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Visual Arts Society of Texas News

News and Events
        August, 2013
Angelia Ford
VAST Artist of the Year 

Congratulations to Angelia Ford, who was voted Artist of the Year for 2012/2013.  Ford is a native Texan from Lubbock, currently residing

Kant or Rand, +32.77789 -96.79348

in the Dallas area.  She stated that she has always been interested in art and from her journey, one can clearly see that she has been determined in realizing a career in art.  

While working 50 to 60 hours per week with JCPenney's Corporate Headquarters, Angelia Ford managed to take courses toward an Associate Degree in Art, graduating Magna Cum Laude from Richland College in 2008.  Ford continued working towards a BFA in Painting and Drawing at the University of North Texas.  In 2011, just like so many Americans, Ford found herself laid off after working nearly two decades for JCPenney's.  This hardship became her motivation to focus solely on receiving her BFA, which Ford achieved in 2012.  One of Angelia's goals was to teach at the college level which she has enjoyed doing at the Texas Woman's University.  She is currently working on her Masters Degrees in Painting and Art History.


Angelia Ford has been juried into various exhibitions in the area such as Dia de los Muertos 25th Annual Exhibit at the Bath House Cultural Center (2011), 44th Annual VAST National Show at the CVA (2012), and New Texas Talent XIX at Craighead Green Gallery (2012).  She has received First Place Awards in two categories at the Spring Art Competition at Richland College (2008) and Fourth Place at the Voertmans Annual Show (2013) at TWU, as well as receiving the Cecil Fordham Award for Top Art Student (Richland College.)  Ford has exhibited her work at Barnes and Noble, through VAST and has had a solo exhibition of "Catalyst: Stories from the Homeless" at the 010 Gallery at Texas Woman's University. 


The pieces in Ford's latest series are created using Ebony pencil and powdered graphite.  The compositions are strong, with the viewer being drawn into the story through the sensitive eyes of the subject.   Because of the artist's personal journey, she has chosen to delve into those telling or not so telling eyes of the forgotten homeless. 


Angelia's Artist Statement:

I get that a lot, +32.78150 -96.79904, graphite

"It is often said that the majority

of Americans are one or two paychecks away from being homeless. This is a reality that I unwittingly became familiar with after losing my own job of 18 years. I began to notice displaced

individuals and their families. One question always came to mind: how did they get there? That one question led me down the path to tell their stories and to find a way to incorporate them into my art. I began making trips to downtown Dallas to search out individuals who had been banished into this apparently hidden and ignored society. The majority of the general population tends to automatically assume that the homeless are either alcoholics or drug addicts. While this may be true for some of them, I set out to understand their stories of who they are and how they got there.

I realized after researching endless amounts of online data from cities and the federal government that I needed to talk to people, one on one. On my first trip to downtown Dallas I met "John" and struck up a conversation with him and we talked for over 4 hours. I left that night with a heartbreaking story, a journal full of notes, and twenty photographs, feeling more humbled than I ever thought I could be. He never asked for anything from me and within an hour he told me the events that were the catalyst that sent his life spiraling out of control. He was just like you or me, living the American dream. He had a fantastic job, a beautiful house, a wife whom he adored, and a little girl. "Lily" was his everything and to say he adored this little girl was an understatement.  One afternoon he came home to find several fire trucks and paramedics in his yard. His wife was hysterical and his daughter was unresponsive and unable to be saved. The neighbor accidently ran over "Lily" while backing out of the drive. This was his catalyst. He ultimately lost everything, his job, his wife, and most importantly "Lily."


In my drawings I attempt to tell the stories of these often ignored members of society.  I draw the initial sketches with my left hand in order to create a loose interpretation of the subject. I then use my right hand to draw certain elements of the face in realistic detail as a focal point. Since the individuals are homeless I use depth of field for the background to create a hazy, foggy, dark setting.  I interview each person for 3-4 hours trying to understand the reason they became homeless. As a reference point I insert the latitude and longitude of where I spoke to them, this is their home. It is my hope that this collection of work will show a different perspective of the homeless population, and that in the future they are not ignored and are actually seen as people who are attempting to do the best they can, and that they have a story, if only we would take time to listen."  

Sit with me, +32.77984 -96.79930, graphite

 More work by Angelia Ford can be seen at

VAST Meetings Begin September 5th.

Majority of Member Cards have been emailed.  Please get current with VAST Membership Dues!


