Valley Christian High School Newsletter

December/January 2023/24


Letter from the Principal

"It will be said on that day,

‘Behold, this is our God; we have waited for him,

that he might save us.

This is the Lord; we have waited for him;

Let us be glad and rejoice in his salvation.’" (Isaiah 25:9)

Dear VCHS parents and families,


I pray that all is well with each of you. I invite you to join me during this month to ponder in our hearts the hope-filled mystery of waiting for the arrival of God.


Since the days of the early church, Christmas time has been ushered in with a season called Advent. Each of the four weeks leading up to Christmas highlights a different element of Christ’s birth: the HOPE of the prophets, the PEACE in Bethlehem, the JOY of the shepherds, and the LOVE of the angels.


The church in 2023 finds ourselves relating deeply to Israel in exile at the end of the Old Testament. We wait on the arrival of God, prayerfully hoping for the coming of the Messiah. Israel kept faith by remembering God’s faithfulness in the past. Similarly, we maintain hope during the waiting seasons by remembering that “thus far, The Lord has helped us” (I Samuel 7:12). At Valley Christian Schools, we recall God’s providence in our history to bring us to a permanent campus with thriving students and quality educators. Those of us who are alumni regularly reminisce about the lean years and how God provided for us in each season of our school’s history.


While it is challenging amid holiday celebrations, shopping, final exams, and travel, there is immense power in pausing to ponder the waiting. Reflection on the very real violence and evil in the world causes us to cry out to God to disperse the gloomy clouds of night―and have death's dark shadows be put to flight. Contemplating our need for grace leads us to pray for the Holy Spirit to renew his work in conforming us into the image of Christ.

If you are looking for resources to help you reflect this Advent season, I recommend to those newer to the faith Max Lucado’s book God Came Near, or his Jesus Light of the World devotional. Another resource is a free Advent devotional by John Piper, Good News of Great Joy.


As we turn to the New Year, please know that we will stay committed to listening well and communicating clearly so that our school culture reflects Christ-centered care for one another. We pray that God’s steadfast love sustains you during our holiday break.


God bless you,

Jennifer Silva EdD


Events Coming Soon


1 All Withdrawals in December will receive W/F

4-8 Christmas Spirit Week

8 Final Exam Study Guide Distribution Deadline

11 Late Work Deadline (some courses may have earlier deadlines)

11 AMSE Semester 2 Program Applications Open

12-15 Review Days

18-21 Final Exams

21 End of Semester One

22-31 Christmas Break, No Homework


1-7 Christmas Break, No Homework

8 School Resumes

15 Martin Luther King Jr. Day No School

18 Winter Rally


Re-Enrollment Month

2 Last Day to Add a New Academic Course

17-25 Winter Break, No Homework

Christmas Spirit Week & ASB Events

ASB will be hosting Christmas Spirit Week the week of December 4. This will include dress-up days, lunchtime activities, Christmas music, and a teacher door-decorating contest to get us all in the holiday spirit. On Monday, December 4th we will be hosting a special guest for students and staff. Be sure to follow Valley Christian High School’s social media (#vchswarriors) to get clued into our special guest’s identity.  In addition, Animal Assisted Happiness will be on campus Friday, December 8th for lunch. This organization will be bringing some fun barnyard buddies for students to enjoy, including chickens, rabbits, guinea pigs and even miniature goats. This event will complete our Christmas Spirit Week and provide some joy as we head into finals review week.


Monday 12/4 – Rally – Holiday PJs

Tuesday 12/5 – Ski Attire

Wednesday 12/6 – Christmas Card

Thursday 12/7 – Christmas Movie

Friday 12/8 – Santa’s Workshop

  • 9th Grade: Elves
  • 10th Grade: Snowmen
  • 11th Grade: Reindeer
  • 12th Grade: Santa

January 11th – We will have a winter rally during Warrior Time to kick off 2nd semester.

January 12th – ASB applications (student body leaders) open for the 2024-2025 school year.

