Welcome to this week's issue of VBC Newsstand brought to you by VBCExhibitHall.com
Healthcare Innovation| December 22, 2022
Health equity became an increasingly important topic this past year. There has been a significant increase in initiatives from legislators and policymakers, as well as increased funding toward historically underserved groups. We reported on Feb. 28 that “Washington has become the second state to begin to create Health Equity Zones to support communities in addressing the disparities they want to prioritize. The effort in the Evergreen State is modeled after one in Rhode Island. In 2021, Washington passed legislation to create Health Equity Zones. According to the state Department of Health (DOH), the first year will emphasize developing partnerships and community-centered processes to sustain this work long-term. DOH is also looking for continued funding and other resources that can support the future of the initiative.
McKinsey & Company| December 16, 2022
Value-based care has evolved into a healthcare landscape of its own, with a wide range of organizations contributing to systematic changes that improve quality of care and outcomes while better controlling costs. Providers specializing in value-based care have become attractive to investors because of the distinctive quality of care that they can provide and the investable opportunity they present, with a diversity of risk levels and business models. By building on a decade of increasing value-based payment adoption—combined with enhanced value-based capabilities across payers, providers, employers, and other healthcare stakeholders—continued traction in the value-based care market could lead to a valuation of $1 trillion in enterprise value for payers, providers, and investors.
The national movement toward value-based, accountable healthcare focusing on outcomes rather than volume of services is one of the most significant health policy developments of the last decade. Nowhere is this more critical than in primary care. In value-based delivery models, care is provided via coordinated and multidisciplinary teams focused – and paid – to keep people healthy while better managing expensive chronic conditions. This is in contrast to the prevailing “fee-for-service” care delivery model where reactive episodic treatment of acute illnesses leads to enormous costs without better outcomes for patients. My experience from caring for people in underserved areas of Cleveland tells me that providers need to deliver services beyond typical primary care – they need to coordinate transportation, address housing and food insecurity, and address behavioral health and social isolation issues.
HealthITAnalytics | December 14, 2022
Providers and payers play key roles in healthcare delivery. More often than not, the two must collaborate to ensure that patients and beneficiaries move through their care journeys as efficiently as possible while complying with state and federal regulations. Despite this shared goal, the relationship between providers and payers can be strained by information exchange issues, siloed data, and administrative burdens. To address these problems, some providers and payers have turned to artificial intelligence (AI) and data analytics solutions to help streamline processes and enhance data exchange.
Sponsored Webinars

We do not have any upcoming webinar announcements at this time. Keep an eye out for new additions to our schedule here and on our 


Digesting the Alphabet Soup of Medicare’s Final Rule for 2023: APP, MIPS, MVPs, and more!
  • Topic: Learning and understanding key changes for 2023, and receiving insight and guidance on how to adjust and succeed
Sponsored by: Salient Healthcare
December 13, 2022 | 1 PM EST

Check our our Webinar Archive to view past webinars on a variety of value-based care related topics!

Upcoming Conferences
2023 Social Determinants of Health Summit
January 23-24, 2023 | San Diego, CA

2023 Virtual Value-Based Payment Summit: Special Edition
Held in conjunction with Health Care Value Week
January 23-27, 2023 | Virtual

ViVE 2023
March 26-29, 2023 | Nashville, TN

Happy Holidays!
The VBCExhibitHall Team would like to wish a Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, and Merry Christmas to all of our readers who celebrate! We extend our best wishes to each and every one of you. We hope that you stay safe, enjoy time with loved ones, and receive all of the peace, comfort, and joy that this holiday season has to offer.
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