2021 Session Update - Week 3
ADVOCACY 101 - How to be an Effective Advocate this Session
ICYMI - Click here for a brief overview on how you can make a difference in the 2021 Legislative Session.
Week in Review
Session is in full swing now with committee meetings beginning at 7:00am on most days and lasting well into the evening. Successful bills are making their way from their committees of origin to the floors of the House and Senate for initial votes.

A proposal to impose a costly (and mandatory) paid family leave program advanced in the House this week. HB 2016, similar to the defeated SB 1330, would mandate employers to provide up to 12 weeks of paid family leave per employee per year. Most business advocacy groups are in strong opposition to this bill and have submitted written and spoken testimony against it, and now this bill will now be considered in the House Committee on Appropriations. Other similar bills are in the same posture and will continue be tracked closely.

Another bill of concern is HB 2015, which would mandate employers owning businesses in sectors deemed as "essential" pay their employees 1.5x their hourly rate or salary during public health emergencies. We voiced our concerns with a bill that sought to increase employers' payroll costs by 50% when there is no guarantee of increased revenue/assistance to cover the payroll, and like HB 2016 this bill will be further discussed in the House Committee on Appropriations.

HB 2204, which would establish the "G3" program ("Get Skilled, Get a Job, Give Back") continues to receive favorable outcomes in the House. This initiative to help solve job shortages in in-demand industries received a favorable vote in the House Education Committee 21-1 and will now be debated on the floor of the full House.
In the News

By clicking on a bill number contained within our bill tracker, you will be taken directly to the web page where you will find all information on the legislation, including where it resides in the legislative process.

We continue to keep an eye on legislation that works its way through the process, even for bills that may not be on this list. Please contact Terry if you wish to advocate for bills listed in our tracker or if you have any questions. 
VA WEST Represents the Following Chambers:

Greater Augusta Regional, Bedford Area, Danville/Pittsylvania County, Harrisonburg-Rockingham, Lexington, Buena Vista, & Rockbridge County, Lynchburg Regional Business Alliance, Martinsville & Henry County, Montgomery County, Roanoke Regional, Shenandoah County, Smith Mountain Lake Regional, Two Virginias, and Wytheville, Wythe, and Bland.


Terry Durkin
Legislative Liaison
 VA West