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Visual Arts Society of Texas News

News and Events

 May, 2016
Artist Walt Davis to Present/Demo:
"The Art of Bugs!" at May 5 Meeting
Walt Davis is four years into a series of paintings celebrating the surprising world just small enough to escape our attention but full of beautiful and unexpected colors and shapes.  It is the world at our feet that goes largely unnoticed.  He will include plenty of sketches and preliminary drawings to illustrate his method of working as well as the three paintings that made it into American Watercolor Society annual shows, one of which won an award.  
Walt Davis is a signature member, life member,  and past president of the Southwestern Watercolor Society.  He is also a signature member of the American Watercolor Society, and his painting Katy-did, Katy-didn't won their Margery Soroka Memorial Award in 2012.  He was curator of exhibits at the Dallas Museum of Natural History for fifteen years creating wildlife dioramas and collaborating with Dallas muralists Olin Travis and Granville Bruce.
Walt's work has been exhibited at Eastfield College Gallery,  Bath House Cultural Center (Dallas), Panhandle Art Center, (Amarillo), Old Jail Art Museum (Mount Vernon), Brownsville Heritage Complex, Dallas Museum of Nature and Science, and San Angelo Art Museum.    
Walt often paints plein air and enjoys working in different scales from miniatures to full sheet watercolors. He says the challenge for the watercolorist is to choreograph a delicate dance between art and nature, coaxing the fundamental truth of one to illuminate the fundamental truth of the other.
To find out more about Toby, see:
The presentation is only $3 for guests, and free for VAST Members. 
Meetings take place at the Patterson-Appleton Arts Center, 400 E. Hickory, Denton. Time: 7:00-9:00pm 
Thank You From 2015-2016 VAST President:
Jo Williams
Our VAST 2015-2016 year is coming to an end, and I am reflecting with mixed feelings this year. It will mark the end of my three-year term as President, a job that has given me much joy! During these three years, VAST has made great strides as an organization and has continued to fulfill the VAST mission, Artists and community connecting to create and celebrate visual arts! We could not and cannot achieve our mission and continue to grow and provide the  services that we provide to our membership without the help of all of our volunteers.  The jobs vary in size and scope, but each one is vital to our overall success.
What has really given me the greatest joy is the privilege of working with each of you. Our organization is made up of the most professional, caring, and generous folks I have known. I recognize and thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Andrea Albright , History: Many thanks for recording our history. I think that is so important.
Rebecca Barham , Publicity Director, Facebook Coordinator: You make a terrific contribution to VAST, and you do it with such professionalism!
Robin Butt , Monthly Mini Show: You do such a great job with the mini show and add so much to our meeting with your delightful personality! I have always appreciated your innovative ideas, too!
Isabel Cano , Vice-President for two years, Board Development, Community Outreach, High School Art Exhibition Coordinator, Photographer: Your support and dedication have been a huge help! You have done all your jobs with excellence and a willing heart!
Gail Cope , Merging Visions Co-chair, Exhibition Sponsor, TWU Liaison, Barnes & Noble Exhibition Coordinator: Thank you for all your work on our last two Merging Visions Exhibitions. Your vision, generosity, and work at the gala receptions make them events long to be remembered! VAST truly owes you a huge debt of gratitude for everything you do!
Mary Emerson , VADO: Many thanks for taking care of our VADO group! What a sweetheart you are!
Barbara Evans , Legal: I appreciate your years of service and support to VAST; We are lucky to have you.
Mindy Faubion , Calendar, Emily Fowler Exhibition Coordinator: Thanks so much for a great job on the calendar and for coordinating the EF exhibit.
Angelia Ford , Exhibition Chair: Chairing an exhibition is a huge job, and I so appreciate you contributing your talent and experience in fulfilling your job!
