SLISBA gets LITT 2018
Linkages in Tourism Tradeshow

This week Ms. Donette Ismael met with representatives of the St. Lucia Industrial and Small Business Association to facilitate their participation in the SLHTA/TEF Linkages in Tourism Tradeshow (LITT) 2018.  The much anticipated LITT is held annually as part of the SLHTA’s Annual General Meeting. It functions as a key networking forum for Allied Members to engage Hotel representatives and showcase their offerings.  This year marks the first year that SLISBA will be participating in LITT. Over the past years LITT has brokered a number of business deals for arts and craft producers with duty free shops and hotel members.
VACH strengthens alliance with Republic of China (Taiwan)

The SLHTA/TEF Virtual Agricultural Clearing House Liaison Officer Ms. Donette Ismael pursued continued engagements with representatives of the Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) to promote trade between local farmers and local hotels.  The two agencies have had a very effective exchange over the past few years and, with the support of SLHTA President Mr. Sanovnik Destang, facilitated the donation of a number of greenhouses from the Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) to key farming communities on island.  The discussions focused on identifying deficiencies in the supply of agricultural produce and specific demand trends from hotels regarding quality and variety of produce required. The discussions continue to foster collaboration between the two parties for the shared vision of strengthening linkages between Tourism and Agriculture.
Linkages in Tourism Tradeshow 2018 registration
Have you registered for LITT 2018? This year the event promises to build on past successes and will feature many new businesses and their offerings.  LITT will be held at The Harbor Club Hotel on 20 th July 2018. The registration fees are $200 XCD for SLHTA Members and $250 XCD for non-members.  Small businesses which are registered with the Small Enterprise Development Unit and the St. Lucia Industrial and Small Business Association are eligible for special discounts.  To find out how you can participate, please send an email to or call 485-9816.  
Young Leaders Development Initiative takes off
This week the Young Leaders Development Initiative started off with a bang.  Twelve participants selected from a number of SLHTA member companies earlier this year, commenced a program of training with the SLHTA. The project, financed by the Tourism Enhancement Fund will ensure that these employees with leadership potential are exposed to a wide variety of training and development exercises provided by local trainers, making them top contenders for Management opportunities with their respective business houses. The two-year training commenced this week with Effective Communication Skills for Managers delivered by The Human Development Network.  Upon completion of the training participants were energized and excited for the next round of training set to take place next month. Commenting on the experience one participant noted “It was an extremely great forum.  We were able to express ourselves freely whilst partaking in the course.  We listened and were listened to as well. Communication was excellent!”
Serenity Vacations team members pledge support for TEF

Dear Mr. Wendel George,

The Serenity Vacations team recently stumbled upon a 2.5 minute video featuring the works of the TEF and was absorbed with immense admiration and gratitude for the TEF. So much so that they have unanimously decided to make personal contributions to the fund and pledge to participate in highlighting and promoting the TEF cause. Only regret is that they had not known of this amazing initiative prior to this short film. As a start, staff members have agreed to contribute a portion of their tips and gratuities to the fund and will include its achievements in their daily tour repertoire as prelude to offering participation to our esteemed guest. I join my team in expressing full support to the fund and look forward to participating in its success.