants do not decay all the way to the mineral condition of coal, but are held at an intermediate stage. For long periods of time living substance is held in a kind of twilight zone, a mood which can easily be perceived in moor areas. For this reason peat has an isolating, preserving effect, which is utilized in the manufacture of building insulation and clothing. When added to clay soil, peat also has an aerating effect.


"Various substances reveal the special nature of peat: in swamp gas (methane, CH4) the illusory, luminous, changeable forms indicate a highly sulfuric process, a kind of short-circuit between hydrogen (pyrogen or fire-essence according to Rudolf Hauschka) and carbon (geogen, or earth essence, according to Hauschka). The rhythmic breathing between expanding warmth (hydrogen) and contracting warmth (carbon) is blocked.


"The humic acids present in peat also indicate sulfuric or flower processes that work in living plants. Thus, peat extract contains sulfuric, metabolic energies. This becomes visible in the reddish color and butter-like consistency of certain layers of peat.


"The effect of peat extract is to strengthen the skin's activity as a sense organ, especially to perceive the outer world and set a definite border against it, thus protecting the organism from harmful, excessive outside influences. The relation between inner and outer worlds becomes more rhythmical. This is the reason why it is helpful for environmental sensitivity, and can be considered in relation to harmful radiation. 


"The second ingredient is Aesculus hippocastanum. The fat, round horse chestnut seeds with their prickly green shells, rich in bitter substances, show in miniature the same picture as the broad, vital form of the tree as a whole: an expression of chemical-etheric forces. Aesculus sucks up massive quantities of water from the moist ground where it prefers to grow, enlivening and permeating the water with centrifugal chemical ether. Water vapor streams out into the periphery. The finger-like leaves have a reverse egg-shaped form, i.e. they are wider towards the periphery.


"Horse chestnut represents the liver-fluid process in human beings. Chemical-etheric energies proceeding from the liver can absorb any edematous (water-retaining) connective tissue fluid that falls out of the life stream and collects pathologically in the periphery.


"In contrast to Aesculus, Equisetum (Horsetail herb) is related to the human kidney process. Equisetum is an archaic spore-forming plant. Its high content of silica (up to 70% SiO2 in the ash) shows a relationship to the Ego-organization, but in such a way that via the plant nature the soul organization is strengthened. The action of the ego and astral body are strengthened. The content of potassium sulfides indicates that the flowering process is held back, and stimulates the mobile activity of the etheric body, especially in protein formation. Equisetum is related to the kidney, which as a "meteorological organ", shows a high degree of susceptibility to atmospheric influences. In rheumatic diseases, Equisetum helps wash away deposits; the fluid stream in connective tissue is stimulated and guided into proper channels by the effect of silica.

"The external applications of Solum Aesculus also contain lavender oil, which contributes a soothing, calming effect on nerves and the astral body."


Mark McKibben, R. Ph.

Uriel Pharmacy

Solum Aesculus Cream 60g                $22.00  


Solum Aesculus Oil  125ml                  $22.00


*Solum Aesculus Pellet 30ml              $17.50


*Solum Aesculus Ampule 10ml           $22.00


Aurum Lavender Rose Cream 60g    $22.00


Aurum Lavender Rose Oil 125ml       $22.00 



*These items may be added to any web order in the comments area on the order page when ordering other items or by calling customer service 866-642-2858 ext 10.


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