
This message includes:
  • information about a process we have set up to identify first and second dose vaccine needs, which can be relayed to VDH on a daily basis; and
  • VDH guidance on quarantine of new admissions.

April Payne, MBA, LNHA
Vice President of Quality Improvement | Director of VCAL
Virginia Health Care Association | Virginia Center for Assisted Living 
Launch of the Vaccine Status Reporting System
to Help Meet Ongoing Vaccine Needs
VDH continues to work through the needs long term care facilities (LTCFs) have for second dose vaccines following the final vaccine clinics with CVS and Walgreens, as well as first and second doses for new employees and new admissions.
VDH is prioritizing those needs you may have previously communicated. Agency contacts have been calling facilities to arrange for vaccines. In order to better facilitate this process, VHCA-VCAL has created the Vaccine Status Reporting System (VSRS) form you can use to update your vaccine needs daily.
VDH will immediately be using the information you provide in this system to get you vaccines. Please enter your initial needs by 5:00 pm March 23. Thereafter, enter updates as you have new admissions and new hires to ensure your needs are accurately reflected in the system. You can enter updates daily.

Please forward the information about the VSRS to the appropriate person in your facility to complete the reporting.
About the Vaccine Status Reporting System
VHCA-VCAL has developed a Vaccine Status Reporting System (VSRS) form LTCFs can use to provide a daily update on their needs for COVID-19 vaccines for residents/patients and staff. This form is intended to capture real-time needs for vaccine doses in nursing facilities and assisted living facilities and will be shared with VDH.
Use of the VSRS form to report daily updates on changing vaccine need will promote more timely allocation of vaccines where they are needed in LTCFs. Please note, completing this form is not placing an order for vaccine doses.
This reporting process is interim and is subject to change as greater COVID-19 vaccine availability allows for the vaccine to be incorporated into the existing LTC pharmacy infrastructure.
Instructions for using the VSRS
  1. Select your facility name from the alphabetized list of nursing facilities and assisted living facilities. (Scroll down for nursing facilities and scroll up for assisted living facilities.)
  2. For your passphrase, enter the zip code for the facility selected. (The zip code that VDH OLC or DSS has on file for the facility license was used to set the passphrase, so if your organization uses a corporate mailing address with the state agencies, please be sure to use the correct zip code.)
  3. Click Next.
  4. On the Daily Vaccine Request form, complete the required field in the three sections (Contact Information, First Vaccine Dose Needs, and Second Vaccine Dose Needs). All fields must be completed, if zero doses are needed for the first and/or second vaccinations, please enter a “0” in the corresponding field.
  5. Click Submit.
Note: If you have an additional update for that day, when you log back into VSRS, the system will automatically display the information you submitted for that day. You are able to change the data and select Submit to update your daily report. You are not able to modify previous days submitted.

If you need help with selecting your facility or entering the passphrase, please contact April Payne.
Quarantine of New Admissions
In the presentation provided to the Virginia COVID-19 Long Term Care Task Force on March 18, VDH shared the following guidance for quarantine of new admissions:
Quarantine is no longer recommended for residents who are being admitted to a post-acute care facility if they are fully vaccinated and have not had prolonged close contact with someone with SARS-CoV-2 infection in the prior 14 days.
The following residents should be quarantined upon admission/readmission:
  1. Unvaccinated residents
  2. Partially vaccinated
  3. Fully vaccinated resident who has prolonged close contact with a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 case
  4. Fully vaccinated resident who has signs and symptoms consistent with COVID-19
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