
I know you have been flooded with information on COVID-19 from the assocation and other sources, but I want to be sure we're getting you information you need as quickly as possible.

Today I have four quick things for you.

  1. Yesterday, March 5, VDH shared updated testing guidlines for COVID-19.
  2. The Virginia Healthcare Alerting and Status System (VHASS) is conducting a survey to assess how much and where PPE is available in Virginia's hospitals, nursing facilities, and ALFs. Please take a few minutes to respond to the survey.
  3. VHASS has scheduled a webinar for us on March 11 from 9:30-10:00 am to review they system. When it's time, click here to join the Webex and use the following: meeting number (access code) 731 664 933; meeting password FfUmkiXr664.
  4. We've set up a COVID-19 Resources webpage with links to the items listed above as well as information from the CDC, CMS, AHCA/NCAL, and more. Please save this link or bookmark this page.

Please know that the VHCA-VCAL team is working diligently to stay abreast of the latest developments on COVID-19 and will continue to share information with you as we learn more. If we can be of any assistance to you please let us know.


April Payne, LNHA
Vice President of Quality Improvement | Director of VCAL
Virginia Health Care Association | Virginia Center for Assisted Living | (804) 353-9101 | Calendar of Events