Lin Hampton , Vice-President, Chestnut Tree Exhibition Coordinator: Great programs, and a super job of coordinating the exhibitions at CT.
Jackie Haugen , Critique Group: You are such a pleasure, and your long-time service coordinating the Critique Group is a great contribution to the organization.
Lorraine Hayes , Critique Assistant: Thanks for what you do to make our VAST critiques run smoothly and a pleasure for everyone.
Rebecca Hines , Merging Visions Coordinator, Hospitality Co-Chair: What an amazing individual you are! VAST would not be the same organization without you!
James J. Johnson, Jr.,  Former Board Member, Nominating Committee:  What a stalwart member and supporter you are. Thank you for being my mentor and for serving VAST in so many ways.
Millie Johnson , Sunshine: I can't think of anyone who could do a better job of sending our notes of sympathy and well wishes! Outstanding job!
Thomas Judd , Photographer, Merging Visions
Image Coordinator, Workshop Leader: Many thanks for everything you do for VAST. We are really lucky to have your contribution!
Terry Karloff , Correspondence: Thank you for what you do for us; it is a valuable contribution to our public relations.
Ana Lopez, Community Outreach: I really appreciate the bridge you provide with UNT CoVAD and the university students.
Maurice Leatherbury , Website Director, Auditor Committee, Installation Crew: Many thanks for the untold hours that you contributed in giving us a viable website and also for being so prompt in making the updates that we request! We appreciate your service on the Financial Committee and your willingness to help with exhibition installations.
Tonya Littmann , Calendar Design, Brochures, Publications: We are so lucky to have your work on our publications. You help make us look so professional! I appreciate you always willing to be of service.
Amanda North , Publicity Committee: I really appreciate your service working with Rebecca on Publicity.
Carol Rowley , Treasurer: We owe you a huge debt of gratitude for what you have done for us the past three years!
Ingrid Scobie , Awards Acquisition: You bring a lot of professionalism and experience to your job. Much appreciation!
Eloise Sears , Assistant Treasurer, Exhibition Installation, Exhibition Catalog: I so appreciate your steadfast and conscientious service!
Ray Sears , Finance Committee, Exhibition Installation: Many thanks for everything you do to help out with making VAST run so smoothly.
Fran Shurtleff, Past Secretary, VASTFEST Coordinator: Thanks for being a great Secretary and for always supporting VAST in so many ways.
Kristin Spalding , Workshop Coordinator: What an outstanding job you do for us always making our workshops a huge success! And, the food is always so delicious!
Ernie Stripling , Publicity Committee: Many thanks for helping Rebecca with our VAST Publicity!
Carol Stoecker , Barnes & Noble Booksellers Exhibition Coordinator, Merging Visions Extended Exhibition Coordinator: Thanks for all your conscientious effort fulfilling your job.
Dawn Swepston , Secretary: Excellent job with the minutes and with our thank you letters.
Nancy Waldo , Hospitality: It does not escape me what you and all your hospitality crew do for us, and I know everyone appreciates the refreshments. They are a really nice touch to our meetings and receptions.
Olivia Walker , Merging Visions Co-chair,  Grants: Your leadership and contribution on our Merging Visions Exhibitions was outstanding and much appreciated!
Sharon Warwick , Calendar Sponsorships: Your service was so appreciated! Thank you!
Laurie Weller , Professional Standards: Thank you for your support and contributing your knowledge, keeping us on our toes and looking good!
Christie Wood , Website Assistant: I really appreciate what you do to help with the website. It is a great service to us.
Deanna Wood , Exhibition Chair, Publications: I love the way you handle your responsibilities with willingness and professionalism.
Mary Wright , Membership Chair and Newsletter Editor: You are a treasure!  What you have done for VAST is quite miraculous!
Thank you to all the VAST directors for your service on the Board. Special thanks to the Board members who are rotating off the Board. We are so very grateful for your service: Gail Cope, Tonya Littmann, Beth Honeycutt, Roxanne Musick and Carol Rowley.

