Journaling - Make Everyday a Win!
What if you could fast-track your progress?
What if you could feel more confident in the starting gate?
What if you had laser-like focus every run?
What if you knew how to instantly get in the right headspace to perform at your best?
What if every day felt like a win?
With Journaling, you CAN. And you can start today! And it only takes a few minutes!
Many people think of a journal as a diary, but it’s so much more than that. It can be your roadmap to success. Imagine having a list on hand of what you learned from every race this season. Or knowing how you successfully handled a particular distraction on race day. Or imagine being able to look back and see which cue words you used on the day you raced your personal best. This is valuable information that can help a racer get more out of EVERY training session and race day!
Although it’s an easy thing to do, not many athletes actually do it. Too often the emphasis is on physical and/or technical training. Plus, many coaches, athletes and parents believe that athletes only need to work on their mental skills when they’re struggling. NOT SO!
Strong mental skills don’t just fall into your lap. You have to work on them. The same way athletes workout to get stronger, faster and more agile. The same way ski racers take run after run after run on the mountain, honing their technical skills. Mental skills need focused attention too. But here’s the best part… it really can be a quick and easy task, but one that has the potential for a MASSIVE pay-out!
At a minimum, a Journal can be a tool to help remember stats, lists, names, exercises, drills, schedules, and results. Things that an athlete can learn from to make decisions, create plans, train more effectively, and communicate better. It can serve as a library of information to make day to day training a lot more efficient.
At its best, a Journal can be the secret sauce that makes the magic happen! It can ensure that every training session and every race is positive and productive. It can be the light that illuminates the positive progress and healthy habits that carries an athlete up to the next level. It can help reveal the twists, turns and traps that pull them down and take focus away from their goals. It can also provide the instant MOTIVATION to inspire an athlete to work harder and reach higher!
From the time I was a junior athlete, all the way up to racing in the Olympics and winning a World Championship medal, I used a Journal. The benefits of journaling are many, but here are some of the ways it helped me – and can help you.