Love Gift

One impactful way The Warrior Fund nurtures our community is through The Love Gift, a Christmas-time bonus for the dedicated teachers and staff of the VCS community. Your support transforms appreciation into tangible gratitude, allowing us to convey how much we value their unwavering dedication to serving and loving our children throughout the school year. 


Each year, the campus Parent Teacher Prayer Fellowships (PTPF) ask that you prayerfully consider contributing to The Love Gift, providing a bonus for teachers and staff members.


For additional questions, please contact Stephanie Rosas ([email protected]) or Mark DeLuca ([email protected]


Academic Updates

End-of-Semester Academic Dates

It’s hard to believe we’ve almost reached the end of 1st semester! Remembering some key information and dates will help your student stay on track to finish the semester strong.

  • Monday, December 11th: Study Guides Distributed - Teachers will discuss details for each final exam in class and provide study guides no later than December 11th
  • Monday December 11th: VCHS Late Work Deadline - Some teachers may have earlier deadlines (e.g. no work accepted after a unit test, etc.), so students should work closely with their teachers.
  • December 12th-15th: VCHS Review Days - Teachers will dedicate some class time to review for final exams. Teachers do not administer tests or have major projects due, allowing students the time to adequately prepare for their final exams. Note: Bible courses, which do not administer final exams and courses that have non-traditional finals—such as Conservatory classes—are the exception to the no-testing rule.
  • December 18th-21st: Final Exam Week
  • December 21st-December 23th: Review Semester 1 Grades in PowerSchoolTo view Semester 1 grades prior to report cards being mailed, please remember to check PowerSchool before December 22st when it closes for scheduled maintenance over the holidays. Grade appeals due to error or extenuating circumstances should be sent to the Associate Vice Principal of Instruction ([email protected]) after we return to school January 8th.
  • December 24rd-January 7th: PowerSchool Closure - PowerSchool will be closed to families over the Christmas Break for scheduled maintenance.
  • Semester 1 Report Cards will be postmarked to families by Friday, January 12th.

Final Exam Information & Policies

Final Exam week is from December 18th-21st.

  • Attendance Requirements: Academic courses will administer traditional final exams on campus during final exam week. Attendance is mandatory for any class period in which a final exam is being given. If a student has no final exam in a class, they are not expected to attend school during the period that class meets.
  • Final Exam Date Limitations: No academic final exam, in part or as a whole, may be given before the beginning of the scheduled final exam week. Exceptions include Bible classes (no final exams) and Conservatory or performance-based courses, which may have earlier final exams.
  • Requests to Move Exams: Students must take final exams during their scheduled dates and times. Students may ask their teacher to take their final during a different period within final exam week, but this does not guarantee that a request can be accommodated. The teacher will make a determination based on teacher schedule/classroom availability. Students who plan to miss an exam due to a planned vacation may ask a teacher if they can move an exam, but if the teacher cannot accommodate this request, the student will have to make up the exam with Ms. Isaacs ([email protected]) when we return in January.
  • Academic Integrity: All academic policies regarding academic integrity are strictly upheld during final exam week. Refer to pages 37-40 of the VCHS Student/Parent Handbook. Academic discipline related to final exams may need to be addressed upon our return to school in January.
  • Excused Absences Due to Illness or Emergency: For first-semester final exams missed due to illness-related or emergency absences, students are responsible for coordinating make-up finals with the teacher during the Tuesday or Wednesday make-up time slots. Final exams that cannot be made up in those slots will be managed by Ms. Isaacs ([email protected]) who will arrange for students to take the exam after Christmas Vacation. Exams administered after Christmas Break may require a grade change to be issued.
  • Unexcused Absences: Students who have an unexcused absence from the final will receive a zero for the final.
  • Dress Code: Students may wear sweats during final exam week.
  • Problem with a Grade? Find an Error? PowerSchool will be closed over Christmas break, so grade appeals will be addressed upon our return to school in January. Contact the Associate Vice Principal of Instruction ([email protected]) to report a problem with a first-semester grade no later than January 31st.