VAST Members : Thanks everyone for being a member, and for all the contributions everyone makes with refreshments and for your willingness to jump in and help out in so many ways. Of course, we would not exist without you.
VAST Artists : Keep making art! You make the world a better place because of what you do!
Warm Regards,
Jo Williams
Membership Dues Deadline to get Free Entry in VAST Calendar: May 31, 2016 
The Visual Arts Society of Texas' calendar year runs from June 1 through May 31. Please renew by May 31. Added to the benefits is the opportunity to enter and have your work in our VAST Calendar. The calendar is our only fundraiser. (See Prospectus for calendar in article below.)

You may renew by the following methods:
  • Renew at the May VAST meeting. 
  • A membership form is available on the website or  Click here.  Dues can be mailed to VAST, PO Box 1281, Denton, TX 76205. 
  • Renew using PayPal on the website. Sign in and renew under membership. If you cannot remember your name and password, please email [email protected]
Membership Levels: 

Individual ($35)
Educator ($25)  In addition to receiving all Membership Benefits outlined above, educators may bring their students to the VAST monthly meetings free of charge. Although there is no limit to the number of students who may attend, we ask instructors to let us know if more than 5 students will attend any one meeting so we may adjust our hospitality plans accordingly.
Student ($15)
Family ($45)   With a Family Membership, Individual/Student Membership Benefits are extended to all members of the same household.
Supporting members receive the same benefits as Individual Members and are recognized in numerous VAST publications throughout the year. These additional levels can be seen on the side bar of this newsletter.

Calendar  Prospectus
Deadline: June 1, 2016
The 2017 VAST Calendar will be our only fundraiser for the year. You may enter FREE by paying your dues by May 31, 2016.
  • Open to 2016/2017 VAST Members
  • 2D or 3D work accepted
  • 2 digital images maximum per entrant
  • Juror to be announced at a later date
  • Entry Fee: $10 (For 2 images) 
  • Artists who get into the calendar will receive a free calendar and must abide by certain requirements, that are explained fully in the prospectus.
  • Deadline: June 1, 2016
The Prospectus can be found HERE.

VAST Members to Vote at May 5 Meeting:
For New Officers and Board Members
The Amended and Restated Bylaws of the Visual Arts Society of Texas Dated May, 2015, placed the VAST membership at the top of our organizational chart. Therefore VAST members will be voting on the slate of new Board members and new officers submitted by the Nominating Committee. Those candidates were announced at our April meeting according to the provisions in the Bylaws, and they are as follows: 
Board Directors:
Mindy Faubion
Deanna Wood
New Officers:
President: Mindy Faubion
Vice President (Exhibitions): Deanna Wood
Secretary: Eloise Sears
Treasurer: Dawn Swepston

Board Meeting to be May 14
The last Board Meeting for the VAST 2015/2016 year will be held at the Central Fire Station in Denton, across from the Patterson-Appleton Art Center. 9:00am - 12:00 noon.

Upcoming Member Show!
Get current with dues now.
27th Annual Members Exhibition
August 12 - September 4
Meadows Gallery
Patterson Appleton Arts Center

Prospectus will come out in early summer.

Merging Visions  Exhibition Opening: 
April 15, 5:30-7:30pm
  Merging Visions  
Collaborative Exhibit of 
Art & Poetry
Exhibit: April 15 - June 5, 2016
Meadows Gallery
Patterson - Appleton Arts Center,  400 E. Hickory, Denton, Texas
Cooling Down by J. Carol Stoecker
Gallery Hours:  Tuesday - Friday: 
 11:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday:  1:00 - 5:00 pm

People's Choice Awards 
are in! 
Of the 124 votes cast:

First Place goes to the pairing of Rebecca Hines' poem, "If You Could Choose...Would You?", with J. Carol Stoecker's painting, Cooling Down

If You Could Choose . . . 
Would You? 
If you could . . . would you like to
flip your tongue to grab your lunch
and eat a tasty fly, or wrap your tongue
around a leaf and strip the branches dry,
uncurl your tongue, once spiral wound,
to suck the nectar sweet, or let your tongue
hang halfway down to cool your body's heat?
Or . . . would you rather
have a tongue of shorter length
that learns articulation,
   -- makes use of teeth and out-blown air
      to aid communication
   -- has lingual strength to trill, lick, click,
       "scat" and flap without reason,
and play with sounds both night and day,
or do what you find pleasin'?
If all creatures had such power
engrained within their noodles,
would they find those times sublime
and rap . . . or . . . "doot-n-doodle?"
© 2014  Becca Hines
All rights reserved     
The Blue Monkeys of Thera by Carol Rowley

Tied for Second Place are the following two pairings:
Christine Irving's poem, "The Blue Monkeys of Thera," with Carol Rowley's painting, The Blue Monkeys of Thera
Vicky Li's poem, "Bless the Hearts of the Parents," with Mindy Faubion's painting, The Blessing.

