This year, with the help of a Wycliffe Bible Translators worker, they identified a people group in Indonesia that needs audio Bible players (with 17,000 islands, Indonesia has 700 language groups -- one tenth of the world's total).
This people group had been impacted by the Jesus Film some years ago, but recently has seen a heightened response to the Gospel -- 30-40 families came to Christ in one village alone. Access to Scripture content at this time seems particularly important.
Although the original translator of the New Testament recently died, the local Church has now picked up the baton, and is making good progress in translating the Old Testament. They also have quite a bit of indigenous worship music that has been recorded. A nearby radio station broadcasts some Gospel content, but is restricted by broadcast hours, signal coverage, and available receivers. SeedPlayers can provide complementary access -- they work anywhere, and can hold all available Gospel content in an easily-searchable format.