Final Exam Schedule

Every VCHS student received their personalized final exam schedule in an email from Dr. Schneider on 11/29. 

Note: Make-up exam periods are reserved for students who miss an exam due to illness or emergency. Advanced absences due to planned vacations may require a student to schedule their exam after the break with Ms. Isaacs ([email protected]) if the student cannot make arrangements to take the exam they will miss during an earlier exam period.

No Homework Over Christmas Break

In 2008, Valley Christian Schools joined Challenge Success, a movement stemming from Stanford University’s school of education, that seeks to promote students’ social, emotional, spiritual, and physical health in a world that all too often defines success through the narrow lens of academics.

One of the many ways that VCHS has sought to stand against this trend and improve balance in our students’ lives and schedules is to create deliberate breaks during the school year when students can focus on family, friends, and spiritual growth rather than on school. This means students will not have homework over the Thanksgiving Holiday, Christmas Vacation, Winter Break, and Easter Vacation. We pray that your family enjoys this time spent together!

2nd Semester Textbook Information

If your student is enrolled in a semester-long course, make sure he/she has the textbooks and materials needed to succeed second semester. To purchase books for 2nd semester courses, go to For purchasing and tech support, please contact [email protected]. For VCHS support, please contact Mrs. Polischuk ([email protected]).

Academic Support Reminders

In addition to classroom instruction and teacher office hours, during Warrior Flex Time on Mondays and Thursdays, VCHS offers free subject-specific tutoring. These tutoring sessions are staffed by knowledgeable VCHS teachers who are assisted by volunteer peer tutors to offer personalized attention. Click here for locations.

For students with other Warrior Time commitments, our private peer tutor list features fifty trained and competent students offering coaching in all subjects as well as music lessons, with prices ranging from $10 to $35 an hour. Please note that this list is intended for VCHS families only; please do not post this list on social media or share in any fashion digitally or physically.

Nurturing Academic Success: A Guide for Parents in Supporting Students Through End-of-Semester


As the end of the semester approaches, students can find themselves grappling with heightened academic pressure. When faced with grades that may not align with their expectations, this can create additional stress. We hope these recommendations help your student navigate end-of-semester academic pressure and foster positive communication with their teachers.

  1. Reinforce Value Beyond Grades: Remind students that their worth is not dependent on their grades. While academic performance is crucial for college admissions, it is essential to emphasize that mental health and overall well-being take precedence. Students may need reassurance that earning a grade lower than usual won’t define their future success.
  2. Encourage Direct Communication: Although it can feel intimidating for a student to reach out to a teacher directly, open communication is a valuable skill that every student needs to learn. Encourage their independence and help to model how they can advocate for themselves honestly and respectfully.
  3. Timing and Location Matter: Advise your student to be considerate of the timing and location when communicating with teachers. During class time, teachers have a set agenda and are balancing the needs of many students, so sending an email or attending office hours can be alternatives that provide more focused attention on your student’s grade and how to improve it.
  4. Be Strategic: Assist your student in planning their communication. Reviewing PowerSchool in advance and formulating thoughtful questions ensures a productive meeting focused on essential concerns. If you student is going to send an email and wants to make sure they are conveying a respectful tone, running their text through ChatGPT or another AI resource along with a prompt, such as, “Help me revise this email to convey my respect for my teacher and the importance of this grade to my long-term success,” is a great way to help students get ideas.
  5. Keep Expectations Realistic: Help your student review the teacher’s syllabus to remind them of course policies. Students can also use an online grade calculator to determine how their final exam might impact their grade. Reinforce that while teachers prioritize student success, they are committed to an equitable learning environment where no student receives unfair advantages.
  6. Understand How a Grade Is Calculated: Familiarize your student with the concept of weighted grades, emphasizing the importance of focusing efforts where they matter most. For instance, if a student excels in homework, redirecting attention to areas with lower performance, such as quizzes, becomes crucial for improvement.
  7. Managing Disappointment: Even with hard work, not every student will earn their desired grade. It’s important to teach students how to manage disappointment in a healthy way. Reassure them that their feelings are valid and that you are on their side. Encourage seeking assistance from the school's wellness counselor or licensed therapists on campus if extreme emotions or struggles arise.
  8. Guide Your Student in the Conflict Resolution Process: If an issue persists, help your student follow VCHS’s model for conflict resolution (established in Matthew 18). If communicating directly with a teacher is not successful, have your student reach out to the Associate Vice Principal of Instruction ([email protected]) for help mediating the situation. If Dr. Eshoff is unable to resolve the issue, a student may file an appeal.