The Blessing by Mindy Faubion
Dates to remember: 
June 5 :  (Sunday) Exhibit Ends
June 6 :   (Monday) Artists, who are not participating in the Extended Exhibit,   pick up  their artwork, 10 - 12 p.m. and 4 to 7 p.m., (Extended Exhibit from June 6 to mid August)

New VAST Figure Drawing Group to Start in November
In September, VAST will sponsor a monthly drawing session with a live model. This two hour open studio at the Arts Center will have no instructor. The group is available to VAST members only. 

Each session will start with short poses, and move 
Red, Mixed Media by Susan Boyle
to longer poses (15 - 20 minutes). The model will be clothed. Participants will share the cost of the model. All participants will be responsible for putting the room back in order.

Meeting day: the fourth Thursday of the month (exc e pt  November).
There will be no meetings in June, July, and August.

Time: 10 AM to 12 Noon
2016 Dates: 9/22, 10/27, 12/22 
2017 Dates: 1/26, 2/23, 3/23, 4/27, 5/25.

Location: The craft room at the Patterson-Appleton Arts Center, 400 East Hickory Street.

Because studio space is limited, it will be necessary for interested artists to reserve a space. 
Please contact Susan Boyle at  [email protected]  or leave a message at 940-387-4376. Please include in your message your name, phone number, and e-mail if available.

Upcoming VAST Workshops
Deborah Boschert and Walt Davis
Deborah Boschert 
Designing with Fabric, Paint & Stitch
August 29/30/31 (Tue/W/Th) 2016

9:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Daily at the Visual Arts Center, Denton (corner of Hickory/Bell)
$185 for VAST members; $220 for non-members

Course Description - Art Quilt Collage:
Create surface design on fabric with hand made stamps, found object printing, stencils, wet-on-wet painting, handwriting and other improvisational mark-making then use your original fabrics plus various commercial fabrics to create an original small art quilt incorporating hand stitching. You'll have lots of left over fabrics to incorporate in collage or other mixed media projects.

See her website at:

Registration Fee is $50 for sign-up, and is non-refundable. Please make checks payable to VAST and mail to 
Kristin Spalding 
McKinney 75071.
The balance is due one month prior to workshop. If the participant must cancel, the VAST workshop coordinator will attempt to fill the open spot from the official waiting list. If there is no waiting list, the participant is free to fill the spot on their own. No refunds will be made one month or less prior to the workshop. If there are not enough participants to cover the workshop costs, or if VAST must cancel for any reason, participants will be notified and will promptly receive a full refund including the deposit.

High School Competition Winners

Congratulations to all the Students that participated in the VAST High School Art Competition. It was very hard to choose the winners; they were all amazing works!

Best of Show: Lauren Song - Nostalgia, Hebron HS (Lewisville ISD): far right in photo
1st. prize: Alexa Suarez - Masked, Liberty Christian: far left in photo
2nd prize: Darah Fuller - Nature or Nurture, Liberty Christian: 2nd from left in photo
3rd prize: Natalie Ly - Self-Portrait, Sanger ISD: 2nd from right in photo

Work will be exhibited in the lobby of the Courthouse-on-the Square from Friday, May 8 - May 15.

Calendar Focus - May




Artists Needed for VAST Revolving Exhibit 
We are in need of artists that would like to exhibit at the Denton Senior Center, from October through December. 

Please contact the exhibit coordinator, Isabel Cano, for information.   [email protected]

The Denton Senior Center is located at  509 N. Bell Ave.,  Denton, TX  Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.; Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Update Your Profile on the VAST Website

Increase the visibility of VAST and its talented members! To get started updating your information, here is a link to the updated directions. If you need any assistance, Isabel Cano would be happy to help get your information on the VAST website. Isabel's email is [email protected]. Our website is


Please contact our Sunshine Committee Chair if you know of anyone who needs well wishes sent or thoughts of sympathy.

Millie Johnson is the chairperson for the Visual Arts Society of Texas' Sunshine Committee.  Please contact Millie at: [email protected] or 940.387.7688 

Do you turn to Facebook for current news?

You can connect to our online community with the "Visual Arts Society of Texas" on Facebook, check this link.

Visual Arts Society of Texas' 
Revolving Exhibitions
Please contact the coordinator for the exhibit(s) that you would like to be considered for.
"Art About Town"  exhibition at The Chestnut Tree Teahouse and Bistro, on the Denton town square.
Works by Teri Muse will be displayed April 8th through July 8th.  
Shari Turner's work will follow.

