December 7, 2023

VHC Digest

Next year marks the Fortieth Anniversary of the Feminism and Legal Theory Project. Since 1984, the FLT Project has stood at the forefront of feminist legal theory, pushing the boundaries of law, serving as an incubator for nascent scholars, and challenging the status quo.

This academic year, we will hold several workshops celebrating the 40th anniversary of the FLT Project. Our first celebratory Feminist Legal Theory series was done in collaboration with the U.S. Feminist Judgment Series this summer and can be viewed here.

Our next workshop in December explores Feminist Approaches to State and Governance, and a February workshop explores the nature and consequences of changes to the constitution of the family.

Join us also on April 5th for a celebration of the Feminism and Legal Theory Project and dedication of the FLT Archives - a repository of four decades of feminist theoretical development, as well as interviews with leading thinkers in the field. Information about the content of the archives through 2018 is available here. More recent workbooks and calls for papers are available here at HeinOnline. More recent videos are available here. Historic videos have been digitized and are available for visiting scholars to view upon request.

Contextualizing History

Today, we invite you to peruse the following pieces lending context to the FLT workshops.

First, The Origins and Purpose of the Feminism and Legal Theory Conference, which was the introduction to a 1987 special issue of the Wisconsin Women’s Law Journal explaining the first few sessions of the FLT workshops (available here).

Second, the introduction to At the Boundaries of Law, which was the first feminism and legal theory anthology published in the USA (available here).

Workshop on Feminist Approaches to State and Governance

December 15-16, 2023

Register here for our upcoming workshop exploring what a feminist legal theory approach to the State or the process of governance should entail.

Call for Papers!

FLT at 40: The Family and the Constitution of Everyday Life

(February 23-24, 2024)

For this workshop, we seek working papers exploring the nature and consequences of changes to the constitution of the family (many of which were the result of feminist agitating). Read the full call for papers here.

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