In embracing these strategies, parents can play a pivotal role in creating a supportive environment for their students, fostering resilience and effective communication during challenging academic periods. We pray that these strategies are helpful to you, and we look forward to a positive end of the semester.

PSAT Scores

VCHS is pleased to report that our sophomores and juniors performed well on the Fall 2023 PSAT. More than 50% of the VCHS students who took the College Board’s preliminary SAT ranked in the 80th percentile and above, with 40% of students reaching the 90th percentile and above and 15% of students achieving in the 99th percentile. We are proud of our student’s demonstration of academic excellence on this national standardized assessment of college readiness.

The following resources can help your student review their PSAT score:


Student Survey Updates

Twice a year, VCHS conducts surveys in each class to increase opportunities for feedback from students in order to make adjustments that are meaningful to our students. Survey questions are reviewed annually by student panels who offer suggestions so that our surveys focus on the areas our students care about most. Academic studies overwhelmingly support that giving students the chance to share their classroom experiences is critical to the health of the learning environment. We believe these surveys help to create a Christian educational experience that allows all stakeholders to have a voice.


In the fall administration of our student survey, VCHS reached an average 84% response rate and average approval rates of 95%. Consistent with previous findings, instructor expertise was ranked highest (98% on average) by VCHS students. Students also indicate how much homework they have in each course so that teachers can make adjustments if average homework exceeds the VCHS limits.


VCHS teachers, department chairs, and administrators are in the process of reviewing survey results to make curricular, classroom management, and policy changes.

College Credit Opportunities

Did you know that your student could earn college credits while they are in high school? VCHS offers two opportunities, Dual Credit and AP courses.

Dual Credit

Dual credit enrollment is now closed for all fall and yearlong courses. If you registered for one or more dual credit courses, your VCS parent portal account will be billed soon for each course. Payment will be due by 12/8/2023.

Enrollment for spring dual credit courses including Debate, British Literature, Anatomy & Physiology (H), and AP US History will take place second semester. Students in these courses will receive an email when spring dual credit enrollment opens.

Questions? Email [email protected]

Advanced Placement

AP Exam Status

Students who will take an AP exam at VCHS in the spring of 2023 can view which exams they are registered to take by logging into Their dashboard will show which exams they have registered for and which exams they have opted out of. If students find an error with their AP exam registration, they should contact the Academic Program Manager ([email protected]).

AP Exam registration is now closed. VCHS will be unable to refund any exams fees now. Students enrolled in a VCHS AP course that they will take in the second semester will receive information about registration deadlines and payment in January. 

VCHS SAT & ACT Prep Seminars

In these seminars, students are given useful hints and are taught specific strategies that help them to improve their standardized test scores. They then employ these methods during guided

practice. Students also take two full-length practice tests to give them the opportunity to practice before having to take the official SAT or ACT. Students who take these seminars tend to see an average increase of 20% to their scores.

Click HERE for more information

Learning Commons

Click HERE for helpful information from our Learning Commons including library resources such as ebooks, magazines, and Makerspace.