Teri Muse Artist Statement: 
The creative process will always amaze me.
It is an elusive thing that happens, and is precious.

My work has been inspired by a love of COLOR and TEXTURE. I love the beautiful gradations of colors in Odilon Redon, Georgia O'Keeffe and Helen Frankenthaler's works. The lines and colorful patterns in Henri Matisse's work delight me. Pablo Picasso, Joseph Cornell and Louise Nevelson inspire me with their use of mixed media and assemblage/collage in their art. These artists were creative and productive their whole lives. Their lives and their works encourage me to keep working.
Straight and Narrow
Over the years I have worked in a variety of media; acrylic, handmade paper, wood assemblage, and encaustic wax painting.  Collage is often an important part of my work in any media, since I collect things. My studio is filled with stacks of handmade papers, fabrics, geographic maps, postage stamps, and other miscellaneous items.  I often embed these items from our lives into my works in an effort to create connections with the viewer by using symbols of our sense of place, our communications, memories and associations. Then there is that constant desire to
In the Cold Morning Light
create COLOR and TEXTURE that compel one to pause and look.
Please visit my website at

The Chestnut Tree Teahouse and Bistro is locally owned and is located at 107 West Hickory Street on the Denton Square. The hours are Monday through Saturday from 9am until 3pm.
Coordinator for exhibit:  Lin Hampton at

"Noble Visions" exhibition at 
Barnes & Noble Booksellers Cafe  Golden Triangle Mall
Artist Lin Hampton is now exhibiting her collection "Kayak Reflections" at the  Barnes and Noble coffee shop inside the Denton Mall from March 2 - May 4, 2016. Hampton's website is 
Lin Hampton is an oil painter, but also loves to work in pastel and acrylics. The "Kayak Reflections" series began in 2009, but was derailed by a sudden loss. Today the series is reborn. 

Lin Hampton feels that there are magical experiences and
healing powers on the water.  Gliding along quietly in her kayak, she delights in reflections and experiences.   Through her kayak series she hopes to share some of that magic with you.

Coordinator for exhibit: Contact Carol Stoecker at [email protected] 

"Off the Shelves"  exhibition at Emily Fowler Central Library
The Hot Air Balloon Painting Series of  Lin Hampton,  Rendered in Oil, Acrylic and Pastel
Currently on exhibit through June 5. 

Lin Hampton has this to say about her work: 
"So, sometime in the 80's I was doing street sales, and the Plano Balloon Festival happened to be one of them.  At that time, the festival was smaller and was held on the beautiful grounds of Bob Woodruff Park.  I borrowed and slept quietly in a camper and woke up at 5am to watch the balloons launch. I stayed up until late, and watched the balloons glow and listened to some good music.  During the day I managed my art booth where I sold paintings of the hot air balloons from images and sketches of the year before.  I drew my first cartoon renderings here.  It was hard work. The income was rewarding and motivating, the people-watching were the best. The balloons were such eye candy; I went home sated with color!
These are the remaining paintings of this series.  They bring a lot of joy and light-heartedness where ever they land.  My media is Oil, Acrylic and Pastel.  I enjoy working with each of these mediums.  
You'll also find three newer works migrated into this show and they seem to fit in well.  They are the Thrashers...three works from the Skateboard Series.
Coordinator for exhibit: Mindy Faubion, [email protected]
The Emily Fowler Central Library is located at 502 Oakland Street. Hours are:  Monday, Wednesday, Frida y, and Saturday 9 am to 6 pm;  Tuesday and Thursday 9 am to 9 pm,                         
Sunday 1 to 5 pm.
502 Oakland St.,  Denton TX, 76201

"Outside the Box"  exhibition at Point Bank Blackbox Theater 
Nel dorn Byrd will be exhibiting April 1 - July 15. Millie Giles' Critique Group July 15 - October 7.
The exhibition is free.

VAST artist Nel dorn Byrd, AWS, NWS, is a signature member of the American Watercolor Society, the National Watercolor Society, Western Federation, Texas Watercolor Society, and the Southwestern Watercolor Society.  She has won numerous awards in national and international exhibitions.

This exhibition will feature all Denton subjects including several house portraits, some that are historic and some that particularly appealed to the artist.  A few of the paintings were completed en plein aire, and others were painted in the artist's studio from photographs. Byrd, who loves to paint architectural subjects, works in a loose, impressionistic style capturing the feeling or essence of her subjects. 

