
As you may have seen over the weekend, Gov. Ralph Northam announced a Medicaid rate enhancement to help cover the costs nursing facilities are incurring to prevent or mitigate the spread of COVID-19. This is very welcome news. We are working diligently with the administration to learn more about the mechanics of implementation and will keep you updated. Gov. Northam is also creating a long term care facilities task force that will lead Virginia’s effort to help centers deal with COVID-19. In addition to ensuring facilities have the resources they need to fight COVID-19, the task force will focus on issues like staffing, increasing infection control measures, testing, and supplies. Like the Medicaid funding, details are limited at this point, but we will share information as we learn more.
This message also includes:
  • information on the notification requirements for confirmed COVID-19 cases;
  • guidance on collaborating with hospice; and
  • an action brief from AHCA and other info on infection control focused surveys.

Stay safe and send my gratitude to your teams for all of the amazing care they are providing during this very difficult time.

April Payne, LNHA
Vice President of Quality Improvement | Director of VCAL
Virginia Health Care Association | Virginia Center for Assisted Living 
Notification Requirements for Confirmed COVID-19 Cases

We have received a few inquiries about the process for reporting confirmed cases of COVID-19. Virginia’s requirements related to confirmed cases is consistent with guidance AHCA/NCAL sent out nationwide over the weekend. This message is intended to reinforce much of what long term care providers are already doing.
First, it is incredibly important that administrators and their teams focus on reporting to VDH as soon as a case is confirmed. This will allow you to get the local health department and epidemiologist assistance with obtaining any additional testing and resources that are indicated based on their assessment and guidelines set by CDC and VDH.
Second, OLC is also requiring that you submit a Facility Reported Incident (FRI) when either a resident or staff tests positive for COVID-19.
For each resident in the facility who has a COVID-19 positive test (including each additional case after initial cases):
  • Notify the resident and/or their representative when they have a positive COVID-19 test. 
  • Notify VDH per the reportable disease reporting requirements.
  • Notify OLC that you have a case using the FRI form.
  • Notify the primary physician for the resident who has a confirmed case. 
  • Notify all employees working in the facility.
For each staff member of the facility with a COVID-19 positive test (including each additional case after initial cases):
  • Notify VDH per the reportable disease reporting requirements.
  • Notify OLC that you have a case using the FRI form.
For all communications above, keep records of notifications that have been made. For reports beyond those required by state or federal law, we would caution you to consider your HIPAA obligations to protect patient health information. Another important step is notifying residents, their family members/legal guardians, and your employees. You can use this template letter for the family notifications.
Please note, VHCA-VCAL is not asking members to call the association if they have a positive COVID-19 case in their centers. The procedures outlined above are the steps you need to take to protect your residents and staff. We are here, however, to provide you with assistance or to help answer your questions at any time. 
Guidance on Collaborating with Hospice

AHCA/NCAL worked with National Hospice & Palliative Care Organization to develop joint guidance o n the important role hospice plays during the spread of COVID-19 in nursing homes and assisted living. Hospice is an integral part of the resident's care team. As COVID-19 spreads, hospice may become even more important, including helping with grief counseling for not only families and residents, but for staff as well. Here are some broad principles to consider when hospice is involved:

  • Use alternate methods to conduct the visit (phone call, phone with video, or other device with audio and video capability), particularly for routine visits. 
  • Minimize the number of different hospice staff dedicated to a LTC facility. 
  • Consider assigning staff to facilities and minimizing entry into multiple buildings as movement of staff between buildings is suspected to be one mechanism of COVID-19 spread.
  • If COVID-19 is discovered in a building, hospice staff should strongly consider limiting their movement to other buildings and self-monitor for fever or respiratory symptoms. 
  • Bundle visits to minimize the number of different days hospice needs to be in the building. 
  • Maximize the number and types of care and services provided by a single staff member (hospice or LTC) to minimize different people needing to enter a room, particularly at COVID spreads. 
  • Utilize hospice’s grief counselling services with families and also with staff.
Action Brief and Readiness Book on
Infection Control Focused SNF Surveys  

On March 23, 2020, CMS announced federal and state surveyors will conduct targeted infection control surveys of providers. They will base the survey on the abbreviated infection and prevention survey tool. AHCA developed an action brief to help centers navigate the focused surveys, including implementation and preparation strategies. Centers are strongly encouraged to enact peer monitoring by all staff to ensure just-in-time teaching practices that reflect appropriate infection control procedures.
Nursing facilities should complete this COVID-19 Self-Assessment . VHCA-VCAL has learned that surveyors have asked for the assessment and expect that facilities have used this specific tool. Surveyors are also using this  Focused Survey Entrance Checklist .
Additionally, the Health Quality Innovation Network (HQIN), Virginia’s CMS-funded Quality Innovation Network – Quality Improvement Organization (QIN-QIO), has resources to help you deliver the best possible care to your residents. To prepare your facility for an infection control focused Survey, HQIN has created a COVID-19 Focused Survey Readiness Book , which is a comprehensive checklist intended to help facilitate a smoother survey. This three-page resource outlines the required entrance documents as well as additional resources that may be requested during the survey. Having these documents in-hand before the survey is initiated will ensure you are well prepared for the visit.

HQIN has also invited members to participate in its COVID-19 Focus Survey Preparedness "Office Hours" call on April 15 from 2:00-3:00 p.m. Click here  to register.
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