General Information

Summer Programs:

Summer programs can be a great learning opportunity for ninth through eleventh-grade students. Some summer program applications require a teacher recommendation. In an effort to support teachers well, the deadline for requesting a Summer Program Recommendation is January 12, 2023. If your student is considering applying to a summer program, over the next month, encourage your student to do the research and find out what is required as part of the application. Teachers will not accept letter requests after the January 12 date. Additionally, in an effort to create balance and maintain wellness for teachers and students, 9th and 10th grade students will only be allowed to apply to two summer programs requiring a teacher recommendation, and 11th grade students may apply to three programs requiring a teacher recommendation. We are excited to support our students' endeavors during the summer and just ask that students adhere to the instructions and timeline specified.

Navigating College Admissions: Saturday Event in March

Mark your calendar for the morning of Saturday, March 16th. The VCHS Counseling Team is excited to invite you to our annual Navigating College Admissions event. This opportunity is designed to equip students and families with the wisdom and guidance needed to make informed decisions throughout the college admissions journey. Featuring a compelling keynote speaker and a variety of breakout sessions, this event is essential for anyone eager to delve deeper into the intricacies of the college search and application process. Stay tuned for additional details and registration information coming your way in 2024.

SAT/ACT Practice Opportunity from Revolution Prep

Our friends at Revolution Prep are offering a practice Digital SAT, a practice ACT and an online presentation to our families. Please see details below:

Digital SAT Practice Exam:  Saturday, December 2, 2023 & January 27, 2024 | 9:00 am - 12:00 pm PT | Proctored online via Zoom

ACT Practice Exam:  Saturday, December 2, 2023 & January 27, 2024 | 9:00 am - 1:00 pm PT | Proctored online via Zoom 

Fee $20:  All proceeds go to VCHS!


Step 1: Register here:  Valley Christian landing page

Step 2: Schedule a free 30-minute score report review with a Revolution Prep testing expert to help you interpret the results and develop a customized plan to prepare. Please schedule this appointment for the few days after the exam. You can pre-schedule this Score Report Review

Step 3: Your scores will be available immediately upon completing the test! 

Sophomore Family Night

On Tuesday, January 23rd, at 6:30 pm, the counseling team will host our Sophomore Family Night in the Conservatory Hall. We will highlight how Cialfo can help with career and college research, address college admissions trends, and provide wisdom to help your family as you plan goals for after high school.

Sophomore Student Touchpoint

The counseling team will finish up the sophomore touchpoint meetings with students in December. These touchpoints are short one-on-one meetings designed to ensure students connect and build a relationship with their counselor and that they are on track to explore post-secondary options, including career and college research. Students are encouraged to complete the Sophomore Meeting Questionnaire before the meeting to prepare for this important conversation. The questionnaire is located in CIALFO under ‘Surveys’ on the ‘To Dos’ menu. Students can contact their counselor if they need assistance scheduling their Sophomore Touchpoint meeting or help finding the Sophomore Meeting Questionnaire.

SAT School Day for Juniors

The SAT School day for JUNIORS ONLY will be on April 16, 2024. This day provides you with one great opportunity to take the test conveniently at school. The SAT remains an important consideration as part of the college application process. Despite the fact that most schools have adopted a test-optional policy, the widespread availability of test-optional colleges offers flexibility and eases the pressure surrounding standardized testing for college admissions. This allows students to decide whether to submit strong scores to enhance their applications or withhold scores that they believe don't accurately represent their abilities. Look out for an email in January about how to sign up.

Junior Family Meetings

With the college application process on the horizon, it is important to ensure that our families are well-informed and equipped. The junior family meeting helps families understand next steps and provides the opportunity to ask individualized questions. During the meeting, your counselor will provide an overview of the process, help with ways to finalize your college list, and give suggestions to round out your activity list/resume. Anticipate an email from your assigned counselor when we return from Christmas break with instructions for signing up for a meeting beginning mid-January. Families will also be given the opportunity to fill out a survey ahead of time expressing your particular concerns and questions. 

Senior Information

Senior Yearbook "Baby Ads" are due by December 12

Click HERE for a link to more information

Senior Year Homepage:

Please refer to our VCS Senior Year homepage for information about Senior year:

Remember to read your emails

One you apply, colleges will begin communicating important information through email. Many colleges require you to set up a portal where you receive all further correspondence from the college.