Byrd has painted with watercolor for 47 years and studied with many watercolor instructors, traveling and painting in 12 different countries. She was a participant in many travel trips with the late Rob Erdle, Professor Emeritus of Watercolor at UNT. Her work has been published in several books and magazines, and her paintings are included in public and private collections through the US.

Nel occasionally teaches watercolor classes, presents demonstrations, and conducts workshops. She co-operated a fine art gallery and frame shop in Plano for 21 years.

The Black Box Theatre Exhibition Outside the Box is co-sponsored by Denton Community Theatre.  Black Box hours are Monday and Wednesday, 1:00 - 4:00 pm and Friday, 10:30 am - 1:30 pm. The art may also be viewed during any of the performances at the Black Box.
Coordinator for exhibit: 
Jo Williams at [email protected]
The Point Bank Black Box Theatre Exhibition is co-sponsored by Denton Community Theatre and VAST, and is located at 318 E. Hickory. For information on DCT, call 940.382.1915.
Hours: Monday & Wednesday, 1:00 - 4:00 pm
Friday 10:30 am - 1:30 pm.   Art may also be viewed during any of the performances at the Black Box.

"Through the Ages"  exhibition at the Denton Senior Center
Aurora Cabrera
Exhibiting from April 1st through June.

AURORA CABRERA is a self taught artist, born and raised in Oaxaca; the Mexican contemporary art mecca.  Cabrera approaches her artwork with passion and intensity, seeing the world through brilliant colors. She creates bold painted furniture, vibrant watercolors, mixed media, and shadow boxes. She paints what she loves - nature and Mexican symbolism. Today she is a resident of Denton, creating at home and raising her family. 
"Painting, for me, is about color, shape, and space. I like color for its expressive value. I consider it a universal language that communicates emotions and mood, bringing positive energy to people." Aurora Cabrera

Artists needed to exhibit at the Senior Center, for these 3 months in a row, Oct, Nov and December. 
Coordinator for exhibit: Isabel Cano,  isabel[email protected]
The Denton Senior Center is located at  509 N. Bell Ave.,  Denton, TX 
Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.; Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Highland Village Hosts Art Festival
Highland Village Art Festival
Saturday, May 7, 2016
Join us for the Highland Village Art Festival where we'll have displays from over 30 outstanding gallery quality artists, artist demonstrations, live music and entertainment, and interactive children's art activities.

When: Saturday, May 7, 2016
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Where: The Shops at Highland Village (FM 2499 and Justin Road)
Free Admission and Parking

Musical performances will be held in the south courtyard between Patrizio and Chico's. 

The Highland Village Art Festival is a joint venture between the Highland Village Public Art Advisory Board and The Shops at Highland Village benefiting the Children's Advocacy Center of Denton County. To see brochure, 

Members in the News
Please submit news of exhibitions that you are involved in to [email protected] by the 15th of the month.
Nel dorn Byrd, Darla Bostick and Lynne Buchanan are 3 of 80 artists with accepted works from a field of 499 in the Irving Arts Association Texas and Neighbors Juried Exhibition that is exhibited at the Irving Art Center, March 12 - May 15.

Jo Williams  will receive the Women in the Arts Recognition Award  from the Daughters of the American Revolution at the DAR meeting in Denton on May 21. Jo also received the Founders Award in the recent Rio Brazos Art Exhibition in Granbury.

Member Workshops, Classifieds,
Want Ads, Etc.
VAST Members have the opportunity to advertise art related information in the newsletter  2 times per VAST year - June 1st through May 31st.  This business card-sized ad must be sent to the editor by the 15th of the month and is subject to the approval of VAST.  VAST reserves the right to edit.