The majority of VAST Membership Cards have been delivered by email.  If you have not paid your 2013/2014 membership dues please use this form and mail your dues to the address on the form.  If you have not received your card and believe that you are current, please contact Mary Wright at [email protected]


Presenter/Demo Schedule for VAST meetings


September 5 - Tom Judd, photography
October 3 - Nel Byrd, watercolor
November 14 - Carolyn Riegelman, acrylic
December 5 - Nora Riley, jewelry
January 9 - Rebecca Low, metal sculpture
February 6 - Tanya Synar, sculpture
March 13 - Deanna Wood, encaustic
April 3 - Paula Collins, clay
May 1 - John Beasely, woodturning
Denton Poets' Assembly
Requests Artists' Websites by Sept. 18
For Possible Match-Ups in Upcoming "Merging Visions"


Works for "Merging Visions", an exhibit of art paired with poetry, will be accepted beginning in September.  Fifty works of art from members of VAST and 50 poems from members of the Denton Poets' Assembly (DPA) will comprise this 2014 exhibit.  Now in its seventh year, this collaborative exhibit has been invited by the GDAC Board of Directors to be held in the Meadows Gallery at the Center for Visual Arts, April 24 - June 6, 2014.  

VAST members wishing to participate in Merging Visions may review poetry submitted by the DPA at each VAST meeting, September through December. In turn, the DPA poets would like to see examples of works created by VAST artists beyond visiting local venues.  To aid this process, artists who have a website dedicated to showing examples of their art, are encouraged to send that web address  to Christine (Chris) Irving, [email protected] by September 18th. These addresses will be compiled and offered to the poets for their review.
In order to initiate the pairing of art with poetry, artists are encouraged to communicate their interest in specific poems to the individual poets.  Contact information for the poets will be available at the VAST meetings or by contacting Becca Hines, [email protected].  
When the artist and poet agree to merge their works, a contract will be offered for both to sign. The Prospectus, including guidelines and the calendar, will be available at the September VAST meeting, which is Thursday, Sept.  5th, 7:00 - 9:00. It will also be available on the website.
Becca Hines, Coordinator
Merging Visions 2014
Denton Poets' Assembly
A feature article focusing on the 2013 VAST Member Exhibition will be included in September's newsletter.
Two Spots remaining in VADO
Meet:  1st and 3rd Thursdays 
You will receive an email reminder each month. 
 $10 with VADO membership. 

Drop-ins welcome for $1.00 a day. 

Begins September, 2013.


VADO is an opportunity for VAST members to come paint at the Center for the Visual Arts from 9:15 am - 3:00 pm, two mornings a month----no instructor, not a workshop, just an art gathering. You may paint, sketch, quilt, or whatever creative endeavor you desire, in the fellowship with your artist friends. There is still room for two participants. Fee is $10 payable to VAST. 
Send  to Mary Emerson,
1001 Emerald Sound Blvd.
Oak Point, TX 75068-2235
Email or call Mary:
TAG 2013 Auction for the Arts
Homegrown!    Sight Unseen!      Mystery!

The Arts Guild of Denton (TAG) is pleased to announce a new and fun idea for the art offered in the 2013 Annual Auction for the Arts. This year we are sponsoring an exhibition titled "Sight Unseen" of two-dimensional and three-dimensional art. Our theme is "Homegrown."


The mystery is no one will know who created the work of art until the piece is purchased. All works must be signed on the back thus "Sight Unseen."


All art will be offered at a $100 minimum bid. Many thanks to our artists for their generosity and willingness to let their art be sold for a fraction of its value. 


Artists may include the actual value of their art on the contract. Art Donations of $250+ qualify for two complimentary admissions to the Auction; art donations of $500+ qualify for four complimentary admissions. 


Prizes will be given and the artwork will be included in the Silent or Live Auction as usual.  


Money raised in the TAG auction goes to the Greater Denton Arts Council to be given out as grants to the various arts organizations in Denton. VAST has been the recipient of many grants from the arts council in the past.  



August 31:  All contracts due.


October 1 (on or before):  Submit digital images to Jo Williams at [email protected]


October 31:  All art must be complete and delivered to the Center for the Visual Arts, 400 E. Hickory Street, Denton, TX  76201.  Please contact Jo Williams before delivering; work may be delivered to Jo before this date.  


To see more details reference this auction opportunity click here.  To obtain a contract, please contact Jo Williams, 940.383.1092, or [email protected]  

Visual Art League
Art Supply Sale to be held
August 24th, 1:00 
The Visual Art League (VAL) has received a donation of mostly used, but some new, art supplies from the family of one of our deceased members.  We are having a sale at the MCL GRAND THEATER Classroom #2 on Saturday, August 24, from 1-? until all is sold.  
The address is: 100 N. Charles Street, in Old Town Lewisville.