Check your application status once you submit (by CAREFULLY reading emails or looking at your portal). Colleges will tell you if you are missing any items required to complete your application.

Check the deadline dates you entered for colleges in Cialfo. If you listed the dates incorrectly, please fix them. This ensures that all items get there on time.

Please contact your counselor if you have any questions or concerns.


Senior Transcript Information:

If you are filling out college applications and need an unofficial copy of your transcript, you can now access them through PowerSchool. Directions can be found on the Student Home Page of

When it comes to OFFICIAL transcripts being sent to colleges, this happens through Cialfo. Please contact your counselor if you have a transcript concern.

Sending transcripts and test scores:

Seniors, if you are sending SAT/ACT scores and if you have Dual Credit transcripts that schools want, YOU need to send those directly to your colleges. Counselors cannot send test scores or dual credit transcripts for you.

Cal Grant

 The Cal Grant is a California-specific financial aid allocation that does not need to be paid back. Cal Grant applicants must apply using the FAFSA or CA Dream Act Application by the deadline and meet all eligibility, financial, and minimum GPA requirements of either program. Grants are for students attending the Universities of California (UC), California State Universities (CSU), California Community Colleges, or qualifying independent and career colleges or technical schools in California.


Valley Christian utilizes an “OPT-OUT” system regarding Cal Grant reporting

We will submit student GPAs to qualify for Cal Grant UNLESS families respond to the Google Form indicating they DO NOT want their student’s GPA shared with the California Student Aid Commission. Students should complete the form using their WarriorLife login by December 15, 2023 if they want to OPT-OUT.


Key Dates & Requirements:

FAFSA for 2024 Seniors: Opens December 31, 2023. You can get started on some key questions now to be prepared! Start your FAFSA application here.

CSS/PROFILE: Accessible since October 1, 2023, at CSS/PROFILE application.

  • Deadline Specifics: Each college has unique deadlines. Check the financial aid web pages of the colleges you are interested in for the most accurate information.
  • Early Financial Aid Deadlines: Be aware of early cut-offs for Early Decision/Action applicants, which may fall around December 1 or 15.

State-Specific Considerations:

California Residents: Include at least one eligible in-state college on your FAFSA to qualify for California state grants.

Application Process Overview:

FAFSA Initiation: The FAFSA should be started by the student, requiring the creation of an FSA ID. You can begin answering some key questions now. For assistance, visit FSA ID Creation.

Parental Role: Parents involved in the FAFSA process need their individual FSA IDs.

Who Should Apply:

  • For Need-Based Aid: We encourage all families to apply, regardless of their initial assessment of eligibility.
  • Future Financial Aid Consideration: Filing now can be crucial for accessing potential aid in later college years.
  • Families with Multiple College-Bound Children: Applying could lead to more favorable income thresholds.
  • Merit-Based Scholarships: Some institutions require the FAFSA or CSS/PROFILE for these awards.

Understanding Award Letters & Financial Appeals:

As award letters are issued, understanding your options and the appeal process is crucial for making informed decisions.

Financial Appeal Letters:

Resources for Guidance:

College Planning ABC provides free consultations in collaboration with Valley Christian High School.

Explore NerdWallet's financial aid appeal overview and Going Merry's guide for comprehensive information.

Individualized Support: Personalized assistance is available for families who seek additional support.

Engaging actively in the financial aid process is a critical step toward a successful college experience. We are here to support and guide you at every stage. For any questions or more information, please reach out.


Valley Christian Schools’ mission is built on providing a nurturing environment. We believe students can thrive in a safe and structured learning environment. That includes seeking to consistently uphold policies and redirecting behavior that doesn’t contribute to building our nurturing environment.

Wonder Woofs

VCHS partners with Wonder Woofs to provide random safety checks on our campus. Wonder Woofs is a privately owned company that conducts drug, alcohol, and gunpowder detection searches. Golden retrievers are specially bred service dogs that undergo extensive training to perform the searches.