Art Around Town 
A Creative Art STUDIO
227 W. Oak Street, Suite 101
Check out our classes for May at the studio.  Also mark your Calendars for First Friday Denton, May 6, 7 - 9:30 pm.  Music provided by Uver.  New!  Jazz Night is May 18th, 7 - 9 pm.  
For class schedules and more information:

Patterson-Appleton Arts Center
400 E. Hickory Street, Denton, TX 76201 
Gough Gallery :  
International Nightscapes: Recent Works by Bob Chilton
May 6 - July 29, 2016, FREE
Explore the world through the lens of photographer Bob Chilton with photographs of the ocean, images of nature, and pictures of real life. Chilton is eternally drawn to the dark side of the day.  His constant fascination arouses a passion to venture out after dark, late in the evening, to examine the depth and diversity of each night's beauty. What he discovers evokes expressions of awe and wonderment. The raw beauty of the evening is in itself an experience.
Meadows Gallery: 
VAST Merging Visions
April 15 - June 4, 2016, FREE
The Visual Arts Society of Texas collaborates with the Denton Poets' Assembly, the Greater Denton Arts Council, and the Denton Public Library to create an annual exhibit of paired original art work and poetry in celebration of National Poetry Month. This exhibition is held at Patterson-Appleton Arts Center with part of the exhibit traveling to various library locations.
For more information:

Texas Woman's University Art Galleries
East Gallery and West Gallery 
more information:

University of North Texas Art Galleries
56th Annual Voertman Student Art Competition
April 14  -  July 23
For more information: http://gallery.unt.e du
UNT on the Square
Jude + Alex: An Exhibition
April 7 - May 14
For more information:

Opportunities/Calls for Entries
31st Annual Bosque Art Classic
September 10-24, 2016Entry Deadline:  May 23
It is open to all artists who create realistic/representational art.
2016 Judge: Jason Scull, CA
Bosque Arts Center, 215 S. College Hill Drive, Clifton, Texas 76634
First and Second Prizes will be awarded in each category.
Additional awards include the Art Patrons Purchase Award* ($1,000 in addition to the sale price), New Entrant Award ($1,000), the Boren-Selvidge Award ($1,000), and the coveted John Steven Jones Purchase Award* ($5,000 not in addition to the sale price).
The Bosque Art Classic is an annual juried & judged art show & sale hosted by the BAC Art Council.  Over the years, it has become a national show which includes entries from international artists as well.  Categories include: Drawing, Oil/Acrylic, Pastel, Sculpture, Water Media, and Mixed Media.
May 23 Entry Deadline - No Exceptions
July 11-15 Acceptance/rejection letters mailed
August 22-26 Artwork received via carriers* (UPS, FEDEX, LONESTAR, ETC.) No early deliveries.
August 27 Hand deliveries accepted between 10 am - 5 pm, 215 S. College Hill Dr. Clifton 76634
September 9 Private Reception - Art Patrons & Accepted Artists Only September 10 Opening Reception & Awards Presentation
Sept. 11 & 18 Open House 11 am - 2 pm 

(Re)Invention: Art + Innovation + Disability + Design
National Competition/Washington D.C.
Entry Deadline: June 1
This is a juried exhibition of emerging young artists with disabilities, ages 16-25, showcasing artwork created at the intersection of technology, innovation and disability. 15 finalists share a total of $60,000 in cash prizes, with a first prize of $20,000. 
For more information: Click here.
This is a Call For Entry (CaFe) opportunity

New Texas Talent XXIII at Craighead Green Gallery
Deadline: June 3.
Opening August 6, 2016
Juror: Frank Hettig
For Prospectus: Click here.
Conceived in 1994 by Craighead Green Gallery, New Texas Talent (NTT) is designed to introduce and promote emerging visual artists in the commercial market. Each year over 1,000 images are submitted for review by a gallery selected juror. The juror then independently selects artists to participate in the New Texas Talent exhibition. Through their participation in the show, many artists have been offered representation by galleries throughout the state or have been invited to participate in future exhibitions.  
  • Suggested $5.00 donation to EASL (Emergency Artist Support League) may be sent to Craighead Green Gallery 1011 Dragon Street Dallas TX 75207. Payable to EASL. No entry fee required.
  • All visual media, including video, will be accepted, with the exception of film, utilitarian crafts and jewelry. All entries must be available for sale and priced accordingly .
  • No entries can be more than 84" tall, wide or deep. All work should be current or created within the past two years.
  • Craighead Green Gallery reserves the right to refuse accepted artwork that has recently or concurrently been accepted and shown in any other venue. 
2016 53rd Southwestern Watercolor Society Membership Exhibition
Juror - Stan Miller, AWS  To learn more about Stan Miller, please visit his website:
  Entry Fee (First painting image entry fee): $35.00; $5 each for 2nd and 3rd painting.
Entry Deadline Wednesday, June 30, 2016 (midnight)
Preview Party Sunday, July 17, 2016 Royal Lane Baptist Church 2:00-4:00PM
Acceptance Notification Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Deadline to receive shipped art Monday, August 29, 2016 Craters & Freighters
Deadline for hand-delivered art Monday, August 29, 2016 Eisemann Center (5:00-7:00PM)
Show Opens Wednesday, August 31, 2016 Eisemann Center
Awards Reception Sunday, September 18, 2016 Eisemann Center (6:00PM to 8:00PM)
Show Closes Saturday, September 24, 2016
Pick-up hand-delivered art Monday, September 26, 2016 (Eisemann Center 5:00 to 7:00PM)
Shipped art returned Monday, September 26, 2016 by Craters & Freighters