The supplies have been very reasonably priced; Here is a partial listing of the 107 items for sale:

Large variety of brushes, some unused. 
Watercolor paint 
Acrylic paint 
Oil paint 
both small and large canvasses 
several easels, including a French easel, unused 
Portfolio tote 
several sets with a variety of drawing, painting, pastel supplies 
Several art boxes for storing supplies 
instruction books 
paint palettes 
Prismacolor pencils 
India ink, charcoal, drawing materials 
Gouache set 
travel sets of watercolor 
pencil sharpeners 
Lorraine Hayes

Texas Woman's University Presents
Contemplation: Emerging Female Photographers from Japan 

The exhibition and lecture are free 

and open to the public. 

Exhibition Dates: August 27 to September 18

Reception: September 12th, 5-6pm
Lecture: September 12th, 4pm. / Mariko Takeuchi: Female Photographers from Japan Since the 19th Century.
Artist's Talks: Yuki Tawada & Ai Takahashi.
Panel Discussion: MarikoTakeuchi, James Nakagawa and Artists.  

Guest Curated by Mariko Takeuchi & James Nakagawa
East  | West Galleries
Department of Visual Arts / Fine Arts Building / Denton


Photographs depict no more than what is visible. Yet at the same time they possess the uncanny ability to reveal the invisible.  Just as the hands of the clock mark the linear passing of time, photography can mark our memory, consciousness, desires, and emotions. Beyond merely documenting the visible world, one of the photographers' roles is to create a space for reflecting and gazing upon such invisibilities. This exhibition introduces the work of four emerging Japanese female photographers who engage these invisibilities from various angles. 
For more information contact Vance Wingate at [email protected].

John Sexton, photographer 

to speak at Richland College

of the Dallas County Community College District 


Richland College is proud to present renowned photographer John Sexton at 1 p.m., Saturday, September 7th at Richland College.  


This will be a free public event with poster sale and signing.


John Sexton is a respected photographer, master printmaker, author, and workshop instructor, best known for his luminous, quiet, black and white photographs of the natural environment.    

A recipient of the 2005 North American Nature Photography Association Lifetime Achievement Award, John is a consultant to the Eastman Kodak Company and other photographic manufacturers. He worked as both Technical and Photographic Assistant, and then Technical Consultant, to Ansel Adams from 1979 to 1984. Sexton assisted Adams both in the darkroom and in the field.  Among other topics, Sexton's talk will include examples and anecdotes drawn from his six-year close working relationship with Ansel Adams.

Click here to see the press release or contact Wayne Loucas, Richland Photography Department, 972 238-6078, [email protected] for more information.  

Art Around Town 


Center for the Visual Arts
400 E. Hickory Street, Denton, TX  76201

Meadows Gallery: 
GDAC Permanent Collection
Closing Reception Friday, August 23, 5:30-7:30pm  
July 7 - August 23
Gough Gallery:
Paper + Wood: Shelley Scott & Delaney Smith
July 7 - August 23
more information:

Texas Woman's University Art Galleries
more information:   


University of North Texas Art Gallery   

Deep Storage: Special Selections from the Permanent Collection (emphasis on works on paper and photography)

July 16 - August 17 


Lightwell Gallery

Public Mural Project Organized and led by Blayre Stiller and Giovanni Valderas
June 10 - August 18


Check website for information on UNT's other galleries:  


UNT on the Square

On My Own Time

UNT employee art exhibition

July 29 - August 14



The Chestnut Tree

Artwork by Millie Giles' Critique Group

July 11 - September 12 


Barnes & Noble Booksellers Cafe' - Golden Triangle Mall  
No current exhibit.

Point Bank Blackbox Theater

Works by Lorraine Hayes

Exhibit through through October 11.

The Point Bank Black Box Theatre Exhibition is co-sponsored by Denton Community Theatre and VAST and is located at 318 E. Hickory.

Hours: Monday & Wednesday, 1:00 - 4:00 pm

Friday 10:30 am - 1:00 pm 

Art may also be viewed during any of the performances at the Black Box.


A Creative Art Studio  

227 W. Oak Street, Suite 101      

Denton, TX 76201 (940) 442-1251  

For information on workshops: 


Oxide Gallery

211 N. Cedar Street, Denton, TX  76201 until Sept. 3.

OXIDE will be closed August 26th - August 31st for the move to the new location. The doors will open on Tuesday, September 3rd to the new address of:

115 Eagle Drive, Denton, TX 76201 

(located on Eagle Drive

at the Locust St intersection.) 

