This Weeks Theme for VBS:
Day 2
The Daniel and the Lion's Den

What are the names of the characters we learned about yesterday?
Tell everyone about yesterday’s story. Give some great elaboration and detail.
Tell me your absolute favorite part from yesterday’s story and why!
Remind me how their story relates to our “RESCUE” theme?
RESCUE Song / Words
(watch several times to learn words/ will play each day
Remember as we go through each story this week what our theme is. The word RESCUE simply means someone is saving you. Someone could save you in many different ways. Physical ways, emotional ways, and this week we are learning how to be saved in a spiritual way. We are learning how to trust in God. To believe in God and to know that sometimes things will be difficult and challenging, but we will be RESCUED by God because of our faith and love in him.
Today’s Bible story is about a guy named Daniel. I bet you have heard of him. He was put in a lion’s den. We are going to start by making something called a “KWL.” This is a chart we will fill out. It tells us what we already KNOW, what do we WANT to know, and what did we LEARN. So, turn a piece of paper sideways and divide it into 3 sections. Then label the 3 sections like I did below.

K                                              W                                                    L

Next, before we start the lesson write down everything you already know about Daniel in the lion’s den under the “K.” This tells us what we already KNOW before we even started the lesson. Then, under the “W” write down some things you WANT to learn from today’s lesson. Finally, after watching the video or reading the Bible you write down things you LEARNED during the lesson under the “L” column.
Ok. So, before we go any farther, be sure that the “K” and “W” are already filled out on your chart.
Imagine that every day you pray when you wake up, you pray again in the middle of the day, and finally you pray one more time before going to bed. Then, one day someone tells you that you can no longer pray to your God. How would you feel at this moment? Would you want to keep praying? Would you keep praying?
What do you think this evil King (King Darius) told the people he would do to them if they continued praying to their God?
What would you do if you were told you would be thrown into a den of lions if you kept praying to God? Would you hide, run away, be sad, or would you maybe put your trust in God to RESCUE you?

Let’s watch today’s video on Daniel and the Lion’s Den to see what happens.
Video of the Day- Superbook -
Roar! - Season 1 Episode 7

You can also watch on your regular TV
if you have YouTube on the TV
Ok, right now, before doing anything else, go back to your “KWL” chart and add everything you can remember from the video and write it under the “L.” Have each person one at a time share something they learned. Then the next person can share something they learned and so on until everyone is done sharing as many times as they want. Any person can write on the chart. 
I now want each person to look at all the items on the KWL chart. Find the one item that make you feel kind of sad. Circle that statement that makes you sad. Several people can circle the same sentence. After everyone has circled an item, now put a rectangle around the item that made you the happiest. Again, several people can put a rectangle around the same item.
Take a few minutes and compare yesterday’s story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego with today’s story of Daniel and the Lion’s Den. How are the stories different? How are the stories the same? How do both stories relate to our “RESCUE” theme of the week?
Can you think of a time where you feel God RESCUED you?
Snack Time
Very good snack just make sure you use enough nutella to hold the "mane" in place.
While the kids are eating their snack, take a moment and read the story of Daniel and the Lion’s Den. In your Bible it is found in Daniel 6: 1 – 28. Just like yesterday, read the story with excitement and enthusiasm. We want the Bible to be something enjoyable and we want our kids to be excited about these stories. Remind them to listen carefully since we will be adding new things learned to our KWL chart.

Bible Lesson

As soon as you are done reading and they are done eating go back to the KWL chart and add anything you just learned to the “L.” They have already written a lot from the video, but hopefully everyone can come up with at least one thing they learned from the reading.
Go back and read verse 16. What do you think the evil king meant when he said, “See if your God can deliver you from here?”
Now read verses 19 – 20. What does the word deliver actually mean? (Did you say RESCUE?) Yes, God RESCUED Daniel from the lions.
Go back and read verses 21 – 23. WOW!!!! How did the king react? Was he mad or kind of happy? Yes, he was actually glad.
Art Project
Use 2 plates to build the project,
Completed project picture below
Please take pictures of completed project and
email them to me. [email protected]
Rescue Song
Sing along and learn the hand motions
Closing Prayer
Take turns praying. Remind them the only bad prayer is the prayer that is not said. All prayers are good prayers. Ask God for love, forgiveness, tell him thanks, and especially today talk about being RESCUED.