Southwestern Watercolor Society (SWS) is a prestigious national organization based in Dallas and celebrating its' 53rd anniversary, with approximately 400 members thoughout the USA. Information pertaining to SWS may be found on our website at .

The 2016 annual SWS Membership Exhibition Prospectus is now available on the CaFE (Call for Entries) website, Please enter the word 'watercolor' or 'southwestern' on the Café site to search for our exhibition.

All work must be painted after January 1, 2014 (strictly enforced), original water media on paper or Yupo.  Accepted water media include watercolors, acrylics, inks, gouache, casein, egg tempera, watercolor pencils and watercolor crayons.

11th Annual TAC Juried Membership Exhibit 
Deadline: June 20, 2016  
Exhibit is August 6 - 29, 2016
Reception is August 6 ; 6 - 9pm.
Over $1500 in awards
Fee: $15.
Juror is Clint Willhour curator of the Galveston Arts Center, known for the multi-disciplinary focus of his taste. 

18th Annual 2016 Works on Paper
Drawing, Painting, Photography, Printmaking, Digital Prints
National Competition
Location: Loveladies, New Jersey
Fee: $35
Deadline: May 17
Exhibition Dates: July 1-July 20
Juror: Carter E. Foster, Curator of Drawing, the Whitney Museum of American Art, NYC
Three cash prizes and two Honorable  mentions will be awarded.

"Works on Paper" 2016 is the 18th Annual National Juried Competition & Exhibition at the Long Beach Island Foundation of the Art & Sciences, Long Beach Island, New Jersey.

This is a Call for Entry (Cafe) Opportunity
For more information: Click Here.

See lots more here:

Please feel free to forward this on to anyone who might be interested.

Visual Arts Society of Texas

PDF of Newsletter

For those of you who would like to print a copy of this newsletter,Click here.

2015-2016 Monthly Programs

May 5  Walt Davis             Watercolor

Meetings start in September. They are held at the Patterson-Appleton Arts Center, 400 East Hickory St, Denton, TX.

7:00 - 9:00 pm

Members: Free
Guests: $3 
2015-2016 VAST Membership Levels

$15 - Student 

$25 - Educator*
$35 - Individual
$45 - Family
$50 - Mary Cassatt
$125 - Rembrandt
$250 - Georgia O'Keefe
$500 - Picasso
$750 - Leonardo
$1000 - Michelangelo
$3000 - Renoir
$5000 - Van Gogh

Make checks payable to
VAST; mail to VAST, PO
Box 1281, Denton, TX


*Educator level of
membership entitles
teachers to bring
students with them to
any monthly meeting with
guest fees waived. 
Teachers planning to
bring more than 5 students
to any meeting are requested
to contact Jo Williams through [email protected]
so the Hospitality
Committee can plan to
have enough refreshments
on-hand at the meeting.
2015/2016 VAST 
Artist Day Out

May 5

May 19

June 2

June 16

July  7 ?

July 21

Aug 4

Aug 18

VAST Artist Day Out is a day where members may come paint at the PA-AC from 9:00am - 3pm, approximately two mornings a month.  There is no instructor, it is not a workshop...just an art gathering. 


You may paint, sketch, quilt or what ever creative endeavor you desire in the fellowship with your artist friends.  Lunch and fellowship are the best parts!

The cost is $10 a year, or $1 a session if you just want to drop in every now and then.  Pay with your dues, or you can send $10 to: 
PO Box 1281
Denton, TX 76202