For more information:  

Members In the News 

Outside of the Denton Area  

Please submit news of exhibitions that you are involved in to:  [email protected] 
The Strictly Earnest Art Gallery & Studio
Valley View Center
13331 Preston Road, Suite #2012
Dallas, Texas  75240
Works by Ernie Benton 
Grand Opening Celebration to be held Sat., September 21, 2013, from 6pm-10pm during the Midtown ArtTown ARTwalk.



Bastrop Fine Arts Juried 3D Competition, Bastrop, TX

Deadline approaching - all entries due by Sept. 15

Open to all Texas residents

  • 1st place:  $500
  • 2nd place: $250
  • 3rd place:  $125
  • 3 Honorable mentions: $50 each

All 6 awards winners to be featured for one year in an online gallery through the Bastrop Fine Arts Guild website.


Glass, fiber, pottery, sculpture, other 3D artists welcome

Can be functional; only exception: wearables: ie. Jewelry and clothing

For more information click here or enter at:


Submission Fee:

Non-refundable $30 for 3 Images

Up to 2 extra images for $10 each


We accept only digital file submissions of under 2MB each.

The 6 winning images will be on display in our online annex for one year at the Bastrop Fine Arts Guild website.


Park Cities Presbyterian Church

PCPC's 2013 Juried Art Show: 

"Justice and Mercy: Micah 6:8" Themed Show

Deadline:  September 30, 2013

Art Delivery Date: October 19

Entry Fee: $35 for first piece, $10 for optional 2nd piece

Awards: Top works in each category receive blue ribbons.

Three "Best of Theme" winners receive $1,000 each.

"Viewer's Choice" will receive $500.

Three themes: 1. Live Justly  2.  Love Mercy  3. Walk Humbly with your God.

For all show rules, awards, jurors, and registration:  


Hunting Art Prize call for entries!

November 30, 2013 Deadline

$50,000 Prize up for Grabs!


The competition is open to artists who are legal residents of Texas and at least 18 years of age. Artwork submitted for consideration must be a single two-dimensional painting or drawing not exceeding 72 inches on any side (including frame, if any).


For questions, email [email protected]. For further details on submission criteria, terms, and conditions, visit

Contact our Sunshine Committee Chair for Well Wishes, etc.
If anyone knows of a member who needs good wishes sent their way, or thoughts of sympathy, please contact Millie Johnson at: [email protected] or 940.387.7688
Members who wish to have articles/exhibit notices, etc. considered for publication in the VAST newsletter, please send information to: [email protected]
If you are fortunate enough to get into a wonderful show or are having a solo show, for example... 
We'd like to share! 
The deadline for information is the 15th of each month.
For Current Information and to connect as an online community, check out 'Visual Arts Society of Texas' on Facebook or click

Please feel free to forward this on to anyone who might be interested.

Visual Arts Society of Texas

2013-2014 Monthly Programs

Sept. 5- Tom Judd, photography

Oct. 3- Nel Byrd, watercolor
Nov. 14- Carolyn Riegelman,           acrylic
Dec. 5- Nora Riley, jewelry
Jan. 9- Rebecca Low, 
      metal sculpture
Feb. 6- Tanya Synar, sculpture
Mar. 13- Deanna Wood,
April 3 - Paula Collins, clay
May 1- John Beasely,   
Meetings are held at the Center for the Visual Arts, 400 East Hickory St, Denton, TX.

7:00 - 9:00 pm

Members: Free
Guests: $3 


2012-2013 VAST Membership Levels

$15 - Student 

$25 - Educator*
$35 - Individual
$45 - Family
$50 - Mary Cassat
$125 - Rembrandt
$250 - Georgia O'Keefe
$500 - Picasso
$750 - Leonardo
$1000 - Michelangelo
$3000 - Renoir
$5000 - Van Gogh

Make checks payable to
VAST; mail to VAST, PO
Box 1281, Denton, TX


*Educator level of
membership entitles
teachers to bring
students with them to
any monthly meeting with
guest fees waived. 
Teachers planning to
bring more than 5 students
to any meeting are requested
to contact Lynne Cox [email protected]
so the Hospitality
Committee can plan to
have enough refreshments
on-hand at the meeting.
2013  VAST
Artist Day Out

Aug 22

VADO is a day where members may come paint at the CVA from 9:15 - 3, approximately two mornings a month.  There is no instructor, it is not a workshop... just an art gathering. 


You may paint, sketch, quilt, or whatever creative endeavor you desire in the fellowship with your artist friends. Lunch and fellowship are the best parts!

The cost is $10 a year, or $1 a session if you just want to drop in every now and then. Pay with your dues, or you can send $10 to: 

Mary Emerson 
1001 Emerald Sound Blvd. 
Oak Point, TX 75068