
This message includes

April Payne, LNHA
Vice President of Quality Improvement | Director of VCAL
Virginia Health Care Association | Virginia Center for Assisted Living 
VDH Interim Point-of-Care Antigen Testing Recommendations for Nursing Homes
VDH has published guidance to help nursing homes on the use of point-of-care (POC) antigen testing devices (Quidel Sofia 2 instrument or the BD Veritor Plus system). These are the devices being distributed in the coming weeks by the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to all nursing facilities. (Note: the CMS COVID-19 Nursing Home Data webpage includes a link to a data file, which will be updated with the list of NFs prioritized to receive a device as they are shipped.)
The VDH guidance lays out the role of antigen testing based on the current VDH nursing home testing recommendations. The document includes a table with testing scenarios in different reopening phases and the testing technology recommended.
HHS Announces the Distribution of the Additional $5 Billion
AHCA Member Call on August 13 at 3:00 pm

On August 7, AHCA/NCAL President and CEO Mark Parkinson sent a message to the membership what he has learned about the plans for how HHS will distribute the $5 billion in COVID-19 relief funds announced on July 22.

AHCA has also announced it will hold an all member call on Thursday, August 13 at 3:00 pm to provide more details about the upcoming COVID-relief distributions. Attendees must pre-register for the call.
Here is what we know so far, although it is important to note that these details are not final and subject to change as formal guidance is issued by HHS. We will relay additional details as they become available.

$2.5 Billion Distribution

According to AHCA, in the next 10-14 days, each facility should receive funds in a manner similar to how funds were delivered with the first three tranches. This is not an application process. HHS has indicated that facilities which have not received a POC testing device will receive an average distribution that is higher than those sent devices. The rationale seems to be that without a machine, testing costs will be higher.
HHS is directing that nursing facilities spend the money on testing, PPE, and/or staffing. It will be within your discretion to decided which category or categories you spend the money. We do not yet have information on how this will be audited, but you should keep good records.
$2 Billion for Facilities that Keep COVID-19 Rates Low
HHS wants to reward buildings that are successful in keeping COVID out of buildings, or at low levels. As a result, $500 million per month for four months will be distributed to providers that are successful in doing so.
Below is what we know about the program.
  1. There will be four one-month measuring periods; September, October, November, and December of 2020.
  2. Buildings whose average new case count of COVID-19 is at or below other buildings in the same county will receive a payment. We do not yet have details on how this will be calculated.
  3. Each month is a new counting period and there is a separate payment each month. If you miss out in September, you can still succeed in October, November etc. There will be a total of four separate payments. 
  4. They will pull the data from the CDC NHSN portal to calculate this information and make these payments.
  5. New residents who are positive upon admission do not count against a facility for this incentive payment. 
  6. AHCA does not know how much the payments will be, but if half of all buildings qualify, and HHS does not use other qualifiers, the association estimates that the average monthly payment would be in the $70,000 range. 
AHCA is working on tools for members to give them the best possible chance to succeed. We will share those materials as soon as they are available.
The Remaining $500 Million
In addition, HHS will award $250 million to facilities that set up isolation wings or COVID- only buildings. The final $250 million will go to special efforts to work with outside groups on stopping the spread of the virus. Again, we do not know the details yet.
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