The two main types, as described by Dr. Carol Dweck, a professor of psychology at Stanford, are the
Growth Mindset
and the
Fixed Mindset
People with ‘growth mindset’ have an underlying belief that their learning and intelligence can grow over time. They love the process of learning with little focus on the end result or comparing to others. Growth mindset is the belief that you can get smarter, faster, and better if you simply try. They are not afraid of effort, failure or others opinions of their work. People with the growth mindset are willing to put in effort to become better no matter their current abilities or their potential.
On the other hand, people with a ‘fixed mindset’ feel that they have a restricted ability to grow and learn. They believe they were born with the traits they have and that’s the way it is. They have a fear of what people think of their talents and they will forgo putting the effort in so that they can say, ‘well if I don’t try and I fail it's because
didn't try.’ Ultimately, they are afraid of failure and stunt their mental growth by not being willing to try and possibly fail because they believe they will not be able to improve once they have failed.