Become a  Usui Reiki Practitioner    -    Usui Reiki Master/Teacher
Stacey M Angel Light              Usui Reiki Training

What is Reiki? (pronounced Ray-key)

Reiki is healing energy which automatically goes to the area in your physical body or emotional Self  where healing is most required. Reiki energy ensures that your entire mind, body, spirit is in alignment by focusing on the elimination of blocks in your chakras (energy centres). Your own life force energy is able to now move freely within, resulting in a replenished, renewed and refreshed sense of Self.  


  • relieve pain and discomfort in a physical sense
  • ease grief and/or anxiety
  • release inner obstacles, insecurities and energy blocks
  • build  self confidence, self esteem and connection to inner power and Higher Self.
  • provide healing energy for cancer and other sickness and disease
  • increase the flow of positive energy within your body
  • and much more
Upcoming Reiki Course dates
*Private one-on-one training sessions available 
 please Contact me for details
Usui Reiki I
Oct  23/24 9:30-1pm each day 
Nov 17  10-5pm
Dec 11/12 9:30-1pm each day
Dec 15  10-5pm

Usui Reiki II
Oct  21  10-5pm
Nov 25  10-5pm
Dec 16  10-5pm

Usui Reiki III
Nov 4 10-5pm 
Dec 2  10- 5pm

Usui Reiki Master/Teacher
 Dec 8  10-5pm

Please  CLICK HERE for more information or to register.
Join us Sat. Oct. 20 1:30-3:30 pm
Reiki Share & Energy Exchange
If you are a Reiki practitioner and would like to practice treatments or if you would like to find out more about how you can learn how to heal yourself and others through becoming a Reiki healer or even if you would like to receive a 15 minute complimentary Reiki healing session - please join us at The Clarity Centre, Oakville 
$10 donations being accepted for the Fareshare Food bank.
 Please CONTACT STACEY MACDONALD for any questions or to register
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