We also partner with our Wellness team to ensure we approach these searches with student well-being in mind. Our best practices are reviewed to ensure that our approach is aligned with our missional care of students while prioritizing a safe environment. When the Wonder Woofs are on campus, they often stay during lunch while the dogs are “off duty” so the students can pet them.

Accountability for Tardies

VCHS values the importance of respectfully being on time at the start of class. Being in class is also essential to supervise your student correctly in their assigned area.


Since we understand that sometimes we all run late, students are given grace up to a specific point:

  • First period (1A and 1B): All students may accrue up to six tardies per semester with no penalty.
  • In all other classes, students may accrue up to three tardies per semester with no penalty.


After students have used their tardies with no penalty, each tardy after that requires a student to serve “seat time.” This information is displayed daily in PowerSchool. On the PowerSchool App, you can see it on the dashboard under attendance.


Students will owe 15 minutes of seat time for every tardy over the grace allotment described above. They can make that time up by signing up for lunch workshops, Saturday school, or seat time in the office during review week. If this time is not made up, it will result in losing homework passes for the Spring semester. Students must proactively sign up to work off tardies by visiting the high school office or emailing Mrs.Voshall ([email protected]).


Please help your students monitor their tardy totals and see the importance of attending class on time.


2024-25 Re-enrollment & Financial Assistance

2024-25 Re-enrollment and Financial Assistance

February will be our "month of re-enrollment." The re-enrollment site will open on February 1, 2024. Please look for further information outlining the steps for re-enrollment in the coming weeks.


Important Dates for Financial Assistance:

Financial Assistance Website Opens: November 1, 2023

Financial Assistance Application Deadline: January 24, 2024


Valley Christian Schools strives to offer quality education to students of all economic backgrounds. Tuition assistance is available to students accepted for admission with demonstrated financial need. It is the desire of school administration, subject to the availability of funds, to give all qualified students, regardless of financial resources, the opportunity to attend Valley Christian Schools.

Please note that the financial assistance process is entirely separate from the re-enrollment process. The amount of financial assistance is granted based on demonstrated financial need. Although Valley Christian Schools is committed to assisting families, it can only award financial assistance to the extent resources are available. Consequently, not all students who might otherwise qualify receive financial assistance. Those seeking financial assistance must submit applications for financial assistance on an annual basis before the application deadline. The process requires going to VCS's third-party evaluation partner (FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment) to complete an application and supply all requested information here for additional information regarding financial assistance.

Biblical Unity

Equity and equality are terms that may sound similar but are different, which often leads to misunderstanding. Adding another layer of confusion about these terms, the Bible’s use of “equity” and “equality” do not fully align with their modern usage.

Given the importance of equity and equality in the work of biblical unity at Valley Christian Schools, let’s examine their meanings and applications.

Read more

Community Service

Service opportunities and our approved list of opportunities can be found on the Christian Service page. Each student has access to this page along with weekly emails that we send about current opportunities. For more information about our Community Service requirement please contact Tim Galleher, Community Service Coordinator, at [email protected].

Transportation News

As we continue to strive for a smooth and efficient campus arrival and departure experience, we would like to encourage parents to take advantage of our convenient Capitol and Blossom Hill shuttle services. Starting Monday, November 27, 2023, our morning Blossom Hill shuttles will have updated times based on your feedback and available resources.


The shuttle bus service is free, and there is no sign-up required. Taking advantage of these complimentary services helps us decrease traffic congestion on our hill. The Capitol Caltrain Station also offers student parking spaces with a complimentary required VCS parking permit obtained from Security, [email protected].


**Please note that there is no VCS parking at the Blossom Hill Caltrain Station, and it is only a morning drop-off station.

