Coaches' Education
With Doug Lewis
How to make every training session count!
Saturday, October 22, 2022
9am - Noon
Post-Event Lunch and Networking
VARA and ELITEAM are collaborating to provide a FREE dryland coaches education morning session at the GMVS Campus. If you work with young athletes and are helping them develop into responsible people and strong ski racers, then you should put this on your schedule.
Doug Lewis, ELITEAM founder and VARA Olympian, will share his knowledge and experience in fitness, nutrition, and sports psychology. Topics and active learning sessions will cover how to best train young athletes in the physical realm for optimal performance, in the area of nutrition for healthy bodies, and in the sports psychology arena for a strong mindset. Even if you already have your fall dryland dialed in, these 3 hours will expose you to new material to help your young athletes and bring your program to a new level.
Coaches will leave the event with an ELITEAM Journal, new practical and applicable activities for a fun and unique curriculum, and a solid understanding of sports psych and nutrition for youth.
Why you should attend?
During this fun and informative 3-hour session at the GMVS Campus (rain or shine), Doug will provide both hands-on learning and some classroom work.
Coaches should come ready to MOVE and LEARN as the group will be outside participating in fun activities/exercises/team-building sessions as well as inside discussing Doug’s top five tenets to lead productive training sessions (both on the field and on the snow).
Topics covered;
-How to bring the Energy and make it FUN!
-How to Plan, Organize and Execute Training Sessions
-How to Add Sports Psych and Sports Nutrition to every dryland/technical session
-The Importance of Journaling - FREE Journal for every Coach who participates!
-How to create perfect challenges for every athlete
Dress: Sneakers, sweats/shorts, tech top, sweatshirt, raintop
Nutrition: Bring Water Bottle and a snack
Post-event lunch and networking!
After the event, there will be a lunch and an opportunity to network with coaches from other areas and states.
Thanks to GMVS for providing an awesome venue, a casual lunch, and for hosting this vital coaches' educational opportunity.