What's your Policy on Policy?
We all know that Policy means different things to different people and varies by department on how they view it. The bottom line is that all dealerships have a "policy" for policy and it must be adhered to. Establishing clear cut rules for what goes into Policy will help you and your team protect your most valuable asset: profit!
"Policing" the policy should be at the top of everyone's list. Many times we go into a dealership and can see that the account is being misused and profits are slipping away without anyone really noticing. We recommend that you frequently do "spot checks" on your policy account. One example is to pull 10 Service tickets closed to policy. Small entries are just as important as the big ones. Search the customer name. Who are they? Employees? Relatives of employees? Customers who have never been in before? Or are they good customers that are frequently in Service? Are they legitimate discounts, like $300.00 off a $3000.00 repair bill? Ask questions. Your department managers will appreciate that you are watching their income.