Blossom Hill Station

New Departure Schedule

7:00am to Skyway 7:15am Arrival

7:30am to Skyway 7:45am Arrival

8:00am to Skyway 8:15am Arrival


Capitol Station

6:00-9:30am to Skyway

2:30-6:30pm to Capitol Station

Shuttles run approximately every 20 minutes. VCS Security is on-site from 6:00am-6:30pm.

Busing Text (SMS) Notifications 

If you wish to receive SMS text alerts for any transportation communications, including the complimentary Capitol or Blossom Hill Shuttles, such as a delay due to road conditions or inclement weather, please sign up with this link. If you are not receiving texts, you may have been opt-ed out. Please re-opt in by texting “VCSBUSING” to (669) 345-4433.


Please contact the VCS Transportation Department with any questions at [email protected].


Warrior Club

The Warrior Club honors our alumni, parents, and friends who demonstrate their commitment to Valley Christian Schools by contributing a gift of any amount annually. All gifts made to Valley Christian Schools during our fiscal year (July 1 through June 30) are eligible for recognition in the Warrior Club. In addition, our leadership-level donors will receive invitations to special events throughout the year. For additional questions, please contact Stephanie Rosas [email protected]

Quest Ball Donations


Valley Christian High School

Parent Teacher Prayer Fellowship (PTPF) Board welcomes you to the 2023-2024 school year!

The PTPF is a great way to get involved with the school by volunteering to help with community events, teacher appreciation activities, prayer fellowship, and much more!

Please email [email protected] to RSVP for PTPF meetings or for more information.


Adopt a Teacher Program:

Volunteer to adopt and bless a teacher this year! This is an easy and rewarding way to recognize and support our faculty by sending a note of encouragement or small token of appreciation a minimum of once per quarter. Email Carol Balog at [email protected] for more information.

Praying Parents

All parents are welcome to join our Praying Parents to pray over our high school. Prayer participants need not pray out loud. We welcome silent prayer partners as well!

Join Us:

Wednesday Mornings 9:15-10:15 in the VCHS Chapel

Tuesday Mornings 6:30-7:00 AM Online

Questions? Email [email protected]


Looking to watch our Chapels? Contact Tim Coutts for more information: [email protected]

We Want to Pray for You
We would like to pray for you and your family. Submit your prayer request using the link below, and it will immediately be sent to the prayer intercessor leader for the campus you select. No one will contact you, we just want to pray for you. All prayers are held in the strictest confidence. 

Click here to submit your prayer request!



Our mission is to prepare the next generation of Christian STEM innovators. Click HERE for information about semester two program applications - launching soon! Please check us out at to become an AMSE Member, learn more about AMSE participation requirements, discover our AMSE Programs, or contact us with your questions.


Click HERE for updates on BEI programs (Quest Talks, DECA, Speech & Debate)


Click HERE to get your tickets for Christmas at the California and to see how else you can get involved with the Conservatory!

International Student Program

The goal of the International Student Program is to prepare VCS international students to become global leaders who serve God and their communities, making positive impacts in the world.

Click HERE for a link to the most recent International program newsletter.

Looking for Homestay Families for 2024-2025

About 40% of our international students live with homestay families while attending Valley Christian. We truly appreciate our homestay families as they make great, positive impacts on our students’ lives, and we want to expand our homestay network by having more families available for our international students. Feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] if you are interested. If you know anyone who might be interested, share this information with them.

Important Contact Information
High School Office: 408-513-2400
High School Attendance Line: 408-513-2433
High School Attendance Email: [email protected]
VCS Security: 408-639-6865
Quick Links

2023-24 Academic Calendar

2023-24 HS Bell Schedule

Dress Code 23-24


VCS Parent Portal

Course Catalog

COVID Information

Transcript Requests

Work Permit Application

VCS Support Form for Students and Parents

Medication Consent Form

Inhaler Self Carry Contract

Epi-Pen Self Carry Contract

Warrior Wear

VCS Athletic Tickets

VCS Athletic Physical Form

Drivers Education

Busing SMS Text Notifications

Emergency Distance Learning Bell Schedule

Valley Christian High School | (408) 513-2400 |